Season 13 is one big let down

  • Am I the only one who thinks Rare just underdid themselves with Season 13 or is it just me?

    For more than 2 years we have waited for this moment. How come people are satisfied with this excuse of an update? Do they realise the only exciting thing we got this season is a world event that needs heavy tweaking and boring, repetitive underground "puzzles", the most exciting thing is probably being able to see Flameheart's character model at Reaper's Hideout and even that is underwhelming.

    So Flameheart, arguably the biggest and most anticipated villain in your game doesn't deserve an introductory Tall Tale or AT LEAST a cinematic of his return while you go out of your way to make 3 Tall Tales for a series that has nothing to do with your IP (Monkey Island)? That is the epitome of neglect.
    But no, we have waited 2 years and suddenly we suddenly see this random guy named Flameheart sitting on a chair in Reaper's Hideout and suddenly there's this funny new world event with a cool funny fire ship that we have to defeat and that's basically it. This is what we have waited for MORE THAN 2 FULL YEARS

    You couldn't even get the cosmetics right this season.

    1. COOL!! We finally have a few new skeleton cosmetics, it would be a shame if they locked it behind another 500 levels of tiresome HG grinding, right?.. right?
    2. This is Flameheart's season, surely the reputation rewards and plunder pass will be heavily Flameheart theme focused...... right?
    3. Cool! new commendations, hope they are worth grinding and will give more than just a recoloured clothing set! ^.^

    This was supposed to be "THE" update since season 8 and you fumbled it. How am i supposed to be excited now for what's to come? I had rather waited 2 years more if it meant we got an actual "Flameheart's Season" deserving of its name instead of this excuse of an update.

    I've always been one of the first to defend Rare throughout all these years, thinking the next update will probably be better, with this update being the Magnum Opus, the update where every piece of lore was working towards but no... this is the last straw. I genuinely don't understand how they thought this was enough for an update this important, anticipated and hyped.

    Rare why have you become so lazy and easily satisfied? Has the greed over money taken away your passion?

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  • Erm, have you tried out the new ship, and what it is capable of? We now have a really scary thing moving around the map, and we can capture it OR fight it. If you are even a little into PvP this is super exciting news, something that will properly activate the whole server. (If i understood correctly the ship will disable other events, so you have to end it to get a new one.)

    And about the lore part... this is just the introduction, im sure we will get more missions (or tall tales) as the story continues.

  • This post is a 100% trolling.
    A Tall Tale wouldn't do Flameheart's return justice, a world event does!
    Furthermore, you get the obsidian bones from reaching only level 210 on HG, which is completely fair.
    The second point is simply ludicrous considering the immense amount of Flameheart themed items that the season brings.
    Finally the third point, you complain about wanting Flameheart themed cosmetics and yet you also complain if you get exactly those for doing the commendations of the new Flameheart world event?!

  • @nebelsoldat499 yes they added new cosmetics but guess what. the majority of the playerbase will never have them anyway. the only people satisfied with HG and this update are the sweaty skelly curses that have nothing else to do with their life. for the more casual players who aren't very good at pvp which IS the majority of players this game hasn't seen new content in over a year and they don't bother to play HG because 1: they dont have the time 2: they cant get XP because the matchmaking is trash and u only get a little xp when you win (which is basically never) 3: ITS BORING and REPETITIVE.

  • @nebelsoldat499
    My post is 100% not trolling just because it goes against your current opinion which will probably last as long as your temporary dopamine boost you got from the little amount of content they gave us. Before you reply again, let it rest for a week and I'll be happy to talk with you again.

    A world event alone doesn't do Flameheart's return justice. A Tall Tale or at least a cinematic NEXT TO the world event does Flameheart justice, I believe you forgot to read the part where I said that we have waited ages for this update, also that this is the introduction of arguably the most important character in the story.

    My point is not that there is no new content, my point is that they have underdelivered for an update this anticipated. Please read my post again... carefully.

