Ship Names

  • When will we be able to name ships? I feel like this should have launched with the game every ship needs a name.

  • 16
  • I hope ship naming is a thing that will happen sometime soon, too.

    But, why oh why do people so often complain that their favourite not-yet-implemented feature is one that should have been there from Day One?

    If everybody's favourite not-yet-implemented features were to be implemented on Day One, we would still be waiting for this game to launch.

  • @surveyorpete This is something so simple lol games been out a year so yes it would have been and this is a little missing feature that really made sense to launch with the game.

  • @corrupt-fellow

    It is not that simple:

    1. Need to determine where on each ship to display the name. At present, only the galleon has an obvious name plate.
    2. Need to determine whether the name should be visible from a distance, like the player tag above their head.
    3. Need to prevent people calling their ship offensive names (in multiple languages)
    4. Need to decide where, when and how a crew may set or change the ship's name and provide a GUI to do so.
    5. Need to provide a way for X-Box players to enter a name without a keyboard.
    6. Need to determine whether ship names persist from session to session.
    7. Need to determine whether a crew's favourite name can be taken by someone else.
    8. Need to determine whether two ships on the same server can have the same name.

    ...and that's without me thinking too hard about the problem.

    So many things might seem simple, but often are not. Clearly some things had to be sacrificed or postponed if the game was to have been launched when it was. Ship naming is clearly one such thing.

  • @surveyorpete 2. No it should be realistic and written on the ship not pop up like player names. 5. We Xbox players don’t need a keyboard to type if they had an option to name your ship the Xbox keyboard would pop up as if you were sending a message it’s not that hard.

  • My problem will be the location of said name, when implemented.

  • @br0crastinat0r Where do you think it should be?

  • The thing is they've talked about doing Legendary Captaincy since before launch. The idea is that we'll be able to ascend to Legendary Captain status after becoming Pirate Legends. From there we'll be able to actually own our own ships instead of having "disposable ships" and we'll be able to customize a ship (name included) that players will recognize as a Legendary ship.

    Now these were all pre-launch so plans could have changed. My guess is they still want to do something similar or perhaps even more for Legendary Captains. As @SurveyorPete said, "So many things might seem simple, but often are not."

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie This would be sick!

  • Haha, yes that is exactly what we need in Sea of Thieves!

    I would name mine:
    The Tasty Barnacle

  • @thejazapple Lol

  • @surveyorpete said in Ship Names:


    It is not that simple:

    1. Need to determine where on each ship to display the name. At present, only the galleon has an obvious name plate. A lot of ships have it on the back (like the Dying Seagull from POTC)
    1. Need to determine whether the name should be visible from a distance, like the player tag above their head. Yes, just farther
    2. Need to prevent people calling their ship offensive names (in multiple languages) There could be a filter, where pirates cannot use certain words
    3. Need to decide where, when and how a crew may set or change the ship's name and provide a GUI to do so. Maybe only the captain can do it? Maybe the captain can give permission to the other crew mates to change it?
    4. Need to provide a way for X-Box players to enter a name without a keyboard. Um......the Xbox keyboard
    5. Need to determine whether ship names persist from session to session. no
    6. Need to determine whether a crew's favourite name can be taken by someone else. 4 covers that
    7. Need to determine whether two ships on the same server can have the same name. yes....I guess, wait maybe not

    ...and that's without me thinking too hard about the problem.

    So many things might seem simple, but often are not. Clearly some things had to be sacrificed or postponed if the game was to have been launched when it was. Ship naming is clearly one such thing.

    I mean, there can be lots of ways! These are just ideas

  • @thejazapple

    I am not suggesting that the questions I asked are unanswerable; but the Rare team would have needed to sit down and decide the answers to each of these questions, before the code could be written to implement the decisions. Your answer to "2", for example, differs from another poster above; so clearly there is a decision to be made and not made lightly.

    Your answer to question "4" and "7" assumes the implementation of captaincy which is an even tougher problem to get right than ship names.

    As for the XBox on screen keyboard, it is not currently used within Sea of Thieves. The screen shot you present does not match the game's look and feel. Rare are careful about their GUI elements and would be unlikely, I suspect, to superimpose such an ugly default keyboard on their beautiful game.

    Yes! These questions could be answered, and the ship naming implemented, given the time to do so. My argument is not that it is impossible. My argument is that it is silly to suggest that it is such a simple thing, there was no reason it was not part of the game from day one.

    Clearly for "Day One" to be on the date that it was, stuff had to be left out. Ship Names was one of those things. That's all I am saying.

  • @corrupt-fellow the back of the ship where it belongs.

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