[semi-fix] Crash to desktop after splash screen

  • Hi all,

    If anyone suffers from the same issue I randomly have on PC x64, which is: "Execute sea of thieves, brief static picture of SoT and crash to desktop"

    Please be aware that although uninstall/re-install of the Game fixes this issue temporarily there is a faster and easier way of overcoming this without the pain of fully downloading the game client or moving it to another folder.

    When the game crashes to desktop, instead of uninstalling Sea of Thieves completely, uninstall instead "Xbox Insider Hub" (14MB only) and re-install, execute SoT and be amazed, it will work and then it will break again randomly, just apply same receipt; uninstall only xbox insider hub and re-install.

    Hope it helps any fellow pirate!

    Kudos all Arrrr!!!

  • 12
  • Basically what @N0cturnuZ is saying is if you have the issue where the game briefly loads the splash screen then immediately crashes to desktop, just uninstall & reinstall the xbox insider hub
    After it is reinstalled, load the game & away you go. If the problem arises again, just uninstall & reinstall the hub again!

  • Saturday and yesterday, i will uninstall 4 or 5 times "Xbox Insider Hub" and problems arises. I buy pre-order and i canceled because of crash Discovering services... :(((

  • @ruipedru That problem may be different from the one mentioned here.
    Is your antivirus COMODO?


  • @N0cturnuZ logging into PC with your Microsoft account rather than a local one seems to achieve the same thing if you don't fancy uninstalling/reinstalling anything

  • Hi,
    I log on Pc with acount Microsoft, i block firewall on Windows Defender, my antivírus is Windows Defender and i block it, i uninstalling/reinstalling game 2 times, 1 on C: drive and one in D: drive and i he Crash. I uninstall Xbox, and Hub Xbox Insider and puffff.....

  • In Hub Xbox insider i can change acount. Its normal?
    I click on the icon and nothing happens. its block.

  • Hi, on this weekend beta when launching game, i get this event on Windows log, i still can´t launch the game.

    Nome da aplicação com falha: SoTGame.exe, versão:, carimbo de data/hora: 0x5a8e8193
    Nome do módulo com falha: ntdll.dll, versão: 10.0.16299.248, carimbo de data/hora: 0xeffc9126
    Código de exceção: 0xc0000005
    Desvio de falha: 0x000000000009ff04
    ID do processo com falha: 0x16c
    Hora de início da aplicação com falha: 0x01d3ace10fc34c32
    Caminho da aplicação com falha: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Wasserburg_1.74.3836.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Athena\Binaries\UWP64\SoTGame.exe
    Caminho do módulo com falha: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    ID do Relatório: 1dcf13cb-025c-4493-9f46-d3cfb7b9c905
    Nome completo do pacote com falha: Microsoft.Wasserburg_1.74.3836.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
    ID da aplicação relativa ao pacote com falha: AthenaClientShipping.

    can anyone help?

  • I hope this is fixed before launch!

  • Same issue, but I don't even have Xbox Insider Hub to begin with.

    I reinstalled the game and it didn't fix anything.

  • That was the problem in the beta. I had it in the Beta only one time, but I didn't play that much. Now I buyed the game and have the same issue too, reinstall it right now. Hope that fix it, because I tried all other things that I could found, even the newest one (21.03.) from the Devs, nothing helps so far.

    And it is really nice, that there is no error Message at all... So if this is normal with Games from the MS Store, than it was my first and last one.

  • I had a problem after downloading the game via the Microsoft Store on windows 10 that the game wouldnt load and crash almost immediately.

    I first downloaded a random free app on Microsoft Store and ran it.

    Then I uninstalled my COMODO anti-virus program and now the game runs fine.

    So good luck to you all !!

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