🍁🇨🇦 Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦🍁

  • Ahoy me mateys!

    As some willl remember, last year I posted a thread to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday and my golly this country seems to age well as it’s now 151 and looking much better than I do!

    I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Canada Day whether you’re from Canada or not as everyone is welcome to join in the festivities! If you are already celebrating today, what are your plans to Celebrate?

    Personally I’m going to head downtown and hang out with me mates, listen to some music, have some grog, and watch the fireworks!

    Just remember to stay safe my friends and have a good time!

    🍁🇨🇦 Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦🍁

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  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi It only feels like last year I posted a similar....

    Happy Canada Day

    To all Canadian players and their families!

  • @ant-heuser-kush I’ll pass you all the grog you’d like mate!

    @Musicmee Time just flies doesn’t it!?

  • Though I'm American, Happy Canada Day.

  • Happy Canada Day everyone!

  • Happy Canada Day @DHG-IXxRMACxXI, and my fellow Canadians!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi

    I asked my wife to pass me the grog at breakfast this morning. She proceeded to ask if I meant the maple syrup... I mean, we were having pancakes so I can see why she was confused but... Silly non-pirate people.

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  • Congratulations to the nicest people on the planet! Happy Canadia Day!

  • Happy Birthday!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi

    I know I'm late but ..

    Happy Canada Day!

  • Also a bit late! Been busy doing pirate things and spending time with my RL crew (family). Happy Canada day my fellow syrup chuggers!

  • Not from Canada, but why isn't it called Canaday?

  • @mighty-ace123 asking the real questions..

  • Much love my Canadian friends! Enjoy your day.
    Only 2 more days American folk and you will all be able to celebrate too!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Cappy Danada Hay. No wait. Dappy Hanada Cay. Is that a SoT island name?
    Oh no, I must be sobering up. Help!

    Hold my grog, I've got this.

    Happy Canada Day from Australia. Otherwise known as "bottoms up from down under". lol :o)
    I just made that up... down.. Where's my grog?

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  • Happy Canada Day All!..... enjoy!

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