New AI Enemies?? Ideas!

  • So as we all know, Sea of Thieves is full of skeletons and skeleton lords as well as players but what if there were more... What I would like to see in the game is a whole new enemy AI crew type either in the form of a Sea Creature Crew (something like davy jones crew from Pirates of the Caribbean). This Enemy would only spawn one at a time but the catch is is that this Galleon has a power.... Like maybe the option to summon the Kraken? The ship would have 6 cannons in total and have two front cannons as well... Now the next idea is something that would be the coolest to see and that is the British having a role in the Sea of Thieves... Imagine later on in July we have news that something is coming.. something big. Now this would have a huge effect on the world. Some of the forts would be changed to a British style fort with Bricks and Towers (like a fancier version of a fort) They would also have some new outposts that would have different trades but you could get attacked by the Brits. They would also have ships sailing the seas but in a Skeleton Fleet style and there would be a new ship. There ship would be a Man-O-War... this ship would have 4 layers, 2 layers of cannons with both 5 cannons on each layer. This would be a very hard ship to sink but if you do so you could unlock items or get insane loot like a (Royal Chest) (Royal Shipments) Or (Royal Goods). These would all be worth at least 10,000 Gold and 50 Doubloons. I Think both of these would be awesome to see in SOT. I also believe that maybe there could be new factions involving them, like maybe you could get a quest to go hunt down the sea crew and take something idk... Thank you for reading🥂!

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  • What i would like the most to see is the deep crawler crab boss, a whale's corpse possesed by evil spirits, maybe in a desert biom giant scorpions.
    Ive made long time ago a post about cool creatures like a giant spider at the end of a dungeon like the dungeon in Sailor Bounty, i would love to see hostile big birds and a huge turtle with an island on his back moving around the map or a crab pretending to be an island and when you get close it attacks.
    Or land big crabs which i prefer that disguise themselves as rocks and ambush you.
    The Old Mother (yes i know she is dead but she can come back to life) she will be bigger then a normal kraken and would attack with her body, not just tentacles.
    More wildlife like boars and hammerhead sharks of even crocodiles in swamps.

  • I would strongly like to see something besides more skeletons as well. Would give the game much more variety. This should be easily done with some new models. Maybe a little different ai so they move different or something... Or maybe sometimes hold their ground and not chase you like skeletons so that you have to change your tactics a bit.

  • The Grand Maritime Union is ever-more far reaching.

  • @faceyourdemon yeah those would all bring so much life to the game

  • I would like to see saltwater crocodiles for a land and water threat that attacks rowboats.

  • Jelly-fish please...

  • @comfeey-ll

    Whilst i too would love to see a more colonial style faction added to the game rather than just skeletons, i don't see it ever happening. I don't think there has ever been any mention of them in the lore background for this game.. (Not read books, so unsure)

    I guess we will have to wait for Sea Of Thieves "2" should there ever be such a thing, as the next generation of consoles will be able to hold a much larger and more varied world than we currently enjoy.

    @Galactic-Geek .. Jelly fish?? You just want to sprinkle on peoples feet!

  • @galactic-geek yes

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