Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!

  • @alastair9712 then those people are waiting for a Beta/Release. This isn't it nor is it the intention/purpose of it.

  • I will do my best to attempt flying again.

  • This is awesome news, giving pirates more time at sea while testing the server capacity seems like a win, win situation to me!

    Good luck out there guys.

  • WOOO I'm so excited!!

  • I see a caged chicken in that screenshot, any chance it's a clue?

  • YES! I knew it!

  • You have officially given my weekend purpose

  • Exciting stuff

  • @clumsy-george Like the previous Scale Test, the NDA is not in effect.

    It is and always will be in effect for the Pioneer build however.

  • @khaleesibot
    Great news! Another weekend treat! Thank you Rare!
    (Gets out the Ferrero Rochers) 'Madame, you are spoiling us...' ;D


  • @alastair9712 My assumption on this is that they will want to limit as many variables as possible so as to better identify and compare issues, and therefor why they are testing the same build. That way they can see progression of optimizations and the effectiveness of deployed fixes without potentially introducing new issues and/or adding things that might muddle the context.

    Rest assured new content is still being tested by the Pioneers.

  • @khaleesibot I Love you!!!! Truly! You guys at Rare need hugs, cakes, and beer!

  • «i’m On the ship»
    « just a little sip »
    « Pistols drawn »
    « A shark ate me »

  • @khaleesibot Yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss! I can't wait! Going to make my weekend :)

  • Booyah! Let's get in some more piratin'!

  • Spent all my gold on Admiral gear on the first scale, then Bilge Rat on the 2nd. Will have to spend only at the little Green and Gold tent this time around to get a rep as high as possible.

  • On twitter Sea of Thieves confirmed we'll be retaining our Progression, Gold, and Items from the previous Scale Test!

  • I know what I'll be doing this weekend!

    I wonder if its the exact same code as the first or second test, as I found them different in terms of what was on offer.

  • So ready to get back on the oceans and find me some booty!

  • Another great weekend ahead mateys!

    I let my wife know that it was going to be another pirate weekend and she responded to my text today telling me "You're going to be sick of the game by the time it launches!"

    alt text


  • @stellarsacia said in Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!:

    Another great weekend ahead mateys!

    I let my wife know that it was going to be another pirate weekend and she responded to my text today telling me "You're going to be sick of the game by the time it launches!"

    alt text


    Hahaha, I've been wondering if that will happen to me (being sick of it by launch), lol, but I just don't think so.
    Especially good on Rare in keeping so much stuff out of these tests.
    One of my bigger issues is trying to 1) manage my expectations and 2) be ready to forget what I knew and accept whatever changes exist in the launch build.

    Regardless... wooohooo... arrrrrr!!

  • @khaleesibot Ahoy me hearties!!!!

  • @khaleesibot still dont understand why they wouldnt have the scale test open the entire sunday also!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?

  • idk i guess cause its a lot of work for them,they do these tests for a stressless launch

  • That's awesome news!

  • @demonicthing said in Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!:

    @khaleesibot still dont understand why they wouldnt have the scale test open the entire sunday also!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?

    Due to the nature of a scale test the team would need to be present at all times, being that they all have personal lives I’m sure this is to give them 1 day off in the week as they’ve all been working relentless hours in preparation for launch.

  • Woo hoo,my weekend plans just got set. Too bad I wasted all my money last scale the last few hours on all the shop items. Wonder if our characters will still be aged.

  • I'm hoping Rare sneaks in something subtle for this third class test. Like a variance in hair color instead of everyone all grey. Or tattoos and scars in the vanity chest.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!:

    I'm hoping Rare sneaks in something subtle for this third class test. Like a variance in hair color instead of everyone all grey. Or tattoos and scars in the vanity chest.

    Could you imagine if they "snuck" in the Kraken for this test, just for sh*ts and gigs? Aye, I'd p**p me pantaloons!

  • so will we have to redownload the 18gb stress test, or can we just play as soon as it is ready with the download from last weekend?

  • @jarofpeachz You can play it with the download from last weekend. It's the same build of the game... Or so I've heard :D

  • @k7-issues hope so. it's quite a bother to redownload and waste 12 hours doing it :P

  • I was hopeful, and now I'm pumped we get another scale test. See you on the seas!

  • @jarofpeachz Holy c**p dude! It was about 20 min for me.

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