Dance off danger commendation is broken or what (make 2 enemies dance from a jgball in a trap)

  • Not only is it unrealistic to pull off in a natural environment but also when you find a friendly crew that agrees to help you, the jigball sometimes doesn't make people dance even though they step on it. It did this for me 2 times in a row and when on the third time 2 people danced from it the commendation just didn't unlock. Cool

  • 28
  • It also just misleading in description I hear.

  • Did this at an ashen winds event today and had 4 skelly's dance and it didn't work.

    Offered my supps to a reaper ship who then let me try a Jigball trap on them and I watched both of them dance in front of me.

    Will make a support ticket on this broken commendation as I have these recorded.

    Also I've hung off a Skelly ship for a long time and im still sitting at 0 metres so it's broken as well for me :-(

    It is misleading as well I've heard people say it's only for enemy pirates when in the description it just says enemies. Other commendations specify the term 'enemy pirates' so by just saying enemies I would assume the skeletons attacking me would be included.

  • I got it a couple weeks back legit. Sloop came to mess with burning blade so I boarded killed them both and anchored. Placed trap at anchor with jigball, when I was fighting one below deck the other one set it off and went through floor and made all of us dance. Funnily enough it actually unlocked for my crewmate too who was on the burning blade nowhere near

  • @cainbong said in Dance off danger commendation is broken or what (make 2 enemies dance from a jgball in a trap):

    It is misleading as well I've heard people say it's only for enemy pirates when in the description it just says enemies. Other commendations specify the term 'enemy pirates' so by just saying enemies I would assume the skeletons attacking me would be included.

    They need to be precize and consistent in these descriptions as there is also

    • "You poisoned other pirates or enemies with Poison Darts."

    So perhaps "pirates" includes every non-crewmate pirate (as you can't posion them with a posion dart) including alliance members (as they could be seen as non-enemies), it works on PvE creatures though.

    • "While crouching, sneak around on enemy pirate or Skeleton Ships."

    So this wouldn't work on an allianced ship ?

    • "Set a trap on your ship with a red flare loaded and have another pirate or enemy trigger it."

    Doesn't work for crewmates and the only non-player enemy can be another crew's bone caller skellies or perhaps a projectile from an Ashen Lord would set it off ? So is this not wrking properly or is the description in error ?

  • @cainbong

    Did this at an ashen winds event today and had 4 skelly's dance and it didn't work.

    It doesn’t work with PvE, it has to be enemy players. The commendation description isn’t clear about that and it should be, but after testing myself and hearing from others, it’s only possible by doing it with other players.

  • @tesiccl

    In my post I mentioned I did both methods and neither worked. One with "enemies" being skeletons attacking me and the other with a crew who walked into my jigball trap and danced in front of me. Neither worked. And your right the wording isn't clear to begin with as "enemies" to me mean anything that could attack you, including players. "Enemy Pirates" is used quite often in certain commendations so that term should be used for this as well to be clear.

    The commendations didn't unlock for me with either methods. I've heard this on Reddit from many sources as well so it's not working correctly. The hanging from a skeleton ship was also not tracking any distance travelled so not sure why some people have issues and others seem to not be effected. Very strange

  • This is so frustrating. I sailed around for hours in order to find jig balls and crews that were willing to help me.

    Only to find out that it didn’t unlock. I tried it with and without an alliance. On a ship and on land. Both pirates were dancing, but no commendation unlock.

    I even have video evidence. If I have to do this again, I’d be pretty angry. They should just unlock it…

  • can confirm it does not work... i have done it 3 times now, two different crews, two pirates dancing and still the commendation is not completed, rare please fix

  • Question - did any of you bury the trap?

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog No. I thought about that after my attempts too, but decided to waiting to hear from the devs before I try it again.

    This is on Rare to fix. They didn't write a word about that in the commendation description (it is still too vague to be fair: two enemies implies that PVE might work too) and on every guide I read it didn't mention this as a requirement either.

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog

    Doesn’t say to bury no reason to do extra step unless it says so :p

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog
    Why in the world would anyone try that as a means to get this commendation when it doesn't say that's needed anywhere in the commendation description? And better yet.. How is anyone supposed to know that's part of it if it doesn't tell you?

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog

    I would have tried that if that was actually specified in the commendation. Doesn't say anything about a buried trap

  • @cainbong

    When hanging off a ship you need to climb back on board for the distance to be added - if you jump or fall off you won’t be given the distance.

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog

    I have the commendation - put a trap down on an enemy ship by the wheel with a jigball in it - triggered by one enemy whilst another was next to it, both started dancing and it worked.

  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is supposed to be buried, I'm merely trying to figure out all details here. If it does in fact trigger when buried then the description needs to change. If it doesn't then it's genuinely bugged.

