Update idea 1 for the new or future seasons. Merchant skeleton ship a ship that is designed like a merchant ship but has skeleton ship qualities the captain is one of the skeletons dressed up like a merchant captain. Once you sink the ship and deafet the captain the ship will drop merchant loot, barrels and storage crates of trophy fish and rare ones. Drops a merchant scroll. I strongly believe that this idea is amazing and will give players the ability to level up their hunter call and merchant alliance in and epic way.
My update idea merchant skeleton ship
@superemory always up for new enemies but what is the balancing factor. That's a lot of rare loot you're asking for. So is it something that spawns very rarely, or is much more difficult to sink than a normal ship? Pve scales for crew size so burning blade is easy sink as solo (if no one else around).
Give me all of the loot I need the most may sound like a good idea, but the main reason you want it is because it's not so easy to get...
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