The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players

  • Ahoy everyone!

    Captain Jay from The Crow's Nest with an idea I've had floating about in my head for the last few days. In an effort to clamp down on overly aggressive /toxic behavior by some members in the SoT community I sat down and looked to some of the community requests and how other games manage extremely hostile and sometimes trolling behavior.

    The result was a combined/new take on something I believe Sea of Thieves could benefit from - The Reaper's Mark.

    Imagine if other crews and their players/nameplates stay as white when interacting with them (note: interaction implies talking, drinking, playing music, etc), identical to the way we have it now.

    Now, let's say one of these other players from the other crew decides to attack, their nameplate (only the attacking pirate) switches to red. If I am the recipient of this damage and I counterattack in an effort to defend myself, my nameplate also switches to red.

    This implies we have both entered into this feud and are aware of the consequences, but if I do not defend myself in any way and I'm killed as a result of the violence (my nameplate remains white), the attacking player gains a portion of the reaper's mark. Perhaps an icon next to the player name tag could denote which player has the reaper's mark.

    If this player continues to be overtly aggressive against unarmed/uninterested players, they gain a larger "Reaper's Mark". Their last known location could occasionally ping on the map. This offers pirates on the server to potentially go after a bounty target (the hostile player) and offers the hostile player an even greater threat and challenge to go up against - the pirates on the server and their cargo in tow if they successfully defeat the new 'hunters'.

    Successfully defeating the hostile pirate with the Reaper's Mark and his or her crew could reward players with a new type of item to be traded in for gold/ experience.

    EDIT: A simple incident (example: killing a pirate on a sloop) would not be enough to trigger the Reaper's Mark, but continued violence against the same pirate or multiple pirates could do the trick. I think of the Wanted Level in games such as GTA as an example. The more severe / prolonged the action is - the higher the mark can be.

    The idea is far from perfect but it's just that - an idea combining different iterations of ideas here and other games.

    Let me know what you think and how we could build upon this!


    ~ Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

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  • Fantastic and we'll thought out idea... I mean it, this is great!

  • Yeah, I really like it! Thanks for thinking it out so thoroughly!

  • Sounds similar to how GTA handles killing other players but with a reward system. I like it!

  • @armament-jay >Nice idea

  • Overall best way give PVP and PVE different areas on the map pve are only and a pvp area only and a option to pick one or the other i will say this again pvp and pve will not work on the same server pvp ego on let it time will show why what your seeing is just the start not even talking PC MODDERS

  • I just sent in a post of my own very similar to this love this idea! You should check out a few of my post Crows Nest yiu should check it out and give me feedback. I would love to hear your thoughts on my ideas!

  • @armament-jay Would have the added bonus of making more in game activities since you could deliberately go bounty hunting.

    Great idea.

  • I don't think this would work how you imagine. This would essentially kill PVP until the threshold is met. Why would I fight back if I risk getting marked and have little/nothing to lose? This tips the balance in favor of pacifism. In fact, you would have people go searching for others to kill them until the other player becomes marked - and then let the witch hunt begin. Why should a pirate be marked as a pirate on a pirate game?

  • @knightedhobo - I think the point is that if you choose to respond, you're both in "agreement" about the fight & there is no bounty added.

    If you just don't want to fight, and the other person doesn't mind having a bounty added, then the game is as it stands currently. If you DO want to fight, then you fight. Both names turn red, you finish your combat encounter & go on your way.

    (that's how I'm reading this, anyway)

  • Something I like about a system like this is that notoriety isn't an inherently bad thing.

    If a fully "marked" player has some sort of indicator from a distance, it can actually scare off other more passive ships which can be beneficial to both parties. I'm much less likely to challenge a fort if 1-2 marked crews are nearby, which is win-win - they get less competition for their loot and I don't feel like I'm wasting my time.

    The PvE folks can basically get a de facto "safe haven" by avoiding the region of the map with piracy pings, but can still get caught unawares.

  • @sanssariph said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    Something I like about a system like this is that notoriety isn't an inherently bad thing.

