Please increase font size... Way too small.

  • It would seem that the text scaling is probably better suited to people playing on pc. But for us xbox pirates, I and all of my friends who've played, have all mentioned how small the text is! It's very difficult to read from couch (or pirate easy chair) distance.

    This wasn't too noticeable before, but now with the inclusion of the npc interactions, it is very noticeable. We shouldn't have to get up and walk across the room just to see what they are saying.

    Rare, please increase the font size (or add a slider), to help out those playing from afar!


  • 11
  • I play PC but my "monitor" is my TV screen which is pretty large. I also have an issue with tiny font size and think adjustable sizes would be great.

  • OMG YES. Slider please!!
    +1 or whatever the xbox population is. It's way to common now. All these games are designed on pc where you guys sit at a desk.
    Getting up to read is not fun and anyone trying to use the chat feature with no mic goes straight in the brig.

  • I agree this needs to be addressed. At 4k resolutions, even with 50” screene the font is way too small.

    Kinda surprised this passed through QA. Set a 50” screen up 10-15feet away from where you sit, interact with a npc. Font is too small.

    Most 4k games have sliders or adjust automatically to the resolution in proportion to the UI area. Obviously u have to take in account not covering up NPCs or taking up 1/2 the screen, but we need some adjustment.

  • Talking to NPC's like:

  • @dielikekane said in Please increase font size... Way too small.:

    Just need to make your self's a DLK Far Looker [Spyglass].
    Mark thread Problem solved.

    Funny but not really solved :-)

  • 1080p xbox one. Everyone who sat beside me when i played the beta agreed.
    We can't see anything! Font size is crazy small for laidback TV gaming.

  • Wish I could up vote this twice. Definitely need the option to make text bigger.

  • Playing on
    50 inch 4k tv

    Can't read the text from my couch

    This needs to happen!

  • Yeah my tvs pretty big but I still can barely read the text pls make it bigger

  • Agreed, you have to make it bigger. Not to fun to get up to read text all the time.

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