Happy Fathers Day!

  • In my time here playing SOT's I've met so many dedicated, loving, caring Dads and Grand Dads (Insert Immersion Interference and short handed crews here) that are constantly"doing" for their families and extended families. From work to changing diapers, cooking, yard work, coaching kids and walking dogs, you guys are "all in" concerning your families. To you and those like you that I haven't had the honor of meeting, enjoy your day and have a wonderful Fathers Day! To those of us (like myself) that have lost our Fathers take time to remember the good times with them and share those memories with loved ones. Happy Fathers Day!

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  • @bern-dimall

    Happy Father's Day to you too!



  • Thanks! Happy Father's day to all the pirate dads out there.

    Mine are grown and my oldest and his wife are expecting their first child, and my first grandchild, any day now. I'm rather looking forward to it and have already turned a spare bedroom in my house into a nursery. It has been nearly 20 years since a little one ran around these halls.

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