    I absolutely agree. Some nights I just want to go dig up a little treasure. Other nights, I want to go be aggressive & take down a Galleon in my solo Sloop. This system would allow me to either be the Hunter on the prowl for other ships that WANT to fight, or be the Hunted as I'm collecting kills.

    Either way, it gives more of a reason for players to interact with each other IF THEY WANT TO, rather than being forced to just watch a Galleon crew sail off with their loot with zero repercussions.

  • This system outlined is for a PVE primary game. We don't have that.

    Taking this system into account, any pirate that attacks anyone, is a reaper if the other player decides not to fight. No. I'm a PVP player, if you come after my sloop, I attack back. IF I see your sloop hit islands and not a outpost, I see you as a target, as I am a bloody pirate.

    You can run, you can hide, but your in a PVP game, get used to it. I'm not briefing if you run, and I haven't gotten my plunder yet.

    I don't see any other examples, I do see alot of people having trouble living with there decisions on how the handle their loot.

  • @pirateofzpond said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    This system outlined is for a PVE primary game.

    Disagree, this system benefits both parties and is designed to encourage more PvP in specific scenarios (hunting down notorious crews on your server).

    If you're an aggressive pirate you shouldn't even care if you're marked, take pride in it and keep hunting people down. I'd literally see it as a badge of honor.

  • @pirateofzpond - This system isn't saying that you can't attack people & take their loot. It's just giving you a reason not to be a d**k about it.

  • @pirateofzpond I will say though, going after a player repeatedly, when you haven't looted anything else on the server, is something really easy for Rare to identify, if you want to tag players that only PVP - please tag them as "real pirates".

    Any player that kills a "real pirate" shouldnt get anything other than the satisfaction of knowing they just upped there game on the SEA OF THIEVES.

  • @punkjr Where's the line between simply attacking people for the loot and being a 'd**k' about it?

  • @sigtric - Playing the game as intended isn't being a jerk, but griefing is. Currently the only recourse is to scuttle your ship, lose all of your stuff, and pop up on a different part of the map. That can be really frustrating, even for seasoned players who don't mind PvP.

    If you, as a PvP focused pirate, are out killing people who clearly don't want to participate in PvP combat, you'll accrue a bounty.

    If you don't want a bounty, don't attack people who don't want to PvP along with you.

    If you don't mind the bounty, as @SansSariph said, wear that Reaper like a badge of honor.

    I'm not saying to stop doing what you're doing, but it would be nice for those sailors who don't want to have to content with the constant barrage of PvP fights, forcing them to scuttle their ship every time so that they pop up across the map, to have some sort of recourse.

    This system offers that.

  • I have a serious problem with you equating agression with toxicity (overly aggressive /toxic behavior).

    The game is literally called Sea of Thieves. You are meant to steal from each other, that is how the game is intended to be played.

    You should not villify players that are playing the game as intended, or reward players that are not playing the game as intended.

  • As a passive aggressive (will generally only respond if attacked...sometimes!) pirate I tend to agree that the system is set up more for pve, but I like the idea of bounties. The question is how without destroying a good part of the game.

    What about merchant allegiances and sailing under the flag of said merchant. Let's say I pledge allegiance to Treasure Hoarders. While on quest for them (or others) I fly the Treasure Hoarder flag (again a choice but potentially completing quests while flying the flag gives cool gear higher loot).

    If I am attacked and sunk/killed by opposing pirates (flying any merchant flag but crucially not a white flag) that person attracts a reward from their merchant allegiance (but not if the same alkegiance) but also a bounty. The higher the kill count the greater the bounty.

    This system does a couple of things I think. For those that PvP they now have a reward for targeting ships flying flags from other allegiance. They can still hit those with white flags but no reward/bounty. They potentially have allies from same alkegiance if they get in bother. But if they're too good at taking out others a valuable bounty goes on them, giving other pvpers a valuable reason to take them out

    Those that prefer pve can choose never to fly flag. They will never be safe (as should be the case) but the PvP lot will get bigger rewards potentially from going after the "flag bunch"

    My doubloons worth anyway.

