Issues with treasure maps

  • So I seem to be getting some treasure maps that
    display a map that does not exist. Are they maps
    that are in the full game, and just not added yet?

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  • @masterhaxx Have you taken any pictures for examples? You sure they are not just super tiny islands that you have to zoom really far into the map table for?

  • Like they said above me, some islands are really small. I scrolled around on the big map forever trying to find the island I needed to get to. Finally realized it was a tiny one right next to the outpost I was at.

  • They're probably just small, zoom in more. I've had to go grid by grid for them, or let someone else look.
    My crewmate did have a riddle on one where once he was on a East most point told him to walk 9 paces East...into the ocean. If you get something like that it's probably a random generated treasure map glitch.

  • I'll use this thread to share a sorta related bug. This morning I started a voyage that took me to Lone Cove I had to play an instrument at the Southern most tip of the island, I did that and green mist passed over it. Right the same time a hostile Gallion docked and the bored my ship for supplies, they must have also been the island because I was able to get back to my ship kill one below deck and high tail it out there before they fired a shot. I went and sold one chest from the first of the trip and circles back around to Lone Cove.

    Second clue was (paraphrasing) find the camp fire to the N then 8 paces NE. I did that and no treasure to be found I spent around 30 minutes digging everywhere in the vicinity, also explored the rest of the island for another possible location, no other camp fires. I am told that enemy shouldn't be able to dig up my chests so I am guessing leaving the island caused the treasure to despawn.

  • If you’re having trouble check this video out

  • @masterhaxx - As others have mentioned, the island is probably one of the small sand islands. Do you have a screenshot so others could help?

    @BO05TER - When you come across a bug or issue with the game, please raise a bug report through the support page.

    How to report bugs

  • @tartansnake-8 said in Issues with treasure maps:

    @masterhaxx - As others have mentioned, the island is probably one of the small sand islands. Do you have a screenshot so others could help?

    @BO05TER - When you come across a bug or issue with the game, please raise a bug report through the support page.

    How to report bugs

    He just needs to use my video that I made for this very reason

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