*TL;DR at bottom
Why is the Fort Key the only item in the game a player can interact with, but not declare somehow? To that regard, it is a fairly important piece of player item/interaction in the game, again with no way to state or declare via chat wheel.
I understand the nature of a key being used immediately after acquiring it AT the fort you've clearly obtained it from. I am also aware of the music/sound/visual cues the vault door gives upon opening is also a good indicator of what's going on.
However iirc, you are able to use the Key at the next active fort and of course even travel around with key and go back to the original Fort if there is pressure/threat in the immediate vicinity. While traveling with the key, there is no way to indicate that anyone has the key unless that crew member has a mic. There are plenty of deaf/mute and micless pirates around!
*TL;DR- would be valuable Quality of Life improvement to have the ability to declare intent w/the Fort Key via full chat wheel