What's in a name?

  • After five months of playing this game and being a regular on these forums I've seen some pretty funny and bizarre gamer tags.

    The Xbox app generates a lot of random garbage which you can change for free, the first time.
    Which make you wonder why some people keep their randomly generated gamer tag.
    Perhaps they don't know.

    On the other hand, there's some I find quite funny and well thought out.
    Just wondering how some gamer tags have come about?

    What does your gamer tag mean to you?

    Me personally? Besides my first name starting with "R", I wanted the "arrr" pirate flavour and "captain" just didn't sit right.
    After the "Admiral" and "RRR"s came together well, it just wrote itself. :o)
    A lot of people have complimented me on the name but it usually takes them a while for the penny to drop.

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  • Am just a Father Ted fan... it also wrote itself... more importantly was available... happy days!

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  • @admiral-rrrsole
    Yours was a randomly generated one as well right?

  • @fishst1ck No, it was my given name at birth. lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    So... Kat Truewalker is a name I've had for a very long time. It originated from a name I chose for myself in Pirates of the Caribbean Online and it's stuck, so you'll find me using it on all the 7 seas.

    I chose it because.. well, a lot of reasons - I like cats, my chinese horoscope is a rabbit, which is also a cat in Vietnamese astrology and the name has always appealed to me.

    Truewalker - a bit more complicated haha - truth is important to me, all those old knightly phrases - integrity, honour, honesty and so on, so it's sort of a reflection of who I try to be.

    Mostly though, it's a pirate name from a game I have a great many fond memories of so I decided to keep it. Not so easy when I joined the forums, my original Xbox account was attached to an email account I had to close so I couldn't use it here on the forums, hence the addition of an extra 'T' :D

  • @katttruewalker Thanks, I knew you weren't a real cat typing on the interweb.
    They can only play piano, right? lol

    A great role choice to focus on truth.
    I pride myself on my honesty, mainly because I couldn't remember a lie if I told one. lol
    But that also comes at a cost when I find that I have been lied to.
    Some people don't realize just how much lies can hurt and belittle the relationship you thought you had with that person.
    I'm not just talking about a spouse type relationship, but friendships in general.

    Thanks for sharing. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    Mine doesn't have much context though..

    Played a Gnome Warlock in WoW for a really long time under the name Mourn, my brother who lived with me at the time used the name Maniac. When we decided to buy an xbox we thought it would be nice for achievements to have one account so we created the tag Mourniac.

    After a while we noticed the error in our ways that it's not helpful at all to have one account, so I wanted to change it. However Mourn was more related to some personal thing at the time of creation so I didn't want to change it to that. After giving it some thought I decided to go with FishSt1ck because I thought it sounded funny, it's been my Xbox name for more than 10 years now.

  • Mine's just fun to say out loud. Try it, it feels nice.

  • Mine's a bit foggy... It comes from loooong time ago on my teenage years. When social media sites turned out to be something viral..
    I was one the last of my friends group to create an account on Facebook back then... Everyone had one but me.
    One night we went out and discussed a lot about me creating one and then they finely convinced me to do it.
    But we had no Smartphones that time so I needed to get back home, sit on my old desktop and create my account... But I was a bit wasted, those nights were a bit pirate-y, and the grog messed with my head...

    The truth is, When I was creating my account I tried to type me real name (NunoAfonso) but I slept over the keyboard and the next morning me account had the awesome name of NunoAzuldimeter ... and then I adopted it for everything including my first gamertag. But I picked up only the Azuldimeter part and used for many years on my Xbox 360. Only added the original Nuno when Xbox One came out..

    And that's it... My name comes from a drunk night when my friends convinced me to create a Facebook account. 😌

  • @FishSt1ck It's still a fun name, matey.
    I also like how "Mourniac" came about.
    Great story. :o)

    @alpaca-debacle lol You're right, it is fun to say out aloud.
    Sounds like some sort of disease. No offense meant.

    Doctor what's wrong with me?
    Please sit, I have some bad news. You've got Alpaca Debacle.

    Or maybe some sort of tragedy.
    Remember the ol' Alpaca Debacle of 1947?

    What a fun name. :o)

  • mine's old. Me and my cousin played a lot on Amiga and I needed a gamertag for some game i don't remember.

    Sir - i wanted to be Sir something, because i was always playing a knight in Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight

    Lotus - because we were racing a lot in Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

    So it was created sometime around 1990-92 and i got used to it.

  • @Admiral-RRRSole

    What an awesome thread and such a wonderful question!

