Rainbow Flag

  • @vexed-anemone said in Rainbow Flag:


    Very true. Hopefully @DutchDeadSchot knows the answer ;)

    I didn't realise all those religions had rainbows signifying floods in them? Do they? Or did you incorrectly read my post/exchange?

    Muslims and J**s would, both believe in the old testament...

  • @mattydove74 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @vexed-anemone said in Rainbow Flag:


    Very true. Hopefully @DutchDeadSchot knows the answer ;)

    I didn't realise all those religions had rainbows signifying floods in them? Do they? Or did you incorrectly read my post/exchange?

    Muslims and J**s would, both believe in the old testament...

    F*S! You can't say Jew? Can I say Jewish people?

  • @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    I'm a big Dukes of Hazzard fan. Can I get the southern pride flag added as well?
    Yes! Please!

  • @biter-wylie said in Rainbow Flag:

    @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    I'm a big Dukes of Hazzard fan. Can I get the southern pride flag added as well?
    Yes! Please!

    No - it symbolises hate to a majority of people. And you know it, you're poking a wasps nest.

  • @vexed-anemone, I'd proudly sail with you any day.

  • @ghostpaw said in Rainbow Flag:

    @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    @vexed-anemone the issue is that it represents sexuality. Something that was not needed in this type of game. As you obviously can see, it is divisive and will probably cause more harm than good. Will people get offended if they feel they are getting attacked strictly for flying the flag? Will people be offended if people flying the flag come sailing up shouting things in a Mr. Slave voice? So many ways this could go the wrong way. Are there hateful people out there? Unfortunately yes. But not all people that disagree with this are them. Some are just tired of things being constantly thrown in their faces for the purpose of another companies virtue signaling. If you caught any of E3, it was in perfect display. Why am I such a villain for not wanting sexuality thrown in to something where it was not needed

    Let me get this straight. You are saying that people may get attacked for being open about important aspects of their identity so it is best if it is just not brought up or acknowledged? That is exactly the problem. This is why I am NOT quiet about my support and why I want to communicate I am an ally.

    Let me give you an example of why this matters. Do you ever talk with people within your crew? I do. Randoms join all the time and we talk about all kinds of things. Let's say we start talking a little about our lives and families. But there is a vacuum created in the conversation if they identify as gay, lesbian, trans, pan, and so on. They have to ask themselves if they feel safe to use certain pronouns when describing themselves or their partner(s). Will they be verbally attacked if they share too much? Will they have to end a conversation that was going well. Is it worth the risk? Give it a try sometime. Describe the important people in your life without somehow identifying their gender. If I can ease their mind and give them respite from the fear of backlash by flying a flag or communicating acceptance while on my boat then you bet I will do so.

    Identifying as Pan? W*f!

    I really can’t keep up lol

  • @mmountain said in Rainbow Flag:

    @biter-wylie said in Rainbow Flag:

    @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    I'm a big Dukes of Hazzard fan. Can I get the southern pride flag added as well?
    Yes! Please!

    No - it symbolises hate to a majority of people. And you know it, you're poking a wasps nest.

    No it does not! Total BS imo! It means rebellion, Southern Pride, Dukes of Hazzard etc.

  • @biter-wylie said in Rainbow Flag:

    Identifying as Pan? W*f! I really can’t keep up lol

    Pansexuality is attraction to others regardless of their gender (male, female, androgynous, etc.).

  • @ghostpaw said in Rainbow Flag:

    @biter-wylie said in Rainbow Flag:

    Identifying as Pan? W*f! I really can’t keep up lol

    Pansexuality is attraction to others regardless of their gender (male, female, androgynous, etc.).

    Thanks mate. Always learning everyday. Thanks for taking the time when you did not have too 👍🏻

    Probably describes me! Just plain over sexed I think I would get down with a blue alien if it was attractive.

    Edit: or any colour sexy Alien, just incase you aliens are reading this!

    Edit 2: Aliens 👽I will be flying a blue Flag if you meet me ingame x

  • @biter-wylie said in Rainbow Flag:

    @mmountain said in Rainbow Flag:

    @biter-wylie said in Rainbow Flag:

    @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    I'm a big Dukes of Hazzard fan. Can I get the southern pride flag added as well?
    Yes! Please!

    No - it symbolises hate to a majority of people. And you know it, you're poking a wasps nest.

    No it does not! Total BS imo! It means rebellion, Southern Pride, Dukes of Hazzard etc.

    Apparently... you missed the m**o..

    I think you better go back and check your history books to see if they were funded by the Daughters of the Confederacy.

  • @braxkedren

    I also said that their positions weren't as tenuous. Would anyone be getting this upset over a Christmas type flag; a Halloween one?

    Would it be different if they make a flag for black history month or cancer awareness?

    Thing is, country flags aren't that farfetched, but I don't think Rare has to dump everything at once. It's June, so Rare decided to show some support and give us another flag option at the same time.

