Private servers

  • For the love of god give us a bloody private server option !?!?!? .... im sick to death of playing with toxic players and making zero progress ... yes im not very good at the game that means i have to suffer getting jumped and losing hours of work because of it ?...been playing since day 1 and ive only just hit the 40s in reputations sick to death of this

  • 12
  • @chillingbump
    You know that private servers wouldnt have progress right?

  • @chillingbump

    • "toxic players" aren't players who sink you and take the loot, that's just called playing the game.

    • If you're not very good at the game, turn in more often instead of loot stacking. There's no excuse can be made for not turning in loot sooner. If you had the freedom to sail for "hours" with no PvP, then you should have taken an opportunity to sell. If you didn't, then that's on you I'm afraid. You could have made progress, but didn't due to your own choice.

    • As @cinnumann says, if/when private servers are available, they will not have progression, so they wouldn't help you anyway.

    I'm also a day one player, and not very good at PvP, but me and my crewmate turn in after pretty much every island we visit. Yes, it may take longer, but would you rather have something or nothing? It sounds like you'd rather have something, so if you lower your own risk of loss, the loss will be easier to take.

    Good luck on the seas!

  • @chillingbump Private servers are coming to the general public...... someday. They will have progression disabled. For now only SOT partners can use them.
    If you are losing hours of loot, try not stacking hours of loot, turn in more often. Never sail around with more than you are willing to lose.

  • Just remember that this is a pirate game. Other crews are out there to steal from you. It's a part of the game. Look up some tutorials on naval strategy and sell often. The servers are currently down to 5 ships so we're currently experiencing less interactions than normal.

  • Progression is going to be disabled. Understand @WithMyApologies point.

  • @chillingbump
    One thing I have found helpful when I feel like sailing alone without encountering others is to stick to northwest part of the map. Do voyages there and visit treasury at northwest corner. It is very rare to see anyone around there unless skellies at keel haul fort are active.

  • @chillingbump disse em Private servers:

    For the love of god give us a bloody private server option !?!?!? .... im sick to death of playing with toxic players and making zero progress ... yes im not very good at the game that means i have to suffer getting jumped and losing hours of work because of it ?...been playing since day 1 and ive only just hit the 40s in reputations sick to death of this

    Private servers are already in testing mode, but you won't see any progression on them.
    Players who sink you are not toxic, it's a pirate game, pirates can and will sink you to take your treasures.
    Not good at the game? Just train.
    Missed hours of work? Sell ​​more often. Nothing is yours until it is sold.
    Being very honest with you, it's very doubtful that you've been playing since day 1 and don't know the basic things I told you.

  • @chillingbump this has to be bait inb4 lock.

  • @chillingbump stop stacking and sell often.

  • @chillingbump sagte in Private servers:

    For the love of god give us a bloody private server option !?!?!? .... im sick to death of playing with toxic players and making zero progress ... yes im not very good at the game that means i have to suffer getting jumped and losing hours of work because of it ?...been playing since day 1 and ive only just hit the 40s in reputations sick to death of this

    I see a big contrast between that post and your nickname...😜

    So...hours of work? Sell more often and/or watch the horizon you can get away early enough

  • @chillingbump Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a post about Rare's thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here:

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    Thank you.

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