Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?

  • @ant-heuser-kush First one was a software issue it just couldnt start up and when it did corrupted everything.

    This one is basically the same, it starts now and again, sometimes it takes about 2 hours to get it working but certain game for some reason kill it, including OW and SoT. It just black screens and the menus crash and then refuses tomload up for a few hours.

    I dont have much luck with technology aha im just glad mines not a scorpio because they are not very good at replacing the limited edition ones, normally they just give you a normal one instead

  • @bamcreeps «Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?» Yes.

    Just look at any previous game sessions.

    Just look at it right now :)

  • @apocacide games that play simple are always complicated when you think of it. balancing a game is the hardest and complicated part.

  • @knifelife said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    @ant-heuser-kush If we all agreed on everything then what would be the point, its why i love these forums you can debate and actually have a civilised discussion without it turning toxic.

    The non-toxic debates are my favorite, too. Like you were saying, we are here to give input (maybe not as impactful as some would like, but there have been tangible changes based on it). I know if I ran into any of you in-game, I would buy you a grog at the tavern. As a matter-of-fact, just tell the barmaid to add it to my tab the next time you fill up.

  • @erikinthebakery It would have to be your tab, she stopped letting one when i convientley had to to see for a few months when it was due to be paid.

    I blame @Clumsy-George he owns the tavern and the bar maid spits in my tankards! I dunno what i done to deserve such treatment, im a hard working honest pirate! I am.... i swear and if you dont believe me ill blunderbuss ye! XD

  • @clumsy-george
    Does it have to do with certain... bubbles?

  • @KnifeLife If you have met @Clumsy-George and still think that drinking from the tavern he owns is a good idea than it's on you, just sayin'

  • https://puu.sh/zmd2I/a52c6b6f1e.png

    @porkin5 said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    I highly doubt it.

    @dalinoge said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    Eventually this will happen

  • @knifelife
    I keep moaning at Rare, telling them about that disgusting hovel called 'The George & Kraken'. Even Pirate Health & Safety won't enter!! Especially if the proprietor @Clumsy-George has been at his patented 'afterburner beans' again!
    I have offered my services & a fine named establishment to replace such a blemish on an otherwise beautiful world.
    The much more upmarket 'Sword & Spyglass' would cater to a much more respectable clientele ;)

  • @clumsy-george
    Hahahaha. Your dirty w***h behind the bar has single handedly caused more deaths in SOT than @Capta1n-Cr0ss.
    Whether it's the diseases in her saliva or the dodgy Belgian Angelwee she serves causing them all we'll never know ;)

  • @logansdadtoo Hahaha i think we are going to have to do some Tavern games to see who holds the better establishment.

    Will it be @LogansDadToo Sword and Spyglass?
    Or @Clumsy-George George and Kraken?

    Tune in the near future to find out xD i will be taking bets.. well by taking having the money and doing a runner

  • @knifelife
    Ha ha!!
    I've seen your sailing prowess m8, so i would imagine doing a runner would be considerably safer ;p

  • @logansdadtoo Have you tried The Drowned Rat?

    Their appetizers alone beat anything you'd find at G&K.

    Just remember if you get the sliders, there are no cows in the Sea of Thieves...

  • @erikinthebakery
    I tend not to risk eating out in any of the dodgy establishments anymore, after getting a severe case of the runs from trying some of George's 'Suckling Pig'.
    Lord knows what that thing had been suckling on?

  • @logansdadtoo Dont know what you are talking about mate! Im aprofessional sailer with a masters in advanced manuvering techniques, and i will hear no diffrent...

    Mainly because anyone who would disagree conveniently went down when the ship hit the rocks, but it wasnt me driving and no one left alive can prove it!

  • @knifelife
    The only advanced manoeuvring techniques i've seen from you is when your OCD kicked in & you decided to rearrange our treasure chests!
    Admittedly, you are quite good at manoeuvring treasure chests :)

  • Do I think pvp'ers will take over SoT? Honestly, yes, but only briefly. I believe it is unrealistic to say that pvp'ers will not run ramped on a open world game.

    The issue comes when there is no way of toppling these "hardcore pvp'ers". Need examples, go play The Divison and see what it is like when these types of pvp'ers run a whole zone.

    Rare has taken away the primary ingredient (in keeping with all the previous food related replies) these types of pvp'ers need; stat based gear.

    From my time in SoT, there was no one person, or crew, that could continuously control a island or outpost, let alone a whole server. While fighting in SoT does require some skill, there is always a element of dumb luck when winning.