    I really don't see how it's any different than something like Google changing their logo to match an event. It's still "shoving it in your face". Do you purposely avoid any website or business during June if they choose to stick a rainbow up anywhere?

    Should Destiny no longer do Christmas events cause some people might not like it? Halloween events cause some folks see it as evil?

    Sorry, but I see no difference in Rare adding a rainbow flag in June than when my school would hand out tree saplings on Earth Day.

  • @ghostpaw wow, you picked apart that whole thing. Images and all. Should be flattered I garnered this much attention. Sorry, but I feel this whole thing was introduced to get people talking. No such thing as bad publicity right? Its a shame they had to use sexuality to do so. But that seems to be the new fad within the industry, so put up or shut up.
    When I talked about friends not bringing it up, I did specify constantly. Your sexuality is not your only identifying quality about you. I don't find the need to shout from the rooftops how straight I am, even when some question if I am or not. Sorry that is such a cringe factor for you

  • @v**a-hombre so you’ll be okay with a Jewish flag in September for all of their Holidays coming up?

    What about a Muslim flag? There were historical Muslim pirates that were able to aquire nations they were so ruthless.

    December you’d be fine with a white flag with a fish symbol on it representing birth of Jesus for Christians?

    This is what I want Rare to acknowledge and say what’s going to be allowed and what won’t be.

    I’m not asking for them to include them now. I’m saying when events come that represent those groups, they be allowed a representation in-game like they just did for this group.

  • @paddymck said in [Rainbow Flag](/forum/pstrikethrough textost/771585):

    Your sexuality is not your only identifying quality about you.

    I agree with you here 100%! It's just a shame that so many people focus on the sexuality of people who are LGBTQ+ over every other identifying quality.

    I don't find the need to shout from the rooftops how straight I am

    Likewise I assume you've probably never felt the need to hide how straight you are?

  • I’ve been selected as a pioneer today! HAR!

  • I guess I missed the thread where you posted all the other flags.


  • @cptnightghost why?

    These boards are discussion and I was asked a question.

  • @khaleesibot Why hasn't this thread been locked?

  • What would be the reason to add such a flag game-wise? Does it add to the gameplay? Does it change the gameplay? No, it doesn't. This thread clearly shows why you shouldn't inject politics and other outside issues into your products. If you want to do good business, stay neutral. Don't pick sides, because most of the time all sides buy your products.

    I'm completely uninterested in your sexual orientation, regardless of what it is. If you want to fly your rainbow colours, by all means do it. But adding it to the game, because "everyone is welcome" is just plain stupid. Everyone IS welcome and always was.

    So just have fun, do whatever. If you don't like the flag, don't use it. But business-wise it wasn't a smart move. Adding a rainbow flag won't make anyone buy this game, but it might stop someone from playing and you don't want that to happen, do you?

    Best regards,

  • @kalantris said in Rainbow Flag:

    it might stop someone from playing and you don't want that to happen, do you?

    100% on-board with that outcome.

  • I just posted this on the patch thread - I think it is valid to be here as well.

    RARE you have made an error. Here's why...

    You didn't care to simply add a useful description for the previously released flags - but with the new flag, you made a public statement that while it has good intentions - causes political/religious debates within a game world that is not our own (our world).

    I dare to say it but it's the same as the new Star Wars movies.

    We watch some movies and play games to get lost in other worlds without having to think and worry about the climate we live in.

    Like I said I get your intentions - but I feel like you're all over the board when defining the world you've created and how you implement features.

    And did this statement add to the lore and world of the game?

  • Its an interesting thing to see how this will play out in the community.

  • @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    @vexed-anemone the issue is that it represents sexuality. Something that was not needed in this type of game. As you obviously can see, it is divisive and will probably cause more harm than good. Will people get offended if they feel they are getting attacked strictly for flying the flag? Will people be offended if people flying the flag come sailing up shouting things in a Mr. Slave voice? So many ways this could go the wrong way. Are there hateful people out there? Unfortunately yes. But not all people that disagree with this are them. Some are just tired of things being constantly thrown in their faces for the purpose of another companies virtue signaling. If you caught any of E3, it was in perfect display. Why am I such a villain for not wanting sexuality thrown in to something where it was not needed

    I'm sorry but people didn't need the flag to be hateful, ignorant, rude, xenophobic, homophibic etc.. I've played with people, some adults too, using the 'n' word so often I had to leave. Others using the speaker to yell out homophobic slurs and the like.

    This flag symbolises respect, inclusivity and equality. It's time we start accepting what it stands for and not who it 'apparently' represents.

    Let's move on.