  • @owenworley86 said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    I have a serious problem with you equating agression with toxicity (overly aggressive /toxic behavior).

    The game is literally called Sea of Thieves. You are meant to steal from each other, that is how the game is intended to be played.

    You should not villify players that are playing the game as intended, or reward players that are not playing the game as intended.

    Nobody is being vilified in this system as it is described. The "overly aggressive" players don't suffer any negative repercussions. They just acquire a bounty, which leads to more gameplay.

    Also keep in mind "overly aggressive" is defined here as repeatedly killing players who don't fight back. Anyone with treasure worth defending is probably going to fight back, so it's not like this discourages the normal course of gameplay. You're only going to accrue a bounty if you're consistently doing pre-emptive strikes on other players, which, yes, is going to paint very aggressive PvP'ers and griefers with the same brush.

    But, again, it's not even really a punishment so I don't see the problem. It's just a way to rally other players on the server to bring the fight back to them, or allow passive players to stay out of their way. The marked player is free to keep doing what they do best.

    If a marked player can't handle other crews trying to claim the bounty, maybe they don't actually enjoy PvP and really just enjoy poaching sitting ducks for the fun of it. In that case, the system would be working as intended...

  • @Armament-Jay

    would hunters also be marked if they hunt players with the reaper's mark?

    onto another subject, i think there should be a certain Cool Down system to the mark and then a point of no return level, where players are permanently marked until they leave the server and players attacking these marked players do not receive the mark themselves.

    with this said, i think there should be certain levels to this reaper's mark system:

    first level: you have damaged a player/damaged another player's ship and are currently marked. your death by another player will drop a Foul Pirate bounty skull (skulls that cannot be seen or picked up by you or your crew) and your mark will reset. players that attack you will also be marked for assault, but their meter will not increase once they've killed you.

    second level: you have killed a player/sunk a ship. your death by another player will drop a Disgraced Pirate Bounty skull and your mark will be reset after respawning. from now on, other players will not be marked when they attack you or your ship.

    • sub level 1: you have killed one player/sunk one ship
    • sub level 2: you have killed two players/sunk two ships
    • sub level 3: you have killed three players/sunk three ships

    third level: you have killed 4 players/sunk 4 ships. your ship will drop a Hateful Pirate Bounty Skull When sunk. your mark will reset once you have used a mermaid spawned only after your ship is sunk.

    • sub level 1: you have killed 5 players/sunk 5 ships
    • sub level 2: you have killed 6 players/sunk 6 ships

    fourth level: you have killed 7 players. you are now at a point of no return. your ship will now drop a villainous bounty skull when sunk, but your mark will never disappear (meter cool down is disabled).

    it would also be nice if there were specific information about the player's bounty. not just which outpost/island they were last seen, but what sail or hull they are currently using, just so that players are not mistaking one another for a target.

    such as:

    Bounty: "The Foul/Disgraceful/Hateful/Villainous" EnterPlayerName (quotations giving players bounty reward info)
    Crime: assault/[enter kill count] murder(s).
    Last seen: Enter Island's Name (or more than one island name), Enter Region.
    Pirate Description: Male/female Pirate.
    Transportation: A [Enter Sail Name] and [Enter Hull Name], Enter Ship Type.
    sentence: enter method players must follow in order for the bounty skull to drop.

    example: when a player is marked for 5 murders.

    Bounty: "The Hateful" Armament Jay
    Crime: 5 murders
    Last Seen: Daggertooth outpost and Sharkfin Isle, The Wilds.
    Pirate Description: Male Pirate
    Transportation: A Admiral sail and Admiral Hull, Galleon.
    Sentence: The Pirate's ship is to be destroyed.

  • @armament-jay ahoy Jay! One of my most favorite people! Can we set sail together??

  • @MysticDragon297 - love all of it. Integrating the existing skulls and associating it with a temporary title ("SansSariph the Villainous" has a nice ring to it) sounds nice. Only catch I think is that this ties the bounties to Order of Souls rep exclusively which may not be desirable.

    Also like the idea of posters at outposts with info about the pirate and how infamous they are.