  • @briggz77 said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    @aenima123 I don't really think they will either, but there is still that slight chance. Considering how many people in the beta just sat at outposts waiting for ships to come by and they just carved them down and jacked the chests they worked for 30+ minutes to get. I am sure they are making a safety net somehow to prevent griefing.

    It's part of the risk and excitement. If you see ships at an outpost, you should play it safe and go to a different outpost. There are a lot of them, and I was never in a game where more than one outpost was being camped, and I played for 60 hours at least. You don't need a carebear zone in a piracy game. Just use your head and outplay other people. Strategy is part of the fun. Hopefully they don't add safety nets other than a social island similar to Nassau.

  • @clarkalii I agree totally, I made a separate post to someone talking about the same thing. I still think griefing will be in the game, but not to the extent it would be game breaking, considering there are other ports and such you can still go to and should still consider when having a nice haul of treasure lol.

  • @briggz77 said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    @knifelife I couldn't agree more. I love the fact that there isn't safe zones, it adds more adrenaline to the 'cash in' aspect of the game to be honest. Another thing you have to look at also is if you do have a lot of chests you have to make decisions based on that. If this outpost has people already there while I come in with 10 chests or whatever, are those people turning chests in, camping, sitting in the ship or what. This adds a lot to the pvp.

    Then after we think of what they are doing, do we chance cashing our chests in with people at the outpost, or go to another, or beach the boat or dock it lol. That is definitely an aspect of the game I love, it adds a whole different aspect to the pvp nature of the game.

    The only thing I think they need to add is a reward for sinking a ship. If a ship goes out for an hour or so and just treasure hunts, then a ship that has done nothing but log in and try to sink other ships to steal treasure and is constantly hunting you because they have literally nothing to lose, what reward is there for the treasure hunters for defending their ship again the attacker? If I went out and got 10 chests and then successfully defended my ship against someone, I should at least get something out of it, but as the defending side right now, you have a big negative attached to that. You not only got attacked, but used a lot of resources and time defending, so even though you won, you are still at a loss.

    That is the only thing I think they need to tweak, is a reward for sinking a ship.

    Hunting ships is not the big payday you think it is...

  • @MattyDove74 Hunting ships is not the big payday you think it is...

    I didn't say it was, but a lot of people were just running around griefing (kind of) in the beta. Most people who were in your lobby just in general almost never had treasure to be honest. We had 80+ hours or so in the beta, 40K gold after unlocking everything there was to unlock and even when we went after ships we rarely saw treasure to steal.

    This was also the beta though, most people were running around just killing people regardless if they were fresh spawns. The largest haul I personally got in the beta is when I 1v4'd and snagged I think 7 chests from their ship, and they were p****d lol, but that was the most. A majority of ships just had 1 or 2.

  • @misterdoomed said in Will hardcore PVP'ers take over Sea of Thieves?:

    There are things in modern games that has led to the hardcore pvp mindset crowd as you call it.
    Back in the early days if online games and pvp there was TRULY no strings , no safty nets no respawn and no do overs, there was also not all the 3rd party mods that allowed key binds, macros and 15 button mouse to do all the work for you. So back in the day when you fought pvp it was your skill vs thiers and if you lost they usually got all your stuff etc. This led to a more " real" feel to pvp.
    Todays gamers have demanded so many safty nets and ez mode mods etc that pvp is nothing more than a griefing tool once players have " got all the best pvp gear" in game.
    That last sentence gives me a tiny bit of hope that most so called hardcore pvp players will get bored and leave asap because there is nothing to gain from grinding out kills and THANK GOD this game cost 60 bucks to keep out all the f2p trolls who just grief and leave and all the kiddies who like to click to feel good .
    I have hope that after the inital few weeks or months this will be a pretty fun chill way to kill a couple hours with friends.

    These youngsters will never know the horror of being beaten by a naked lumberjack, whilst encased in my finest armor and laden with gems and gold. His laughter after he murdered my beloved comrades one by one, still haunts me. He killed us all and picked the bones clean...I knew after that day...I wanted to be just like him.

  • I think there will always be those people who enjoy watching the world burn. I mean sinking other ships, which in the case of SoT isthe only game I don't mind losing in.

    I was just telling a couple of hopeful new pirates that its so fun even when I lose. Mainly because there will always be more treasure to find and voyages to take, so even if I lost a boatful of treasure. I can restart and just go find more or redo the voyages I have.

  • @gotgabriele L**O, nailed it.

  • @LogansDadToo @Clumsy-George Listen 'ere mateys, both your establishments are without question, questionable.

    To those in the know, many a fine quartermaster hath quenched and sated at 'The Worlds End'. Any brazen scallywags and rapscallions are handed over to the provost who sends em over to w***h at the The George and Kraken.

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