  • @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    @vexed-anemone the issue is that it represents sexuality. Something that was not needed in this type of game. As you obviously can see, it is divisive and will probably cause more harm than good. Will people get offended if they feel they are getting attacked strictly for flying the flag? Will people be offended if people flying the flag come sailing up shouting things in a Mr. Slave voice? So many ways this could go the wrong way. Are there hateful people out there? Unfortunately yes. But not all people that disagree with this are them. Some are just tired of things being constantly thrown in their faces for the purpose of another companies virtue signaling. If you caught any of E3, it was in perfect display. Why am I such a villain for not wanting sexuality thrown in to something where it was not needed

    I agree, But you know what? Our feelings don't matter, only the people the flag is for matter. That is how they come across. And to those saying this wasn't a political or sexual flag, rare said it was, so another one of your false/lying arguments gone. What next? For people who want to have everyone tolerant of their beliefs they sure are not tolerant of others.

    Sorry I don't want this c**p in my game and shoved in my face.

  • @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    @paddymck said in Rainbow Flag:

    @vexed-anemone the issue is that it represents sexuality. Something that was not needed in this type of game. As you obviously can see, it is divisive and will probably cause more harm than good. Will people get offended if they feel they are getting attacked strictly for flying the flag? Will people be offended if people flying the flag come sailing up shouting things in a Mr. Slave voice? So many ways this could go the wrong way. Are there hateful people out there? Unfortunately yes. But not all people that disagree with this are them. Some are just tired of things being constantly thrown in their faces for the purpose of another companies virtue signaling. If you caught any of E3, it was in perfect display. Why am I such a villain for not wanting sexuality thrown in to something where it was not needed

    I'm sorry but people didn't need the flag to be hateful, ignorant, rude, xenophobic, homophibic etc.. I've played with people, some adults too, using the 'n' word so often I had to leave. Others using the speaker to yell out homophobic slurs and the like.

    This flag symbolises respect, inclusivity and equality. It's time we start accepting what it stands for and not who it 'apparently' represents.

    Let's move on.

    No it doesn't. If it did you would respect others stance on it, something you do not, therefore your flag is a lie.

  • @symbiosis519 Wow! Not even going to comment on all your assumptions.... just in the most obvious ones. There's a difference between accepting and agreeing.

    I accept that you have a different opinion but I have every right to disagree and explain why I disagree. Hence, I was polite and respectful. Please read posts before making bold statements on a person's character.

    Thank you and happy sailing.


    What maskes you say this is my flag. Don't presume and make assumptions about people whom you have never met. If flying the flag makes it my flag then let it be my flag.

  • @nwo-azcrack So much for tolerant, Right? We have to be tolerant of their beliefs, but they can s**t all over ours. Funny how that works. And hence why the flag and what it stands for is a joke! They can ban me for speaking my mind and about my beliefs, I just don't give a damn anymore.

  • @symbiosis519 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @nwo-azcrack So much for tolerant, Right? We have to be tolerant of their beliefs, but they can s**t all over ours. Funny how that works. And hence why the flag and what it stands for is a joke! They can ban me for speaking my mind and about my beliefs, I just don't give a damn anymore.

    You have no idea what you're talking about!

    No one should have to TOLERATE homophobia, xenophobia, racism and sexism.

    Your stance is utter nonsense and is frankly not needed in these forums or this game.

  • @symbiosis519 You've been called names because you're refering to a flag that represents equality, freedom, inclusivity and acceptance as 'c**p'.

    You're the one throwing human rights down the bin and you expect people to be civil about it?

    No I'm sorry. You need to start looking past peoples sexuality, race and gender and see the person. The world is catching up and you need to as well.

  • @symbiosis519 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    @symbiosis519 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @nwo-azcrack So much for tolerant, Right? We have to be tolerant of their beliefs, but they can s**t all over ours. Funny how that works. And hence why the flag and what it stands for is a joke! They can ban me for speaking my mind and about my beliefs, I just don't give a damn anymore.

    You have no idea what you're talking about!

    No one should have to TOLERATE homophobia, xenophobia, racism and sexism.

    Your stance is utter nonsense and is frankly not needed in these forums or this game.

    See! Yes they should! Its someone's beliefs!

    log off and take your bad takes with you

  • @symbiosis519 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @nwo-azcrack So much for tolerant, Right? We have to be tolerant of their beliefs, but they can s**t all over ours. Funny how that works. And hence why the flag and what it stands for is a joke! They can ban me for speaking my mind and about my beliefs, I just don't give a damn anymore.

    Lol, this ongoing logic is so hilarious to me. An intolerant ranting about the need to be tolerated so they can go on not tolerating. So confusing, it like... You want to have the space to hate me and I am actually giving you that space so that you can continue to hate me because I love you and I love the idea of having that space. I would not take your space away because I love you but you want to take mine away because you hate me and you continue to show your hate for me by trying to make me sound like I'm inconsistent because I don't agree that you should hate me. OKAY

  • @symbiosis519 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @nwo-azcrack So much for tolerant, Right? We have to be tolerant of their beliefs, but they can s**t all over ours. Funny how that works. And hence why the flag and what it stands for is a joke! They can ban me for speaking my mind and about my beliefs, I just don't give a damn anymore.

    What be your belief? That not e'eryone be equal? Man... yer beliefs be strange.

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