Just now I was doing my Gilded Legend Voyage by myself on a sloop and was almost finished the 8 parts of it when I was attacked by a random skeleton ship at Plunder Outpost. After it circled the outpost it started shooting at me as I desperately tried to sell my loot. Upon attempting to fire back at the skeletons my cannon/equipment radial got stuck and I was UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL after that.
I was helpless as my boat sank and I was sitting there in the water for a few minutes until a shark ate me, putting me onto the Ferry of the Damned. BUT THAT DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING and I was still stuck in the radial. I had no choice but to exit the game, forfeiting my ONLY Gilded Voyage.
No matter which inputs I tried nothing happened, it was a proper soft lock.
Let this be a cautionary tale to any daring solo pirates!!!
(I just got granted another voyage after filing a support ticket, but I'm wary to attempt anything again by myself!)