Selling Storage Crates

  • Yo Ho:
    I was wondering who all is having an issue selling the storage crates, and if anyone has any skinny on what's going on. It's cool Season 14 allows you to sell the storage crate, however, it is hit and miss whether the merchant chick will but it or not. I can't figure out what the deal is as to why she buys one, yet not another. At first I thought she doesn't buy a purchased one and only buys found crates. But that's not it, so I have no clue what the deal is. IDEAS?!?!?!?!

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  • We have had the same issue. We can't figure out why she takes some crates and not others. We were on safer seas as my partner is experienced (pirate legend) and I'm a noob. He and I both looked at the crates she would take and the crates she wouldn't and came up with nothing, though we tested several theories such as no raw meat, same number of slots filled, same number of each item, etc. Tonight out of like 7 storage crates there were only two she wouldnt take for no reason as far as we could tell. Frustrating but since we are not getting the same gold reward on safer seas its not a huge issue. I think I would be more frustrated by it on high seas where you get more gold for selling stuff.

  • As thread necro (reviving of old topics) is not permitted as per forum rules, we will go ahead and drop anchor on this here. Thank you.

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