(Suggestion) Rebalancing of the commendation: Legendary Merchant Trader

  • This commendation requires you to deliver 500 crates in perfect condition, which i understand made sense in the early days of the game. However, nowadays I sincerely feels like it is out of place as these sorts of quests have taken a backseat to lost shipments and the pirate legend quest no longer contains cargo runs. A much more appropriate goal could be to deliver cargo crates(fine sugars etc). This not only parallels the goald hoarder and order of souls version of this commendation and levels it with the other ones, making it something most legends would naturally acquire.

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  • This commendation requires you to deliver 500 crates in perfect condition, which i understand made sense in the early days of the game.

    Still makes sense, and if players actually spent time doing each thing normally, One would have completed this much sooner. :p

    more appropriate goal could be to deliver cargo crates(fine sugars etc)

    Umm..No thanks. Too easy to gather 50 of those on a single run.

  • Your point regarding getting 50 crates in one session is indeed very relevant. However, with that in mind, the grade v goal could be upped to say, 1000 or 1500. My main point wasn’t in difficulty as it is not difficult per se. The thing is, it is not something you naturally acquire whilst playing the game. Its order of souls and gold hoarder counterparts are grindy too, but if you play the game they are naturally unlocked, meaning you don’t have to go out of your way to do an outdated voyage which only involves sailing from point a to b.

  • @burnbacon I don’t understand what you meant. Because cargo runs are truly pointless and this commendation is the eonly incentive to do them currently, as they are not a good source of rep or gold, nobody does them naturally. Alao, gathering 50 of them may be east, and as i states prrviously, the goal could be raised, but i dont think getting 50 cargo is easier than getting 50 chests or skulls, so maybe not egen that is necessary. Overall, the cargo runs are on really inefficient and thats why nobody does them anymore. So having a commendation tied to it makes no sense. It o ly made sense previously when world events were the main level up method so the only merchant wuests you did were cargo runs and they were still part of the PL voyage. Now they are not anymore so this is senseless

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