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Practical Tools

Practical Tools

Compasses, lanterns and other navigational aids are all well and good, but there’s no point finding buried treasure if you have no way to dig it up or celebrate afterwards. That’s why, as a pirate born and bred, you’re sure to have a number of multi-purpose items about your person to help you finish any Voyage in style. These include:

Tankard: This carries grog to your face so you can drink it. By default, the tankard in your inventory will have some grog in it – strong stuff, even by pirate standards, and it only takes a single serving to get you all unsteady. If you’d like more, you can refill your tankard at your ship’s grog barrel or by talking to a tavern keeper. Drink too much grog too quickly, however, and… well, you’ll find out. The tankard’s other use? Raising it to say cheers to your trusty crew!

Speaking Trumpet: The Speaking Trumpet amplifies your voice when you use it, allowing your words to carry much further than they normally would. Since your crew can already hear what you’re saying at all times, the tool’s main use is to call across to other ships from a distance. Perhaps you’ll agree upon an Alliance, make some new friends and sail together forever! I mean, stranger things have happened.

Shovel: This is used to uncover chests, bait and other items buried in the sand or soil of the islands. It’ll take a good few uses to free even the cheapest of treasure chests, so make sure the coast is clear before you start to dig. If your crewmates dig in the same place, you can dramatically speed up the work.

Bucket: This humble household item can save your life. Seriously! If your ship starts to fill with water, only the bucket can help you fight the flood and stop yourself from sinking. A full bucket can also be used to water plants, douse fires (including extinguishing anyone who might be ablaze) or stop Gold Skeletons in their tracks. You can also throw up in a bucket and then use the vomit as a projectile to temporarily blind someone, just… don’t expect them to be your friend afterwards.

Fishing Rod: You can try fishing in pretty much any body of water, from an island rockpool to the wide open sea, but you might find you have more success if you look at your Item Radial while the fishing rod’s in your hand. This will enable you to apply a piece of bait to the hook (assuming you’ve found some), which is bound to come in handy when you’re trying to land a lunker or two. Remember, any fish you catch counts as food even when it’s raw, so make sure you’ve got space in your inventory before trying to remove it from the line.

Further reading: How to Fish on the Sea of Thieves

By Nine-Cat Nura

I’m Nine-Cat Nura, writing to you from the Sea of Thieves. Why? I was promised a good amount of gold if I did, that’s why. Besides, the rest of my crew are ashore, handing in a couple of skulls to Madame Olive over at the—well, I’m getting ahead of myself.