  • @mich-iel2538 yeah. I agree. It's a bit meh. The puzzles at first are cool but soon fall short. The battles to open the vault are far from entertaining. Spam x amount of skellies, doors open. At least they made each puzzle vault and island different and interesting. But it's just rinse repeat. Cosmetics are awful. Just reskins of a set we have at least 3 colours of already. Embarrassingly lazy. Is there only one person at Rare developing Sea of Theives these days?
    As to the burning blade missions themselves, I'm sure they are awesome. But I'm not sure I'll get to complete them. A solo slooper is not defeating it and keeping it on the high seas servers all on their lonesome. Well, not this solo slooper anyway. I may need to hire a galleon of sweats to carry me. This season seemed exciting. But we get things we already own. Battles we have already fought. And a ship for multi-crews. Not solo's. It all looks shiny in the edited videos. Looks great in the promotional pics. But scratch the surface and the old paint becomes apparent.

  • @mich-iel2538 said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    Rare why have you become so lazy and easily satisfied? Has the greed over money taken away your passion?

    The top dogs aren't sitting around and reading this type of stuff.

    This sort of feedback just reaches people that don't make nearly as much as some seem to think they do, don't have nearly as much power as some think they do, and are far more vulnerable in the space than some think they are.

    Not a whole lot different than yelling and talking down to staff at a place that serves people in some way.

    It's not criticism to subject people to that, it's just mistreatment, while justifying it by acting like only some company or powerful people are seeing it.

  • Kind of sad that some of the commendations “require” the skeleton curse. Which is saying a lot for the future.

    Maybe just maybe…will see better ways to earn those curses

  • @burnbacon said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    Kind of sad that some of the commendations “require” the skeleton curse. Which is saying a lot for the future.

    Maybe just maybe…will see better ways to earn those curses

    Why is it sad? Basic skeleton curse is easy to get.

  • @wolfmanbush
    You can use this "appeal to emotion" argument to silence any criticism towards the game. AFAIK this post is in Feedback + Suggestions. Feedback means positive and negative feedback and I'm using it for exactly that. Also everyone knows the top dogs won't be reading this but that's not the point of this thread. It's to channel common feelings and criticism about the game through this platform so that it could eventually maybe reach the right person(s) who need to hear it.

    Also if it wasn't clear "Rare" is not a person I'm talking about. I'm calling Rare lazy as a company, judging by their recent actions and visible loss of passion in their game. If Rare uses the capitalism argument to massively sell reskins and trade in passion for money, I can use the capitalism argument to express my discontent as a consumer towards a company's recent actions.

    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  • @mich-iel2538 said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    You can use this "appeal to emotion" argument to silence any criticism towards the game.

    It's as poor of a strategy as it is an unkind approach.

    It's easy to dismiss people that are rude and talk down to others, very easy. So, even if you find it an appropriate way to criticize it doesn't help your cause.

    That's something that gets missed a lot in the social areas of SoT, it's just poor strategy, counter-productive, easy to dismiss.

    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    Except you have very little power in the scenario, they can just tune you out for your approach. Your power has far more impact when used in a way that inspires rather than tears down people and their efforts.

    When trying to get people to truly listen to what you have to say and your views it will always be in your best interest to not call people lazy or do things like say that they don't care, etc.

    You called it an appeal to emotion, I see it as approach things in a decent way that is considerate of others so that this experience can improve as a whole.

    It's never weakness to be considerate of the situation others are in, it's more often than not a strength.

  • @olive-the-cook said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    @nebelsoldat499 yes they added new cosmetics but guess what. the majority of the playerbase will never have them anyway. the only people satisfied with HG and this update are the sweaty skelly curses that have nothing else to do with their life. for the more casual players who aren't very good at pvp which IS the majority of players this game hasn't seen new content in over a year and they don't bother to play HG because 1: they dont have the time 2: they cant get XP because the matchmaking is trash and u only get a little xp when you win (which is basically never) 3: ITS BORING and REPETITIVE.

    Hey can we stop accusing people who play differently than us of having no lives? Thats a really lazy attempt at copium, imho. My guild almost all enjoy hourglass, and just about every other part of the game. My guild also has a wide age range, a decent mix of genders (kinda), and are spread about NA. Many in my guild are also good at HG and have the curses. I have 403 in servants and like 240 in guardians. We have jobs, lives, families, and everything else that normal people have. Just because you can’t or won’t put in the effort to succeed in HG, as literally anyone could, does not make those who do sweaty no lives or whatever else you’re implying.

