Win 7 compatibility

  • Hi, I pre-ordered the game a little while back and I've since come to notice that everywhere the PC version is referred to, they mention windows 10.

    Now I've never experienced a game requiring windows 10 to be used, but then again, SoT is being released by microsoft studios, so I wouldn't be completely surprised...

    So my question is: Can SoT be played on a win7 PC? Any help from devs or people who played any of the betas would be greatly appreciated.

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  • This game has been listed as Win10 and Xbox One only.

    Even at Potato settings, it'd prolly not run on Win7.

    No better excuse to upgrade then some sweet SoT action! ;)

  • @Rawesome88 Microsoft is pretty know for locking things pc wise DX being one of them. To push people to upgrade which I have no problem with as they gave everyone a free upgrade. Which is really kind of them. At moment to play Sea of Thieves on PC you will need two things. A Windows 10 and access to the windows store. and B "Most of the time a newer update of windows 10" Most games are also locked behind a update number which is a pain at times but we do what we must.

  • To put it simple Sea of Thieves is only playable at this time on Windows 10 through the "Windows Store" or on "Xbox" with enhanced features on the Xbox one X

  • I truly recommend you to upgrade your pc. W10 is an awesome OS..

  • Thanks to everyone for the replies. So it is as a I feared :(
    I run Win10 on my laptop and I dislike every change they made.

  • It's never simple to use a new OS, you have to do pratice, to know better all of its features... And, at least, you'll love it... I'm sure about that :)

  • Indeed, I upgraded my potato to Win10 specifically for the SoT Closed Beta.
    Had to get a new monitor as well. Been more than a few years since a game title made me want to upgrade my rig.
    BTW, the game doesn't require a high end gaming rig. The awesome graphics scale down pretty well. But you will need Win10.

  • @rawesome88 Nahh. For me Windows 10 is the way to go. Looks nicer, runs better and has better support and of course everything windows related is better like the windows(microsoft)store. And I need my SoT.

  • If U have enough disk space U can install Win10 as a secondary OS ;) - just for playing SoT .

  • Windows 10 is a must im afraid. It made me upgrade from 7 just to test the potato settings (I have a shockingly bad gpu considering the rest of my pc is good haha).

    If anyone is interested, the free windows upgrade is still doable, if you google how theres legit ways to do with through microsofts own site. Theyve basically removed the upgrade button update from windows 7 but not removed the file needed to upgrade. It was working as a couple of weeks ago anyway. My logic being I may not like win 10 hence I was holding out on 7 but no way in hell I am paying for it ever haha, especially as its obvious support will get dropped sooner or later. That said, since using 10, really aint that bad once you turn off as much as the trash as you can.

  • you cant play it and they won't implement it. It is a marketing move for xbox and windows 10.

  • @capt-neuromante

    I agree. At this point, I like it even more than I did Win7.

  • My friend just got his free win 10 upgrade so its still.available.
    And win 10 is actually a really good OS.
    Im old and hate change but in all honesty this was not bad at all.

  • Why not just install a Virtual Machine and play in there?

  • Unfortunately there is no software way to have cross play anymore without W10. We all hated GFWL so much that they finally killed it and Shadowrun and FFXI were the only cross titles on that afaik. Windows 10 is basically the same across Xbox and pc, making this simple log in and play function possible. So it’s really not Rare or M$oft trying to sell you windows, just that the W7 method is truly dead because we all hated it so much.

  • I really don't like that SoT isn't on Windows 7. I know for a fact that their PC player base would double if it were. I have many friends (like myself) who refuse to "upgrade" despite how good the game looks. I've been running Windows 10 on a separate drive just to play SoT. And while I've enjoyed the game, Windows 10 is as bad as everyone says. I've had so many issues with it, e.g. just trying to download the game. The M$ store is garbage and restarts the download randomly (which is very frustrating on a slow internet connection). It even corrupts files of the app you download (I had to download SoT three times before it finally worked). There's no repair feature for apps either. Contrast that with Steam that works like a charm, 99.999% of the time, I've never seen it randomly restart a download, has a repair feature, has a backup feature, has bandwidth limiting, AND is compatible with Windows 7.

    Windows 10 is a dumpster fire. It's a bandwidth hog. You have no control over updates to the OS that are completely unnecessary. You can't uninstall apps that are completely unnecessary. And if you get a driver update that breaks a game, you're screwed until they send out a new driver because it won't let you install the old one. Sometimes the damn thing won't even boot unless I unplug all my internal drives EXCEPT for the one it's installed on.

    Rare, I implore you... I beg you... please, please, PLEASE fight to have this game on Steam and compatible with Windows 7.

  • Windows 10 sucks pretty hard compared to 7. Especially if you're proficient or above with pc's. At least in terms of visual appearances such as the start menu you can get rid of Window 10's god awful layout and replace it with 7 or XP's layout with a simple google search for the program.

    It won't be changed though, Microsoft are bank rolling this game so I doubt it'll be coming to Steam any time soon if at all.

  • @terra-domitor it isn't going to happen. there is a post by @teddy-25 that goes into specifics and reasoning but PlayAnywhere is a good enough reason (can't find the post due to forum reshuffle/tidying.) As for Steam, why would they? It's a Windows game, using Microsoft services etc ...why pay Steam a cut?

  • "it isn't going to happen." -> You just lost a shitload of costumers there. I have w10, unfortunately, and even having it, I'm not buying this game just because of this ridiculous support to Micro$osft. Windows store?? Have a nice day. Everyone I told about this game, as soon as heard it is bound to M$, chose not to buy it. No steam, is this a joke? Lol. This is actually sad since this game looks so awesome. But still... there are others to fill the gap.

  • I'm afraid not. Upgrade time!

    Or no Sea of Thieves Time!

    Or Buy an Xbox Time!

  • @tbr-zombie

    Refusing to buy a game because the store it's on.. makes sense.

  • hi guys can one of u help me, whenever i try to install win 10 my usb drivers stop working so i can only navigate with a ps2 mouse. i tried a clean install with a boot cd and the normal upgrade but nothing is fixing it. i really wanna play sea of thieves but because i cant use any usb device i cant play

  • @illxx-mbz-xx Simply an example of how bad windows 10 still is. Love the bandwagoning in the beginning of this thread too.

  • it's too bad i wanted to play this but i really didnt like 10 windows7 is far superior and im not letting micr$oft force me into buying a sub-par os for 1 game

  • 39.6k (and counting) VIEWS of this thread might translate in monetary terms as 40,000 potentially disappointed windows 7 users. each wanting to buy SOT at £50.00 a copy which equates to 2 million pound in lost revenue.

    just saying M$!

    You could easily port the xbox app for crossplay.

  • [mod edited] windows 10. 50k and waiting

  • @r4ygold dead posts should be stayed dead

  • Keep this alive - no one in their 'right mind' jumps over to Windows 10 gung-ho.

  • @bambino133t It's against the rules to bump threads that are older than two days. And no, no one in their right mind is not yet on Windows 10, because it is faster, slimmer and more secure.

  • Unfortunately this is not possible, but there is a great reason to update!

  • Saying this game couldn't run on Win7 is not true, it would likely run better because Win7 uses less resources period and generally has the same infrastructure to run applications like this. Microsoft has no idea what it's doing with their game releases, Xbox is failing, they are freaking out, so instead of fixing whats wrong with the popularity of their Console they will do what they can to boost up their other prospects i.e: Operating Systems.

  • @stdritual Resurrecting old threads...

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