I also said that their positions weren't as tenuous. Would anyone be getting this upset over a Christmas type flag; a Halloween one?
Would it be different if they make a flag for black history month or cancer awareness?
Thing is, country flags aren't that farfetched, but I don't think Rare has to dump everything at once. It's June, so Rare decided to show some support and give us another flag option at the same time.
I really don't see how it's any different than something like Google changing their logo to match an event. It's still "shoving it in your face". Do you purposely avoid any website or business during June if they choose to stick a rainbow up anywhere?
Should Destiny no longer do Christmas events cause some people might not like it? Halloween events cause some folks see it as evil?
Sorry, but I see no difference in Rare adding a rainbow flag in June than when my school would hand out tree saplings on Earth Day.