Skeleton Ships Types

  • Avast Maties!
    Ahoy lads & lasses, Cursed Sails is quickly approaching.
    Now what is the biggest thing this expansion is adding?

    • "Skeleton Ships!"

    Correct, so one thing I hope Rare doesn't do with Skeleton Ships is make them all the same, design and gameplay wise.
    There needs to be different types of Skeleton Ships. (Much like regular Skeletons)
    Such as:

    • Regular Skeleton Ships (Like the one we saw in the trailer)
    • Nature Ships
    • Shadow Ships
    • Solid Gold Ships

    Each one would be manned by the corresponding Skeleton type.
    (For example a Shadow Ship will be manned by Shadow Skeletons and a Nature Ships will be manned by Nature Skeletons and so on)

    Now as for gameplay differences between the ship types:
    Their gameplay mechanics would probably reflect the different Skeleton's gameplay mechanics.

    For instance a Shadow Ship would require players to activate their lanterns to make the ship physical again.
    And a Nature Ship would take extra Cannon Fire to defeat, this would encourage more boarding. (If boarding is gonna be a thing with Skeleton Ships)

    Another concept to toy around with is:
    Different Sized Skeleton Ships.
    Like a Sloop or a Galleon sized ship!
    And maybe even a Brigantine sized one!
    (Just an idea)

    Well lads & lasses, those are my ideas on Skeleton Ships, do you think there should be different types of Skeleton Ships or is just the one type good enough for now?
    For now I'll be keeping my eyes out for those Creeps on the Horizon.

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