New AI suggestion - Charybdis

  • So I'm starting school for my Bachelor's in Programming and Game dev in a few weeks. This has made my creative side pop, so I've been coming up with ideas. This is just a suggestion that I thought would work well and be interesting in SoT. This one is very Percy Jackson sea monster based.


    Charybdis would work very well in the Sea of Thieves atmosphere. This would be an opportunity to add Maelstroms, a new AI/boss raid, and a way to bring players together to defeat this beast. The Charybdis doesn't even have to be fully modeled out of water. A maelstrom could be present which could completely be made of the Charybdis mouth. Any ships in the area slow down to the speed similar or the same to the Kraken fight so you don't immediately get sucked into the mouth.

    Around the edge of the Maelstrom would be more teath that damage your ship if you ram them, just like small islands. To defeat this beast you would have to blow up his insides! Drop gunpowder barrels into the water, which will travel into the middle of the Maelstrom (Charybdis mouth). Even Kraken tentacles around the edge would work, not needed though.

    This is just a suggestion I came up with. Let me know what you think!

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  • I'd really like to see more boss monsters. Where would it be and how would you damage it aside from powder kegs?

  • @ttargetpractice Haven't really thought of too many ideas other than that, other than if it swallows you its belly is filled with water and you shoot the insides to escape. The water would have to be pretty deep for that though I'd imagine. The location I was thinking was the same as the Kraken, random spawn in an open area of water.

  • Some ideas for Charybdis:

    Charybdis could cover an area as big as the current storms in-game!

    Charybdis could look and play much like a giant Maelstrom whirlpool with Charybdis's outer teeth making up the outermost boundary of the whirlpool.

    These teeth could act as obstacles for those ships trying to outrun or skirt Charybdis whirlpool suction.

    The whirlpools sea water could drain into a giant maw at the center of the whirlpool.

    This maw would devour any ship or player which reaches it.

    The Charybdis could be defeated by dropping several explosive barrels into the water and then shooting them as they enter the Charybdis's maw or by outracing the downward draw of the whirlpool.

    This could be done by using speed as a means of escape.

    This speed could be gained by combining the act of riding the whirlpools downward motion and then catching and using the wind with your sails to acquire the momentum to escape.

    Smaller ships like the Sloop which are lighter and faster by nature would require less skill to escape the maelstrom.

    The Charybdis's maelstrom could last as long as a normal storm in Sea of Thieves lasts!

    Thanks TheRebelRooster for making this thread and for your great ideas which I have tried to incorporate in this post.

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  • @newguyaustralia I absolutely love your additions to this concept! The momentum from the maelstrom as a way to escape and the comparison to other storms are really helpful additions! Thank you for the support. This community is very creative together!

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