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Voyages and Quest Items

Voyages and Quest Items

Back in the old days, undertaking a Voyage for your chosen Trading Company would have meant having to sail over to an Outpost and speak to the local representative directly. No one’s sure quite how or when the different Companies came together to work out a better way, but the result was something revolutionary to the pirate life: the Quest Table.

That’s right, this unassuming piece of furniture is one of the most important blocks of wood you’ll ever encounter. That’s because all your available Voyages and Raid Voyages can now be found right here, ready to be started at the drop of a hat – or the stab of a dagger, if you will.

Every time you board your ship, you’ll be able to stop by your Quest Table to pick out what type of adventure you want to go on – whether that’s tracking down wild animals for the Merchant Alliance, digging up treasure for the Gold Hoarders or battling Skeleton Captains for the Order of Souls.

Once you’ve begun to establish a name for yourself with each Company, you’ll also earn the right to take on Raid Voyages on their behalf, accessed via that same Quest Table and pitting you against some of the most dangerous foes on the Sea of Thieves for the chance of glorious rewards!

Whatever you choose, the Quest Table will offer up your suggestion for your crew to vote on and, assuming they back your choice, you’ll find your inventory now overflowing with useful maps, riddles, journals or other Quest Items to guide you onwards. You’ll find these on the Item Radial by default. A single Voyage might provide you with multiple clues – checking how long a Voyage is expected take before you select it on the Quest Table will give you some idea of how many Items to expect!

The Quest Table isn’t the only way to get maps, bounties and the like, mind you. They can also be found bobbing about as a Message in a Bottle, stuffed inside a crate or barrel or even dropped by skellies you encounter along the way. Documents you find in this way don’t need to be voted on – they get added to your Quest Radial automatically, so it’s up to you and your crew to decide whether to pay them any heed.

Once a particular piece Quest Item is no longer needed (maybe because you’ve found the treasure marked on a map or dispatched a bounty target), it’ll automatically disappear, so you don’t need to worry about keeping track of where you’ve already been. Good thing too, as if there’s one thing any pirate hates, it’s sorting out the paperwork…

By Nine-Cat Nura

I’m Nine-Cat Nura, writing to you from the Sea of Thieves. Why? I was promised a good amount of gold if I did, that’s why. Besides, the rest of my crew are ashore, handing in a couple of skulls to Madame Olive over at the—well, I’m getting ahead of myself.