  • I like the idea of a visible distinction method which identifies players who exploit a specific game element.
    I do believe a system is already in place that does this within the game already it just needs to be expanded to encompass some other areas.
    That system is the ranking and badge system for the three voyage groups.
    If you focus on doing voyages for either of the three groups then you'll advance in rank within that group and have available to you a badge which you can buy and choose to wear that distinguishes you as a higher rank within that particular group. This system could possibly be used to denote other areas or tactics a player is focused on.

    1.) If you mostly hunt people that don't fight back you could have the title "Slayer of the meek" appear along with your gamer tag.
    2.) If you tend to shoot first in player interactions then "Trigger happy" is your title.
    3.) If you've been unusually lucky in surviving numerous gun battles then "Pistol Proof" might be your title. (This is actually a real title given to the famous pirate Bartholomew Roberts or "Black Bart").

    Point being the label "Pirate" can be associated with any underhanded, greedy character, but many of the famous historical "Pirates" also had descriptive titles that hinted to their favored tactics or unusual abilities.

    Certainly there is an in-depth player tracking system for the many achievements, why not give it a bit more use and tie it to gamer tag titles, in similar way as the badges earned for ranks in the voyage groups.

  • @armament-jay Interesting idea!! I know there was artwork depicting a bounty hunter in the SoT artbook, so it could easily become part of his bounty's if Rare implement something like this.

  • Nope. Too easily abused. People would just bait others into being the first to shoot and the entire thing falls apart.

    Quit trying to punish people for playing the game in a way you don't like.

  • @jimmy-voorhees said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    Nope. Too easily abused. People would just bait others into being the first to shoot and the entire thing falls apart.

    Quit trying to punish people for playing the game in a way you don't like.

    Two major problems with your comment here:

    • The proposed system only takes effect if the other person literally doesn't fight back. "Shooting first" doesn't matter. If both players hit each other, there is no change from the current system.
    • It's not even a punishment. There's no point to "baiting" anything.

    These two components together is part of why it's grown on me so much.

  • @sgt-grogdog-68 said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    Overall best way give PVP and PVE different areas on the map pve are only and a pvp area only and a option to pick one or the other i will say this again pvp and pve will not work on the same server pvp ego on let it time will show why what your seeing is just the start not even talking PC MODDERS

    You need a different game mate

  • @sanssariph said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    @jimmy-voorhees said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    Nope. Too easily abused. People would just bait others into being the first to shoot and the entire thing falls apart.

    Quit trying to punish people for playing the game in a way you don't like.

    Two major problems with your comment here:

    • The proposed system only takes effect if the other person literally doesn't fight back. "Shooting first" doesn't matter. If both players hit each other, there is no change from the current system.
    • It's not even a punishment. There's no point to "baiting" anything.

    These two components together is part of why it's grown on me so much.

    Just keep firing over a bow until they fire back in frustration. Take the hit. Now kill them for bonus.

    Been done in other games

  • @armament-jay I like the idea! I think there should also be a PvP faction that rewards PvP playstlyes with a bounty system and maybe a increase in gold on stolen items if sold to them instead of the other factions. Just spitballing here

  • @jimmy-voorhees sounded like small arms weapons not cannons that change the nameplate. But I agree there are flaws in the system like people going on board and trying to steal treasure without shooting.

  • @i-am-lost-77 said in The Reaper's Mark - A Comprehensive Bounty System to Help Limit Overly Aggressive Players:

    @jimmy-voorhees sounded like small arms weapons not cannons that change the nameplate. But I agree there are flaws in the system like people going on board and trying to steal treasure without shooting.

    Ah. Same method could be used though, but would be less likely for small arms.

  • @jimmy-voorhees problem with these suggestions is the line between aggressive player and self defense is usually impossible to distinguish.

  • @jimmy-voorhees the main idea I have seen to fix this is earn notoriety in a PvP faction bounty system on turned in stolen loot. Notorious PvP player would get gold/PvP faction xp boosts while they have a high bounty and drop a large reward if killed. PvP faction npc would buy stolen loot as well as hand out bounties on notorious players in the server.

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