Burning Blade is to OP

  • I was sailing around attacking the burning blade earlier and it took about 45m-1hr to sink it this in itself isn't a big deal because I was in a sloop but the fact that there was two other sloops and a galleon also attacking at the same time is a little bit insane. Burning Blade should not take a four-ship alliance to sink, of course it's probably because i'm bad

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  • Burning Blade should not take a four-ship alliance to sink

    Flameheart begs to differ.

  • @sharkfire75 this ship is incredibly unbalanced, impossible to sink if it's run by a proper crew. But I don't mind it if I'm driving it).

  • Might be tough doing only navy. I was watching Pace22 today and they beat it with just 2. The key was to get one guy on the BB and take out the skellies on the cannons. Fire may not hurt the ship, but it does kill the skellies.

    One amazing thing I saw was the BB will launch Skelly boarders...what?!?....yeah that was awesome.

  • Me and my crew sunk the burning blade in less then 40 minutes while it was maned by someone else, and also got a new burning blade spawn to the point where you can pledge in around 15-20 minutes... We were a 4 man gallon. It is a world event maybe it's gets more difficult the more players that are there like other world events

  • @rikjaxx said in Burning Blade is to OP:

    Might be tough doing only navy. I was watching Pace22 today and they beat it with just 2. The key was to get one guy on the BB and take out the skellies on the cannons. Fire may not hurt the ship, but it does kill the skellies.

    One amazing thing I saw was the BB will launch Skelly boarders...what?!?....yeah that was awesome.

    It launches bone caller skeletons, as we have been able to for a bit now

    If it was actual skeletons flying that you saw those are players

  • shhh, don’t ruin it, it’ll calm down eventually and you’ll have an easier time

  • Just dropping in to say the burning blade is fine. Compared to battling standard ships, you need to have different goals and priorities when trying to sink it.

  • i gotta say..its EXTREMLY way OP with a 4 man on it...was just in a server and with 2 sloops and a gal going at it they managed to send 3 boarders off 1 to each ship after they got decent holes in them and then left 1 on the boat to drive/repair with the skelly...WAY WAY WAY to OP!!!! its insane!

  • @jeep-lyfe-2018 said in Burning Blade is to OP:

    i gotta say..its EXTREMLY way OP with a 4 man on it...was just in a server and with 2 sloops and a gal going at it they managed to send 3 boarders off 1 to each ship after they got decent holes in them and then left 1 on the boat to drive/repair with the skelly...WAY WAY WAY to OP!!!! its insane!

    How do you know such details on where they sent their boarders though 🤔

  • Burning Blade is exceptionally OP when controlled by players. Had two sloops and a brig try to take one down for two hours and could not. They sold at Reapers like it was no big deal after 6 skeleton camps. Something needs to be done to bring the BB more in line with other world events. It feels really bad to take on a "world event" for almost 2 hours and get nothing to show for it.

  • @sharkfire75 in my opinion it seems op only because it's the first few days at sea so everyone goes to that point.

  • @imzlaayaxz exactly! Also, once all the gold curse pvp lords have their commendations they will likely move back to hourglass :)

  • Just popped in to say it's supposed to be difficult.

    It's the primary villain's flagship. The story has been building up to this for six years. You shouldn't be able to roll it solo in 10 minutes.

    Also it's been out for like twenty minutes. Maybe try some new strategies to bring it down.

    I'm sure a nerf is coming in time, but for now, let it be difficult. It's ok to take an L sometimes.

  • The only thing that i feel is OP is the Anchor !! a 4 man gally crew with one person raising the anchor had it up in Seconds so that needs a little tweak to maybe be based on the crew size ???

  • @capt-greldik hot micing?? they was telling us when we was close to them and we could see them on there boats?????

  • Let's not nerf everything because of the reaction in the first few days. Personally, I think it's actually in a good spot, balance-wise.

    The "kill the skellies" meta has already formed and makes it a lot easier to fight a player-controlled Burning Blade. I'm sure other tactics will form over time as well.

    By nerfing the Burning Blade, you're only going to hurt new players and lower-skilled players who are having a blast having that much power on the seas.

    Now if they can fix the exploits that some ne'er-do-wells have been using, that would actually be a good idea.

  • Some tips I've learned. The skeletons only respawn when a ritual is done. So initial boards your focus should be clear as many skellies as possible so the crew can't be overly reliant on the skellies doing all repairs.

    Firebombs and bonecallers don't work on it (not sure why on the bonecallers).

    The back ladders by the balcony going round the captains cabin are much easier to board

    You can dock a rowboat on them

    It does feel very powerful but I think only whilst people are still figuring all this out

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