Tips for surviving the new shark infested Waters

  • With the sudden rise in shark populations, I'm sure you've started perusing the shops, looking for a peg leg that represents who you are as a pirate... But fear not, a little marksmanship and nerves of steel are all you need to keep all ten toes accounted for!!

    The additional sharks bring with them the need for better strategies whenever you set foot in the water. There's no real rhyme or reason as to when and where the extra sharks will appear from, but I've noticed them in groups of 3 most commonly. This brings about a need for:

    1. a Keen eye being kept topside whenever you are entering the water... Having an extra set of eyes on the boat will greatly improve the success rates when you need to venture into the water. Chests and skulls slow you down so having your best marksman on deck will could mean the difference between huge Payday and becoming dinner...

    2. Although most player always carry their blunderbuss, it's a good idea to bring your flintlock with you into the water instead. The increased distance from the pistol is far more beneficial than the widespread scatter shot, allowing you to get that extra round off when you first spot the threat, giving you the possibility to finish the shark with the cutless and conserve ammunition...

    3. the sharks, albeit aggressive, aren't very intelligent... Properly utilizing rocks and sandbars (if you find yourself a victim closer to shore) can give you a window of opportunity in which to attack the beached predator with the cutless (optimal, as the sounds of gunfire almost always attracts threats of the two legged variety)

    4. lastly, nothing beats good inventory management, and when you find yourself in the water, separated from your supplies, that becomes all the more apparent. Shark bites hurt... Like a lot... Like 50% damage Everytime, hurt... Bananas are imperative when dealing with 2 or more sharks, as they will kill you quickly if you aren't prepared and being proactive. (Side note, bananas are also an excellent "oxygen replacement supplement" when you are scouring shipwrecks and need those couple extra seconds to surface with your cursed chest or villainous skull!!!)

    I hope these little tips help all you new pirates out there... And if you ever see me on the sea, cannons up, flag me down and let's share stories over a grog or two. If my cannons are down, however... ;)

    "May the Bridges we burn forever light our paths" - Captain HonestGr1ft3r, captain of The Passing Fancy...

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  • Good tips m8!

    Ooorrr.... just jump into water and while swimming with your loot, you just grabbed from a wrack, back to vessel, enjoy the thrilling moment when you made it in one piece on board...
    or bite in your controler/keyboard like a real shark when they got ya :D

  • @kaldyron
    Soooooo many times have I found myself standing 6 inches from the screen shouting words of encouragement to my solo pirate, swimming towards the boat after getting tagged from behind... Absolutely thrilling indeed!!!

  • I was looking else where on the web and came across this...
    ... not sure if it will help out in game... :-)

  • @honestgr1ft3r
    Deck hand of the passing fancy.
    P.s. im a excellent aim. 😜

  • Why such a fuss over sharks? Y'all know a shark can't kill if you know how to block? Try it. It does work. Just gotta practice your timing.

    Good luck!

  • @mp40-zombie-420

    Hmm.... Excellent tip, I'll try it next time I log in!! Thanks for the info!!

    1. Stay on your ship and quit trying to swim to other ships
    2. Get better at parking closer to the island
      3.dont get drunk and fall off the ship
  • Get a bigger boat

  • I've also noticed sharks target players and swim differently when they do so. Sharks kinda swim around in circles, but once they move in a straight line, they got someone targeted. If you know your teammate is about to get chomped, shooting the shark while you're in the water will make it change its target to you and buy your buddy a few more seconds. Just do this close to the ladder so you don't get bit instead :P

  • Like any creature on land or sea, it's all about having the right bait.
    Not sure if it's my cologne or my charming personality but sharks, snakes and skellies alike are always drawn to me before anyone else in the crew. lol

    There could be three of my crew already in the water and not a shark in sight. But as soon as I put my toes in to test the water temp, there's six dorsal fins surrounding me. lol

    My crew can run around an island looking for loot without incident but as soon as I land on the beach with my pail and spade to make sand castles, dozens of skellies start popping up to kick sand in my face.

    I think that this must be the ONLY reason my crew keeps me. :o)

    P.S. If you are having troubles with skellies not spawning for OoS quests I am available for hire. I don't drink all that much.

  • @honestgr1ft3r Some great tips!

    Here is another great tip from my crewmate @Tartansnake-8 for unloading chests in shark infested waters :) (warning do not try with boom barrels though, does not end well if you do haha )

  • @stacky-a Excellent tip. Thank you and Tartan for sharing.
    Although I had seen it done when a crew mate has sent empty animal cages to us on the shore I never thought to use it for unloading treasure in shark infested waters.

    I guess pulling up precisely at the docks is a lost art with you youngins. lol j/k :o)

  • @earth-quakens said in Tips for surviving the new shark infested Waters:

    1. Stay on your ship and quit trying to swim to other ships
    2. Get better at parking closer to the island
      3.dont get drunk and fall off the ship

    If I had a gold coin for each time I went in the game with this plan and failed... xD

    1. Empty grog(s)
    2. Lift anchor
    3. Hope for best on adventure
  • Usually my crew and I only have 1 or 2 diving a wreck and two of us stay on board to watch for sharks. I'm amazed at how many now appear. We counted 8 at one wreck one night, all at the same time. It was crazy. Thanks for these tips though.

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