    I see this on forums frequently, and to me it just sounds like individuals coping with their own failures. Guess what, not everyone finds HG to be boring and repetitive. I find tall tales to be boring and repetitive and for that reason I haven’t gotten the golden shores gold curse, I’m about half way there for a long time. Are those with the golden shore curse sweats with no lives? You certainly won’t see me making that copium claim.

    P.S. love the burning blade event, and I look forward to working towards the commendations.

  • Everyone gets their opinion, but I gotta say....yes! it's just you.

    The Burning Blade is just EPIC in design and function. The Dragon Cannons could have longer range though.
    The new puzzles are pretty cool. All things get repetitive in this game over time.
    The Plunder Pass is the best one yet. I happen to like red cosmetics, so the freebies and the Plunder Pass set all work together quite well.

    I do agree though that a cinematic would be nice for FlameHeart.

  • Played yesterday for the first time in weeks. Aside from the usual server instability, it was probably the most fun multi-boat PvP(vE) I had in months.

    At one point my gally was being focused by the Flameheart ship (player run), a brig and a sloop. It was nutty.

    I will say that the one part I found amusing was seeing Flameheart just chillin at Reaper's, all normal-scale and unintimidating.

    Made me wonder... did they change the ritual to get the HG skelly curse? Or are new players going to experience it and be like "... wait that's that one dude we walked by earlier?"

  • @theblackbellamy

    Crewed the BB three times yesterday and it was the most fun I've had in SoT for a long time. All my friends that have done it have got really excited to play since. Crewing this big, powerful ship as one of Flameheart's skeletons has been quite a fun and engaging activity.

    This update has the "it" factor that is so essential to Sea of Thieves. There are so many ways in which the event can go, and so many different strategies to consider. On top of that I'm unlocking new skeleton cosmetics!

    Thankfully I grinded out 26 Chests of Fortune at the beginning of this month to catch up to S13, as it sharpened my PvP back up to the calcium-infused harbinger of destruction, returning fear of the title "Triumphant Sea Dog" to the seas. I've got a fitting obsidian hat and jacket to show off and level 1000 players to defeat!

  • @captain-coel

    Easy you say. And yet, it’s locked behind a pvp system that many will disagree is “easy XD
    I poke it and if I don’t own the curse, the commendation is locked to me. Not very equal :/

  • @qu1etone said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    As to the burning blade missions themselves, I'm sure they are awesome. But I'm not sure I'll get to complete them. A solo slooper is not defeating it and keeping it on the high seas servers all on their lonesome. Well, not this solo slooper anyway.

    It's not just you. I've been watching Flotsam, who's a really cracked solo slooper, trying to take on crewed Blades and pilot the Blade himself and even he struggles. The average solo slooper has basically zero chance.

    Rare can say whatever they want about it, but they clearly did not seriously have solo sloopers in mind this season. The Blade having reinforced masts, a sloop anchor, AI skellies, and a front facing flamethrower doesn't help solo's nearly as much as it helps Gally & Brig crews. This world event just feels like it was very poorly thought out on Rare's part, and I hope future content is better balanced with solo's in mind.

  • I'm really happy that they didin't went with another TT.

    They fun sure but only when you do it first time.

    They take lot of development resuorces don't add too much to core gamplay.

    Season rewaeds are meh/ok.

  • ragebait play the game bucko

  • @swicthmate09 said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    ragebait play the game bucko

    I'm gonna need your forum police badge number, sir.

  • It's meh. I'm not liking the Plunder Pass cosmetics. It's a pvp focused update so not for me. Probably won't bother with the camps more unless there is a BB up so I can keep them from getting rituals by doing them first lol.

    It's not that they're lazy, but nothing really excites me this update.

  • so funny i get posts deleted.

    @RustRa1der if u think u can chase anything down in the BB u havent played on it at all.

    i dont understand how rare seems to be able to not please any camp at all. the PVP camp thinks HG needs work and nothing happens cause all the content goes towards PVE. Now we get 5 skins and all PVErs are on megatilt cause they have to play HG to get them. :D

    i wish they are working on SoT2 in the background. That would explain everything.

