Collector chests from the 3 companies

  • So I want the collector chest to be sold by the 3 companies, so if there are many small pieces to take, the collector chests will make it easier.

  • 7
  • @gameformula2828 said in Collector chests from the 3 companies:

    So I want the collector chest to be sold by the 3 companies, so if there are many small pieces to take, the collector chests will make it easier.

    alt text

  • I'm honestly surprised they haven't made these a purchasable item yet. It'd be a fantastic ongoing gold sink. The real question is: How much would you be willing to pay for one?

    I'm thinking it'd have to be around 3k gold or so.

  • @greengrimz That's another name for the Treasure Chest. If you are still confused, it's a chest that can hold 3 small trinkets/artifacts. Particularly handy for carrying skulls from bounty missions.

  • @gameformula2828 i would just have the merchants sell the collector chest since they sell everything else. Also if they just gave the FOF a collectors chest then that would solve a lot of the hassle.

  • @mrat13 said in Collector chests from the 3 companies:

    @greengrimz That's another name for the Treasure Chest. If you are still confused, it's a chest that can hold 3 small trinkets/artifacts. Particularly handy for carrying skulls from bounty missions.

    Oh, I see, and OP wants them to be purchasable from vendors. Makes sense now. Thanks for clarifying.

  • Exploration is a part of the game. Of every game actually.
    You explore : you get rewarded. This is how games have been working even when Mario was out.

    What you're suggesting is to directly offer the reward and just skip the exploration.
    This is lazy and terribly not fun.

6 out of 7