Merchant crates exploit and general exploits inpact on community.

  • I guess that allmost everybody know this one as disposed crates litters piers of outposts.

    I would love to see it fixed becouse it's create enviroment when most of crews has at least 5 pineaplles per crewmate on top of insane ammount of cannonballs.

    It's bad becouse it kinda push folks to do the same to keep up with crew like that.
    Also it removes on of core loops of gameplay - supplaing and resuplaining ships.

    With near infinte resources there is no need to stop on island or outpost this with last general quest system changes removes a lott of potencional interaction points in game with part of risk and whole resource menagment.

    And it is with us for longer then a year.

    Ok now to the exploits and community.

    I personaly think that Rare droped ball here long time before sesons with first windespreed exploit with golden animals with was farily fast patched out but there was no conequences for folks who did it.
    And I did it too.

    So message was sent and precedens set - there is and will be no punishment for foul play.

    In that time with a lot less of mechanic to tinker with it wasnt so pronounce but over time new added tools and degenerating health of game allow for much more of exploits and cheeses and I think it's heavly damaged community in process.

    If we as community are more and more willingy to broke game for short term gains we create gradulaty more toxic eviroment breaking intended gameplay in process.

    Let's look on it trough lens of resource exploits.

    As I mentioned it remove whole resource menagment and overflow barrels with pineaples and cannoballs.

    Crew doing it will PROBABLY not think twice about risking it in fight, will not stop at eny place for resupply, server hop there is bigger chance that they will use crud lunching and other foul play becouse why not?

    In that way they are set for reward without eny reall risk. Becouse balance for hunting was time to gather recources if hunt fails and you sink.

    Overall full of exploiting players crew are adding nothing to gameplay loop.

    I think that things like that pilling on each other are deteriorate game itself - when being that crew we remove oureself from a lot of gameplay activites so borderom and need for new toys will come fast.

    For crew engaging with crew like that it most time death sentece - no fighting chance or oppurtunity to learn by exchanging blows. So they are driven off the game.

    So we get less interactions (even hostile ones) less time in game loop and more borderom. Casual and semi casual players falls off in process saturating seas with exploiting or cheating crews that drive off another players.

    To be honest I don't know how as community we will dig off from it or how will game health improve with it ad-hd development cicle runs but I needed to vent it off.

    Thanks for reading my pirate talk.

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  • As side note:

    I think that changes to resource system and droping allmost all additions to game after they were added. On top with an unreasonably high set and then balneced commendations killed off intended gamplay style.

    And everyone except Devs sees it as they proceed with game as it is still played like in year one.

    (Im sure that all weapons are still balanced around eating bananas).
    (I can't get it why there is allways to high set bar for commendation and then nerf allways leading first to windpsread cheesing and exploiting and then after nerf to frustration and content being droped by players)

    Pufff now I feel better.

  • Ship still sinks and all that resources you wasted time gathering to make yourself unbeatable is wasted.

    Sunk a sloop with a single keg. Barrels were full to the max, laughable. Players think more resources makes them invisible. Doesn’t.

  • those are exploits that actually effect other people. the only "exploits" they care about are ones where people made a lot of gold or gained reputation too fast. ie the burning blade fiasco. in which they had no tracking data so used the emissary ledger to punish non exploiters..... unless they are saying pve servers are exploiting now which they havent publicly stated as being against the rules. but pve servers put people higher on the leader boards so they got grouped in with the actual exploiters because pve servers rep gain is so insanely efficient.

  • @burnbacon very nice and stuff but why you decide to mention that fine story?
    It has nothing to do with scope of topic.

    Im sorry to not be sorry but when you troll you cloud at least bother to pretend you read post.

    Stable SoT experience as allways xD

  • I've spent a long time challenging a lot of things in this game and I largely just got to a point where I had to accept that people see things very very differently, and the way I see the game is a bit of a dinosaur now. A lot of people that see it like I do moved on years ago. The few that are still around are quite frustrated and there are some that play but just don't wanna get into the feedback part of sot (completely understandable).

    It hasn't been fun to see exploits becoming more and more common.
    It hasn't been fun to watch most of the significance in the game removed. (from an effort/rarity perspective)
    It hasn't been been fun to watch regs justify in-game actions that are clearly not consistent or healthy for the design of the game.

    but for better or worse I still go out there daily and find a way to have a rewarding time, lol.

    I'm lucky in so many ways though, I play alone which makes a huge morale difference. I am the Captain of my mood and approach so it's on me if I'm sick of it. I genuinely would of had to quit this game years ago if I had a crew that was talking about broken game or bugs or sus this or toxic that. I just can't enjoy this game with that kinda vibe.

    Just personality wise a lot doesn't bug me that bugs others (and vice versa)

    I don't really have expectations when I sail which makes it easier.

  • The entire merchant-alliance is just riddled with exploits and been like that for way too long now. I agree, joining in on the game and seeing 10 empty boxes of various resources is just silly.

    While they at it, fix the commodities exploit too.

  • @ghutar yeah it really is a shame. I agree that Rare dropped the ball by not being more proactive against them or attempting to shape the community more. The sad reality is that by choosing to do nothing they slowly killed off the casual fan base and made it hard for new people to actually enjoy the game. Without a experienced buddy to play with this game just beats you down.

    It's not that the exploits are inherently bad, it's the people who love the exploits tend to view games as zero sum, someone has fun someone gets their teeth pushed in.

    Even the first pirate legend in the game exploited his way to that position and rare just let it happen.

  • @ghutar said in Merchant crates exploit and general exploits inpact on community.:

    I guess that allmost everybody know this one as disposed crates litters piers of outposts.

    I would love to see it fixed becouse it's create enviroment when most of crews has at least 5 pineaplles per crewmate on top of insane ammount of cannonballs.

    Pineapples are easy to come by, so that's not even necesarely because of exploits. Just gather the resources from the outpost you spawn at and the nearby sea fort and you often already have 5-10 pineapples without even buying any supplies. On top of that you can alson easily have 3 full stacks of cannonballs already.

    Exploits should always be fixed as soon as possible, i would definitely agree with you on that, but the amount of resources that is already available in the world (without even the normal merchant and captaincy supplies) is already huge.

    @burnbacon said in Merchant crates exploit and general exploits inpact on community.:

    Ship still sinks and all that resources you wasted time gathering to make yourself unbeatable is wasted.

    Sunk a sloop with a single keg. Barrels were full to the max, laughable. Players think more resources makes them invisible. Doesn’t.

    I think you mean "invincible"? Although you are still correct, it definitely also doesn't make them invisible....

  • @super87ghost yeach thanks for pointing out xD I must missckled on autocortect.

    To be honest I played both organic or with full exploiting crew and I think that gamplay when exploiting is much more shallow experience.

    And with infinite crates you will have 2 pineapples per each. It's mater of 5 minutes to be overstacked with all.

  • @captain-fob4141 #notmylegend

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