Ancient coins pricing globally

  • Just a friendly reminder that the prices for the largest ancient coin packs at current exchange rates are:

    US: $34,99
    CA: $34,08
    UK: $36,04
    FI: $38,62
    DK: $41,27

    I love how Finland, for example, gets the $1 = 1€ treatment. Danes get screwed even more. Fair is fair, right?

    P.S. I also paid about $85 for this game alone. Like an idiot.

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  • @naamar1 you do know that alot of that has to do with different taxes and transaction costs between countries right?

  • Yes, but, the ancient coin packs change from currency to currency.

  • @callmebackdraft Yes. It's a funny coincidence how these taxes and transaction costs make the $34,99 become EXACTLY 34,99 €, though.

  • @naamar1 also be aware that the US has a tendency to show prices excluding taxes.

    I just checked it and it states it says

    $34,99 plus applicable taxes

    In our region it says including taxes

  • @eggamer13 said in Ancient coins pricing globally:

    Yes, but, the ancient coin packs change from currency to currency.

    What do you mean?

    @callmebackdraft said in Ancient coins pricing globally:

    @naamar1 also be aware that the US has a tendency to show prices excluding taxes.

    I just checked it and it states it says

    $34,99 plus applicable taxes

    In our region it says including taxes

    Yes, just like when I bought the game it was something like 54 € before taxes. The actual price was, again, EXACTLY 69,99 €, with taxes. This means the price is decided before taxes are calculated.

  • @naamar1 For example, the 500* ancient coins pack, in dollars, is just that, 500, BUT, in euros, it's 550 ancient coins, so the price change is done on that, and not on the price itself.

  • @eggamer13 said in Ancient coins pricing globally:

    @naamar1 For example, the 500* ancient coins pack, in dollars, is just that, 500, BUT, in euros, it's 550 ancient coins, so the price change is done on that, and not on the price itself.

    US: US
    FI: FI
    CA: CA
    UK: UK
    These seem exactly the same to me.

  • @naamar1 In the game is not showing the same.

  • @naamar1
    alt text
    alt text

  • @eggamer13 They probably changed the amounts after they did localization on the store UI and didn't update it in time.

  • Interesting.

    Be that as it may, it still doesn't explain all the other regional differences.

    EDIT: Also even in that screenshot of yours the prices went up more than the amount of coins did.

  • @d3adst1ck It's strange because English is the first language to be localized. In fact, is the language that doesn't need translation/localization, because Rare already puts the strings in English to give the translators a reference of what the string is (apart from the context).

  • In Australia, the largest coin pack is $54

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