    Skulliah came from a story I wrote 2 years ago. He's a character I visualized tattooed entierely in skeleton, classy dressed, shrewd, mysterious and eccentric.

    Before the Sea of Thieves launch I decided it was time to change my old gamertag with something new and fresh. Skulliah came directly to my mind, I really love this name and it became something more personnal after I immersed myself in the story I wrote. Moreover I think this name fit perfectly in the game's universe because of all the backstories I can give to it.

    Skulliah is becoming my virtual self everywhere now and I'm still amazed of how people are pronouncing it but I really like the "skullayah" one.

  • Khaleesi has been my gamer handle throughout my community management career. In every role (paid or voluntary) I've always looked at the community I manage as my little dragons. In this case, you're all pirate dragons. Just go with it, it makes sense in my head,

    As a PC gamer, I created mine a long time ago and really didn't pay much attention to it when I did. So on my first day embarrassed - I changed it to Khaleesi and added bot at the end for reasons I still cannot explain. It's lead to a lot of confusion, with people thinking I'm a bot. But I'm a real person, honest! Though.. I guess that's what a bot would say...

  • What a good question, user names tell you a lot about the person behind them!
    As for me, when you join the SoT team you get given your own pirate name based of your real name. My real name is Jessica Baker so my original pirate name was The Treasure Taker, but you can also change it to one of your choosing if you make a donation to a parrot shelter. I chose mine as Jessica Bonebreaker because it's catchy AND b****s, and I thought that would be an ideal gamertag when I made an xbox account so I could join in on the alpha :))

  • @khaleesibot
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  • @admiral-rrrsole

    I was a HUGE fan of the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon as a kid, so when i started online gaming i wanted to call myself after the villain who was named Venger. But it was always taken, so i tried Vengyr, but that was taken too! So then i got fed up and thought how could i make a variation on the name that no one else had thought of? So i switched a letter around, shortened it, and that's how i ended up with Gyer :D

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    I reckon your summary there, hit the nail right on the head - far easier to tell the truth and not get confused haha

    @Alpaca-Debacle Funny how words appeal, one of my very favourites is 'perpendicular' just because of the way it sounds lol

    @NunoAzuldimeter I think some Aztec god might have been looking out for you as you slept!

    @Skulliah I shall forever have an image of you as a mysterious, classy skeleton in my head :)

    Loving reading all these stories of how our names came to be and awesome to see some Rare staff sharing too :D

  • @nunoazuldimeter Absolutely love it. lol
    Great story mate. :o)

    @Sir-Lotus Mate, it only stands to reason now that we know the history behind it.
    Great choice. :o)

    @Skulliah Thank you.
    Cool name and great story.. about your story. lol

    @khaleesibot Sorry but you're not fooling anyone.
    We can spot a bot a mile away.

    The above was written in binary so if you understood it then it only proves my case. lol Oops I mean 101

    I bet you have a sister named Amy a.k.a. Aimbot. lol
    Of course I retract that if you do have a sister (or brother) by that name. ;o)

  • @khaleesibot I am abit of a gold hoarder and Smaug is my favourite dragon from one of my favourite books The Hobbit so im happy with that!

    OT: My gamertag came about 9 years ago when Call Of Duty 4 first released, we all used to try and get a full lobbies in a private match and play a game called "Mike Myers". Which was basically hide and seek. One player was Mike with a Knife and all the others where weaponless and had to run away and survive the longest. The aim of the game was to be the last person alive against Mike. If you was you where then allowed to use your knife to try and finish him.

    I loved being the Hunter (Mike) and got a pretty good reputation amongst my friends for being good at it and the name just kind of formed from that. (And when MW2 released with the addition of throwing knives, thats when i got deadly!) And my love of Martial arts films like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon ect..

    Its been 9 years since ive made the account and although im in my twentys now and do feel kind of immature with it, I've had it so long its just become apart of me and have never been able to think of a fitting replacement.

    Couple of fun facts: Most people assume i am some wannabe gangster from London who thinks they are a badman, which if you saw me would be hilarious. Couldn't be farther from the truth xD

    And secondly (Which i dont find funny, but everyone else seems to) a Youtuber with a couple of million subscribers recently made a Fortnite account with the name: KnifesLife. So for the past 6 months i get spammed tonnes of messages begging me to play Fortnite with them. I have had to completely put my profile to private (And they still get me somehow) Ive tried to tell some off the more persistent ones (They invite you to parties and games like 500 times a day no joke) that im not him but they think im lying. Once one joined my Fortnite lobby and litrally lost there mind and was uncontrollably screaming down there headset in excitement lol. Its horrible, ive never had to really block people untill then, now i have 100s blocked! But i refuse to change my gamertag out of principle... i had it first! XD No one be pirating my name without a fight!

