Grogmanay 2024

  • I notice there is no announcement on Grogmanay 2024 - I do how this is taking place as usual! My friend and I have an annual tradition of matching our in game grogs with some real life drinks - makes for a fun night of competing the challenges!

  • 30
  • Hmm, yeah, i need another notch on my mug.

  • Has cranky fit.

  • If it's gone I dunno why it would be.

    They threw everything at december to try to get people to login every day, dunno why they wouldn't add one sentimental event to it. It's not like it's some complex event, it's comparable to anything else going on.

    It's the only consistent cosmetic design that the game really has.

  • Same. Four years of Grogmanay and now they didn't say anything about a fifth one?

    I need a fifth notch Rare!?

  • It really seems like there's no grogmanay this year... I've been eager to log on today to get another notch on my cup, but all I see is disappointment...

  • Definitely disappointed in no Grogmanay this year.

  • I am distraught, it has been a years-running tradition.

  • Really, nothing?

  • Aye.

    I was scared to miss this Year, as last Year's announcement was almost invisible.

    Maybe they will be like... "Oh Yeah Grogmanay was last week. If you logged in between Tuesday and Thursday you get your Tankard thingy" this Year

    Please be fair here Rare

  • I’ve waited 4 years to see which direction the 5th notch was going to be , vertically or diagonally, and now the cuck is like this… come on Rare. Us OGs deserve our recognition too.

  • Lol I'm celebrating Grogmany anyways.
    Not with grog tho lol...

  • @mrhappyplace420 said in Grogmanay 2024:

    I’ve waited 4 years to see which direction the 5th notch was going to be , vertically or diagonally, and now the is like this… come on Rare. Us OGs deserve our recognition too.

    You cracked the code! They cancelled Grogmanay because they couldn’t decide which way to tick 5 and so the entire art team went on strike as each side was equally as passionate about their stance.

  • Soooo what's up RARE?! Where's the Grogmanay this year?! Thanks for the cancelation without notice. Way to let your player base down. It really shows you care. I guess I'll go play something else since I already finished Season 14 with 8 weeks left.

  • Yep looks like the end of an era and the only explanation I come out with is the inclusion of PS5 players. They have no way of catching up with the rest of us so it seems the devs decided to abandon this custom all together.

  • Now im sitting here with no extra notch in my mug

  • @metal-ravage said in Grogmanay 2024:

    Yep looks like the end of an era and the only explanation I come out with is the inclusion of PS5 players. They have no way of catching up with the rest of us so it seems the devs decided to abandon this custom all together.

    It isn't just a notch on the tankerd, Grogmany is also a few challenges that you need to complete to get the tankard (or an extra notch on it). Adding those in again might be deemed a risk - either those not working or it impacts other content added since last year's Grogmanay event - they were not willing to take.

    Even the 12 days of Lucky & Gilded voyages were bugged, I got 10-out-of-12 times the message that there weren't any, had to start a voyage on the quest table multiple times (up to a dozen or so) to be able to start those.

  • @lem0n-curry Sadly that might be the case as well, yet I find it interesting that other elements of SOT that can't be replayed by the new players were just eliminated.

    Like the adventures for example, the devs had to cancel a whole sidestory for Briggsy just because of the PS players.

  • @metal-ravage said in Grogmanay 2024:

    @lem0n-curry Sadly that might be the case as well, yet I find it interesting that other elements of SOT that can't be replayed by the new players were just eliminated.

    Like the adventures for example, the devs had to cancel a whole sidestory for Briggsy just because of the PS players.

    Did they ? I thought they said it took too much development time for something that's just a few weeks live.

  • @lem0n-curry Yep they did but I don't think the communication with the playerbase was the best during that time. See it's the timing of all these cancelations that makes me suspicious but it might just be a coincidence as well.

  • @metal-ravage said in Grogmanay 2024:

    @lem0n-curry Yep they did but I don't think the communication with the playerbase was the best during that time. See it's the timing of all these cancelations that makes me suspicious but it might just be a coincidence as well.

    Perhaps when you post about a suspicion, make it clear you are and not post it as a fact as you did.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Grogmanay 2024:

    @metal-ravage said in Grogmanay 2024:

    @lem0n-curry Yep they did but I don't think the communication with the playerbase was the best during that time. See it's the timing of all these cancelations that makes me suspicious but it might just be a coincidence as well.

    Perhaps when you post about a suspicion, make it clear you are and not post it as a fact as you did.

    It seems you missed this part of the conversation:

    @metal-ravage said in Grogmanay 2024:

    Yep looks like the end of an era and the only explanation I come out with is the inclusion of PS5 players.

    Perhaps read the entire post before passing judgment without having all the facts.

  • My brothers are new to the community. One on PlayStation, one on PC. It seems I got their hopes up for nothing telling them about a cool incremental tankard. I feel really bad about that, and also that I'm stuck at one notch.

  • I remember talking to a PS5 crew about how far the events have fallen and how many have been scaled down, turned into a log-in bonus or canceled.

    I told them we would probably only get a free crate of fireworks and a log-in bonus for the tankard/tally but we didn't even get that, wow.

  • Still no word from Rare on this? Incredibly disappointing. Is the game now on the decline so much that fan loved events are discarded and ignored?

  • We need this!

  • Oui Oui Grog!

  • Man, I wish we would get ANY feedback from a credible source.

  • Grogmanay is inspired by Hogmanay, the Scottish New Year celebration, and so would have taken place around the New Year if we were to hold it this year.

    We have received feedback indicating that many were looking forward to this event and that many have expressed disappointment at it not being planned for this year.

    Please understand that we only communicate about events that are confirmed, so there was no announcement made regarding this event as it wasn't scheduled. We don't announce or comment on events that are not taking place. However, I recognise that due to us having Grogmanay celebrations the past few years this may have led to some confusion. Sorry guys!

    All of this feedback has been communicated to the design team responsible for our events.

    Dropping anchor here as there is now an answer. Apologies again for any confusion around this.

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