a new merchant alliance:the fractured alliance update

  • Merchant alliance: the fractured alliance
    Story: The merchant alliance has fallen to minors in piracy. And due to this change, some outposts have increased their prices on certain items in the pirating world and lowered others. Such as certain animals or items will become more valuable in certain seas rather than others. While this schism is happening, the pirate lord has reached out to the sea ports to help with this conversion and keep the merchant Alliance together.

    *Things to implement:
    •Missions for Merchant Alliance:
    -The merchant alliance, now has 2 new rows of missions available. One for cargo runs, and the other is new trade mission called the merchants trade. The merchants trade will bring silk, tea, sugar, spice, bananas, Wood and cannonballs (devil’s roar themed to the outer seas: volcanic stone, fine ore, precious gem stones, and extraordinary minerals) into the trading variety where just like cargo runs you go from one location to another. When you read the note found on the cargo, it will now tell you the agreed upon amount to be paid to you. And with this knowledge you could possibly go to another sea if you know they will pay more for that item and sell I there. If you sell it at another location other than the missions location, then you will not get as much experience but a lot more gold. While if you go to the mission’s location you gain the agreed upon amount of gold and more experience.
    -3 rows of merchant missions (1 row for each type) will be added to sea ports. This means that just like merchants at outposts, merchants at sea ports will be desiring to pay more gold for some items while others will pay less.
    -The pirate lord will introduce a new row of athenas maps to represent Merchant alliances athenas. This athenas will help resurge the alliance trading group and be made up of 2 cargo runs, 4 animals and 2 merchants trade missions (you need to be a good pirate here and actually sell all of your stuff to the correct place be it cargo or animals or trade missions) of which are all randomized across all seas (leaving out devil’s roar unless you look in the devil’s roar for which you will find one for that location specially). Completing this will lead you to an island where you will find one of the pirate lord’s ghost animals of legend (they are ghost animals be it a pig, snake or a chicken, that can only be captured by shining a light and using a special cage) that need to be captured and delivered safely home.
    •New trade items/rules to implement:
    -sugar, tea, silk, and spice (devil roar edition: volcanic stone, fine ore, precious gem stones and extraordinary minerals) now have a set destination.
    -In the shores of plenty bananas and silk are abundant and so they are less wanted in that sea but wanted on the other 2 seas, cannon balls and spices are abundant in the ancient isles and so they are less wanted there, and in the wilds sugar and tea and Wood are abundant but wanted more in the 2 other seas. To find out prices you can go to those other seas to compare prices or just go on with your missions.
    -Sea ports are now a part of the merchant’s alliance as well. And will now sell all merchant alliance missions.
    -There is now an athenas level animals of which are a ghost pig, ghost chicken, and ghost snake that are all original pets of the pirate lord. This will offer a high price in gold (not as much as gold chest but around the same as athenas skull) and about the same or less for an athena’s skull.
    •Accommodations: (-accomidation, = is rewards)
    -Rotten trader: betray the merchants Alliance and sell merchant trade cargo to someone else
    =a wet and low class set of merchant clothes
    -High Class merchant scoundrel: betray the merchants alliance and sell the merchants trade cargo to someone else to grade 5
    =merchant clothes with patches and tools that have damage to them similar to bildge rats but look similar to the items sold by merchants
    -High class loyal merchant: obey the merchant alliance and sell a certain number of cargo (merchants trade) up to grade 5
    =merchant alliance ship hull (of some kind maybe a nice teal similar to granny’s scarf)
    -Scoundrel trader of the seas:earn X gold to grade 5 through betrayed alliance sales
    =a high grade suit similar to the merchants but better and a figure head of a snake with a purple hull, 1/3 of merchant alliance tools
    -Master grade merchant of the seas:earn X gold through merchant sales to grade 5
    =merchant alliance outfit, and the figure head of the chicken and white hull, 1/3 of new merchant alliance tools
    -Merchant of the devil’s sea:earn X gold through merchant sales in or from the devil’s roar to grade 5
    =a flame singed merchant alliance outfit and a figure head of a pig, and a pink/salmon colored hull, and 1/3 of a set of merchant tools
    -Legendary merchant of the sea of thieves:gather to grade 5 athena level animals
    =a figure head with a chicken, pig and snake on it, a hull that is a nice mix of pink on the ship, purple sides and a white trim to represent all animals.

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  • Sounds nice i need the figurehead and skins for me chickenboat :")

    The cargo runs and athena's could use some rework i think so this could be nice!

  • @ruigtand-nl Thanks 😂 when I was making this dlc I was just thinking about how there are very few epic ships or unique ships for merchant or the influences of that part of the sea. And so this was one way to create such a thing. And would actually help show others what you are doing on the sea that day. As well, with this dlc and my other dlc posts, I was really wanting more ways to embrace each order so that people new and mid way in the sea would have new ways to play. And this just seemed right to me. But thanks for the reply. :)

  • They make this game for all different kind of players so well i like the animal merchants but for me they did a terrible job on the cargo runs.

    I would change it a little ^^

    I like to play merchant in a sea of thieves for i like the pvp risk.

    My cargo should be valuable for pirates to capture and sell. If they catch me now they dont take my cargo and many times let me continue -.-

    I want to buy the different merchant crates and deliver them to outposts on demand.

    I would buy 10 sugar crates, 15 rare tea crates, 20 volcanic stone crates etc. Invest like 50k on merchant crates and start a cargo run delivering 3 crates at galleons grave and 4 at plunder, 6 at ancient spire etc. On demand earning maybe 10% profit on delivery. Without demand get what you paid for it..

    If pirates catch me they have a nice day if they dont i can make some profit :")

    If its with bottles and plants i would make the same economy buying 50 plants 25 bottle crates 40 silk and start delivering to outposts but then it should be easy for pirates to sell at costprice at a outpost so its worth to catch a merchant. As it is now the cargo and animals is not worth the effort or unsellable without merchant voyage or simply to much work for a pirate..

  • @ruigtand-nl
    I totally get where you are coming from with the prices of items. It was one reason I sought to introduce varying prices in the sea. Like maybe if you go from golden sands to plunder you’d get 500 but instead you deliver to the devil’s roar, then you might end up with double the income. Because minors in piracy might double the value of the cargo. But that also implies the risks on the sea and how they will affect you.

    When it comes to the PVP aspect, eehhhh for the most part you are not worth attacking as a merchant because so far everything can either dry out, be killed or smashed. And there is also the understanding of pain in that aspect of merchants among pirates. 😂 But it would also prove to even more reason as to why my dlc would work because it’s not something you can smash or destroy or kill. All you can do is deliver it to anyone within a certain amount of time but if you go over that time then maybe have the crates be limited to a certain price. 🤔

    As for you purchasing and investing 50,000 into cargo and being able to purchase what cargo you want just seems a little too overpowering and picky. Like I could see you buying cannonball crates, wood crates and banana crates because those are not just cargo but also ship beneficial. But I don’t think you should be able to choose where to deliver or what you deliver to another outpost or sea port.

    Anyways, yeah I hope I can get plenty of upvotes on this dlc and maybe talk to rare about making this happen! It would be amazing having something like this or an exact adaption! Here is hoping for the future :)

  • Could use a few more replies telling me what others think of my post. Please tell me if you like it or it needs some editing. As well remember to upvote. :)

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