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Eye of Reach

Eye of Reach

You ever see a thing like this outside the Sea of Thieves? Crazy what they can think up nowadays. The Eye of Reach is pretty much a rifle with a spyglass attached, which makes its shots accurate over distances. We’re talking long distances. If you want to settle a score without bothering to leave the crow’s nest, this is the weapon for you.

On the other hand, you won’t be winning any quick-draw duels with an Eye of Reach. You can fire it blind in a pinch, but you’re not giving yourself much chance of hitting a target if you’re trying to aim down the sights while running around like you’re on fire. Easier to stand still and line it up just right whenever you have the opportunity. Also bear in mind that just like a spyglass, using the sights will cause a gleam that could give away your crafty sniping spot.

Shots from an Eye of Reach are powerful, more so than pistol fire, but they’re not enough to take out a healthy pirate with a single round. Unless you’re very good at hitting a moving target, it’s best to think carefully about when and where you’re going to take your shot. Looking for a Gunpowder Barrel or a skeleton that’s already taken a few blows can be more effective than trying to finish off a fighting fit foe who’s ducking and dodging towards you with their own weapon drawn. Pick the right tool for the right job, and use your surroundings.

By Seamark

This is Seamark. My classes are all about combat, danger and being good at one to get out of the other. If you have questions, save ’em until after I’ve left.