  • Bruh, you think this is bad wait for season 14...if its anything remotely close to what they alluded to previously then we got absolutely nothing to look forward to for a long while.

  • I think it has made player content the most interesting it has been in a very long time. I'm not into the wrecking inexperienced players stuff, especially the brig v sloop stuff. It helps inexperienced players become more competitive which makes for better content and more entertaining content rather than just watching people lose in unfun ways.

    I like that the camping seems more fun and piratey take over rather than kind of an off-putting overkill type of situation

    Multi ship battles are always my favorite, whether fighting or watching and this content has been better for that than a lot of the other content.

    The unintended stuff is super unfortunate but I think it's more fun than usual.

    I like the skelly camps quite a bit. They are just designed really well for casual play and adventure play.

    As far as the content goes I don't have negative/critical feelings about it. I'm a solo but I think it's ok to have an event like the BB.

    I think they succeeded with "fun" way more than they did with 12.

  • @skognacious
    Yep, I know that's why I had high expectations for this Season but they underdelivered completely on that part. They keep feeding the 5% of their playerbase who is here only for the PvP while neglecting the part of their playerbase that's here to actually enjoy the game and are actually invested in the lore and adventure albeit with PvP as an occurrence (like the game was originally designed for) rather than the main goal of the game. I've taken my conclusions and I'm not gonna be playing for a long time until they get their act together (if that ever happens). I'm still baffled about how people don't see through this negligence and breadcrumbing from Rare. Also the little amount of content they did give us to try and hush us seems to not even work properly. Again there's one word for this. Negligence.

  • Its really fun sailing this big ship solo from camp a to camp b 3 times just to get sunk at the third time (ive tried 4 times for cosmetics) why designing camps just for a lame puzzle? let us give us the ship back to flameheart without streaks to unlock cosmetics, its awfull sailing this ship solo, ye the game is not designed for solo but a lot people enjoy playing solo., and they balanced raids for crewsize so rare should decide if they design it for solo players or not.....

  • It's really funny seeing people in this thread complaining about the PvP orientation of this update... Not like we've had 13 seasons... 3 of those seasons bought PvP orientated content one of which got removed (arena) it's not like 10 of those seasons where pve orientated 😂

  • not sure what their original time table was for this. seems obvious they have been working on the BB for a long time but at least 1 of the years we waited was for their poorly implemented guild system which is super buggy still and so limiting with a very small player cap. and the fact guilds in games are meant to play together and you cant even sail as a guild unless you do the tedious "lets hit set sail at the same second and cross our fingers"

    yea the shrines are tedious and in typical rare grindy fashion. i dont think they are a bad addition just more of the same weve already seen before. some tall tales involving flame heart would have been nice. but that could still come. this update is very heavily focused on pvp despite the trailers showing off nothing but the pve. yet basically you are forced to grind a pvp event that gives no hourglass reputation while hourglass is probably the literal worst thing they have added to the game, which is ironic because most of us praised hourglass when it came out even the pvp haters but then oh the curses and access to exclusive zones created fomo forcing us to grind a mode we hate. and even hitbotc who said the hourglass was the best sot update we have ever gotten... grew to hate hourglass in a matter of weeks.

    note my issue with the pvp nature of this new event isnt the pvp itself but that it doesnt reward hourglass which is the major pvp thing in the game.

  • I will agree that it’s a shame Flameheart did not get a Tall Tale for his return. However, Mike Chapman said this would be the “year” of Flameheart and not the “season” of Flameheart. Flameheart is only getting started. This isn’t the end of of his shenanigans in the Sea of Thieves.

  • @ghostfire1981 said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    Erm, have you tried out the new ship, and what it is capable of? We now have a really scary thing moving around the map, and we can capture it OR fight it. If you are even a little into PvP this is super exciting news, something that will properly activate the whole server. (If i understood correctly the ship will disable other events, so you have to end it to get a new one.)

    And about the lore part... this is just the introduction, im sure we will get more missions (or tall tales) as the story continues.

    And if you're not into PvP and the BB is on your server causing all other world events to be disabled -- the third choice is to dive to another server and try your luck again.