    And as a P.S: Ive said it once and another thousand times and will continue to do so, your gamer tag @Admiral-RRRSole wins the internet!

  • @admiral-rrrsole LOL your gamertag makes me laugh! How fun!

    Mine is pretty boring really, my real name is Eva (or Eve) and I was born slap bang in the middle of Winter. Hence, Wintersyve :)

  • @jessbonebreaker I like how you have to make a donation if you wish to change your name! Thats cool, i wish Microsoft done something similar with there system.

    @wintersyve House Stark are we by chance? Lol

  • @knifelife p.s. my Pirate name is Eva Swag - so if you see me on a bounty note in game, fill your boots!

  • @jessbonebreaker said

    My real name is Jessica Baker so my original pirate name was The Treasure Taker,

    Naturally, what else could it be, right? lol Huh?

    but you can also change it to one of your choosing if you make a donation to a parrot shelter.

    What an awesome idea. :o)
    Although your pirate name is cool I think your real name would be a suitable pirate name as well. Or abbreviated to JezBaker.

    @Gyer Neat trick.

    @KnifeLife lol Interesting story, mate.
    It's not immature at all.... you bad a*s gangsta you. lol ;o) Just kidding.
    Screw what some others think, their thinking is immature.
    Cheers mate. :o)

    @wintersyve How awesomely clever. :o)
    My sister is also an "Eva" who prefers to be called "Eve".

    Well I didn't expect so many to reply, especially so soon.
    Please forgive me if I don't get back to everyone.

    Thank you all. :o)

  • My initials are CJ, said together it sounds like Siege. The reason why I’m TheMightySiege is because TheSiege was taken.

  • I used to play a lot of League of Legends and my fav streamer and player was HotshotGG and he used to always call people a "Real Terror". I used to also play a lot of WoW and my characters name was Tesin. Smashed them together and here we are.

  • @admiral-rrrsole the reason for my Gamertag is a bit strange. So I have Synesthesia specifically the grapheme-color type, which is in the link. Basically it means I have a hard time (basically can't) visualize things. Instead when I hear a word, see a letter or number I see a color in my head. So "z"s and "e"z are some of my favorite colors.

    Also all of my WoW characters begin with "Emer" for the same reason and I've just applied that to this Gamertag.

  • What a bunch of mercenaries they are, right? Always so concerned about making money. What's the problem of changing your name? I don't have an xbox and neither I have the interest of having one, I'm a pc gamer and SoT is my only game related to xbox and microsoft. Why can't I change my name then? '=/

  • @admiral-rrrsole @KattTruewalker it should have some God's hand on it for sure, because turned out to be a perfect suitable name for me. Because Azul -dimeter, Azul in portuguese (my main language) means Blue. Like my favorite color. Now with sea of thieves it have even more sense to me due to the blue ocean where I love to spend my hours sailing my beloved ships.

    I always thought if we were possible to pick a Nickname for our pirate he would be called Azurebeard, and I'd be picking a beautiful and long blue beard to match it.

  • @pereraaa I'm also a PC gamer and this is the first (and only) game I've ever used the Xbox app for. I was able to change it without any problems.
    Originally it gave me Gary###### whatever the numbers were I forget but I'm definitely not a "Gary".

  • @nunoazuldimeter What a happy coincidence.
    It sure beats what my cats spell out when they use my keyboard as a stepping stone from my lap to the desk top.

    Azurebeard would get you in a lot of trouble with people thinking that you are a game error. lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole it sure would be some error... Some path error for those who dare to take a step towards my loot ahahah

    You know I had that error one time while trying to load in to the game and it got me like "whaaaat?!" Ahahah I didn't know that was an error name till then

  • @nunoazuldimeter

    "Azurebeard: Your boat has filled with too much water".

  • @admiral-rrrsole My GT is the name of a character from my favourite TV show. Unfortunately it was already taken so I had to add an entirely random number to the end which is certainly not my year of birth.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Cheers buddy.

    I remember when I first added you as a friend and saw your real name of Anthony but paid no further attention.
    So for a while I thought that your gamer tag was your real name. lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in What's in a name?:

    @ant-heuser-kush Cheers buddy.

    I remember when I first added you as a friend and saw your real name of Anthony but paid no further attention.
    So for a while I thought that your gamer tag was your real name. lol

    I thought it was his real name too! TIL!

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