  • @Peteloaf777

    So that confirms it doesn't need to be buried and is currently not working for pirates. I just watched my friend on stream about 10 minutes ago attempt this and received no commendations well 2 people were effected at the same time. Also watched him try with 3 skeletons and it was buried and had them dance and nothing.

    I will send a support ticket in as I feel this should be unlocked as I have heard this working for people a few weeks back

  • @peteloaf777

    And hanging off a ship if you get knocked off by a skeleton it doesn't count towards distance travelled? That's also not clear in the description but I appreciate you letting me know that when I try again.

  • @cainbong
    Yeah if they knock you off it doesn’t count - fire some lure darts around their ship before you hang off, and play it safe and climb back on periodically to ‘bank’ the distance

  • I have also tried the Dance Off Danger commendation and it is definitely bugged.

    I have tried it three times with a friendly crew (not in an alliance), in the following circumstances.

    Once on the docks of Galleon's Grave Outpost, it did not complete. Two pirates were dancing by the ball.
    Once on the shores of Liar's Backbone, I buried it this time and three pirates now danced to the ball. It did not complete.
    The final try was in the Sovereign Tower on Port merrick, just by the hand-in vendor. Two enemy pirates dancing, it did not complete.

  • @viker6886 Just wanted to throw in my attempts as well - I have tried TWICE with two separate enemy but friendly pirate crews in High Seas. Both times, rather than get into a battle, we decided to work on commendations together. We were not in an alliance in either case.

    The first time, I placed the trap on my ship, loaded the jig ball, and then had the two of them get close to it, and ultimately trigger it. I watched not only their pirate dance, but everyone else in the vicinity (it was on a sloop). The commendation did not register and is still locked.

    The second time, I decided that maybe I did it wrong, or maybe it's just poorly worded, like many of the mischief commendations seem to be. Like others are saying, it's very unclear when something has to be completed with/by another player (on your crew or otherwise), an enemy player, or an enemy PVE like a skeleton. So, for my second attempt I decided to try setting up the trap on the enemy's ship. I deployed the trap, put the jig ball into it, backed away, and had them do the same process as the other crew. They triggered the trap, they danced, and the commendation still did not unlock.

    In both cases, I was not far enough away, and my pirate also was forced to dance. I am not sure if this impacted the commendation or not. Just wanted to give more data. In the first case, it was a galley crew so there were six pirates on the sloop and I think 4 or 5 of us ended up dancing. The second time, it was just the three of us - myself and two enemy pirates.

    I'm glad I came here before I tried again or got creative with pve skellies, since that wouldn't work either, apparently. I really hope they get this fixed, and adjust some of the phrasing to be more clear! Finding jig balls is honestly really frustrating. You're mostly forced to rely on RNG to get one in the first place, then to have the stars align in such a way that you also have a trap, and have them all on hand to use on an enemy crew is just a LOT.

  • @cainbong I wanted to point something out with the commendation for hanging from a skeleton ship. I discovered it accidentally while working on the enemy pirate ship version of this commendation. You have to hit the button to climb back onto the ship every so often, as that's when it logs your progress for some reason. It doesn't track it in real time, and if you fall off or are knocked off, that distance will not count towards the total in my experience. Very frustrating, very unclear, and not conducive to fun in game. They really should fix this to be a bit more clear, as well as a bit more forgiving. Hanging on a skele ship for more than two seconds before they shoot you off and you get no progress is really frustrating. And even with lure darts, it's not easy.

  • I submitted a bug report about 2wks ago about this, and how the ashen bosses (ashen winds and FoF) are bugged during a phase change when the audio is screaming.

  • I have tried two different times to complete this and both times i have made two pirates dance after burying the trap and jig ball on a small island didn't work
    then a gally crew Infront of there capts courtiers and it again did not complete the achievement. this is beyond frustrating as I've put in so many hours and have gotten so many of my friends to play this game i just want working quest and a semi solid server experience i understand that not everyone can just make a perfect game but there are so many on going issues but I truly do love this game ive been playing since launch on and off.

  • @liquidcoffin

  • I reported this as bugged back in early December. At the time, another player came over to us asking for help. He threw down the trap, loaded it with a jigball, and when a friend and I both stepped in it, one of us and the player needing this, were the ones dancing. It didn't make sense. We allianced up with him, sailed to an outpost to sell, when I found another jigball. This time, we half-buried the trap on land, he set it, and walked quite a distance away, while my friend and I again, tripped it. Like before, only my friend and our ally were the ones dancing, even though he was a distance away.

    Keep trying if you wish, however don't expect to be successful until they announce a fix. I'm sorry this isn't working for people trying to get it.

  • Same thing happened to me, I set a jigball trap on a galleon and got all 4 players including myself and I did not get the acommendation, best of luck

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