    My true concerns about this new world event are the following:

    • A solo or duo will have a very difficult time on their own sinking an evenly moderately good crewed Burning Blade. Get anywhere close to the ship and a barrage of canon balls mean your crew is spending a large amount of time just keeping the sloop afloat and in the battle. As a below average to average player, there is very little chance for boarding opportunities.
    • The anchor should scale to the original crew size. Was it a sloop, then use the sloop anchor. Was it a galley, then it should have the galley anchor.
    • As a duo that managed to capture the Burning Blade once, you now have to transition to managing basically a galleon. While possible, there is a bit of a disadvantage even with the skeleton crew helping with canons and repairs -- just in managing the sails.

    However, I will say there are some cool things that have happened since this event that I would love if Rare could find a way to encourage, or even capitalize on. I've seen more multi-ship battles which make for epic stories. Not to mention the absolute confusion of trying to determine who is crewing the Burning Blade, who has boarded from other ships, while dodging obsidian skeletons is one of a kind.

    This leaves me with the following questions?

    • Where are commendations for forming alliances to take down a burning blade? Sure, let the crews battle over the sword after the sink, but where are rewards for working with other crews to sink the Burning Blade in the first place, especially when in an alliance and if they are non-reaper emissaries. (Maybe I missed them)
    • How about some commendations for killing pirate crews as they try to turn in the Burning Blade to Flameheart? If the goal is to keep Flameheart from gaining power, make it worthwhile to take the battle all the way to Reaper's hideout and into the presence of Flameheart himself. I've seen many crews follow the Blade all the way to Reaper's, only to turn away once it is evident they'll be able to turn it in to Flameheart.
    • Why isn't there more of a ceremony for turning in the Burning Blade? Going with the last point, how about being able to interrupt the ceremony -- making it a requirement of the Burning Blade crew to continue to defend until the ceremony is completed.

    Anyway, just a few random thoughts. Right now, the verdict is still out on this season for me as I'm still concerned about the overall balance of the game with this new world event. It is evident that it has changed the overall feel of the game -- and I'm not sure I'm in favor of where it is going.

  • This update is absolutely amazing it really is putting pirates skills to the test which I LOVE!!! Rare has nerfed everything in the game because all people do is complain. I haven't had so much fun on SoT in a long time! This an entirely NEW boat type to learn what works to sink while players are on it. Coming up with new strategies to sink the BB or to sink other ships has been my favorite.
    I love the cosmetics and the comms to get them are more than fair.

  • @olive-the-cook

    There's ton of content in comparison for average players. We all start in the same place it's just learning new skills and advancing like any game. Most games has easy bosses and hard bosses.

  • @riftenwatcher
    I'm pretty sure Mike Chapman said "the year of Flameheart" as in. 'This is the year Flameheart is coming back in S13'. Everyone was expecting a big entrée and we basically just got a "yo guys i guess i'm back lol come find me at reaper's if u want xdd"

    I'm sure Flameheart will still play a big part. But i can't wrap my head around the way he's been brought into the game. So underwhelming for such an anticipated and hyped character.

  • @mich-iel2538 said in Season 13 is one big let down:

    I'm pretty sure Mike Chapman said "the year of Flameheart" as in. 'This is the year Flameheart is coming back in S13'. Everyone was expecting a big entrée and we basically just got a "yo guys i guess i'm back lol come find me at reaper's if u want xdd"

    I'm sure Flameheart will still play a big part. But i can't wrap my head around the way he's been brought into the game. So underwhelming for such an anticipated and hyped character.

    Another way to look at it is that a lot of players are new, especially with PS5 players joining up.

    They don't have the history or the nostalgia so they are experiencing a big exciting event and having that fun may attach them more to flameheart lore or lore in general, etc.

    It's easy to forget after as many hours that many of us have played but for new players a lot of this stuff is very new and exciting, it's their origin story. It's not a let down to many, it's the exciting start to their pirate's life.


    I'm big into adventure and I've made countless posts in support of organic play and adventuring.

    but I started with a lot of arena play. It's what led me to enjoying adventure play more. It was exciting and wild and it got me attached to SoT. An event like this is like that to some newer players. Maybe they get into lore and maybe they don't, maybe they stay in pvp and maybe they don't, but it's a good starting point. Exciting pirate battle. Cool ship, cool character.

    Maybe a tall tale is in the works, that would be great.

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