Sea of Thieves 2024 Emporium Extravaganza Prize Draw



  1. RULES

These are the official terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") that govern how the Sea of Thieves 2024 Emporium Extravaganza Prize Draw promotion will operate. This promotion will be simply referred to as the "Prize Draw" throughout the rest of these Terms and Conditions. In these Terms and Conditions, "Microsoft", "we", "our", and "us" refer to Rare Limited. "You", "yourself" refers to an eligible Prize Draw entrant. The "Promoter” is Rare Limited, The Broadgate Tower, Third Floor, 20 Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2RS. “Territory” shall mean

“Territory” shall mean: Australia, Canada (excluding the province of Quebec), France, Germany, United Kingdom and the United States (all 50 United States including the District of Columbia) (together the “Participating Countries”).


Subject to the requirements set forth in Section 6 below, the Prize Draw is open to anyone residing in the Territory who is 18 years of age or older (the "Required Age") at the time of entry and who has not been judicially impeded from acting on their own. Proof of age, identity and place of residence may be required and requested. Employees of Microsoft (which includes, without limitation, its directors, executive officers, agents and consultants) or its affiliates and subsidiaries are not eligible to take part, nor are members of these employees’ families (defined as parents, children, siblings, and spouse and life partners). You are also not eligible if you were or are involved in any part of the administration or execution of this Prize Draw. Please note that this Prize Draw is void outside of the Territory and wherever else prohibited by law. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and entrants (including an entrant’s identity, age and place of residence). If a winner is found to be ineligible, the Promoter reserves the right to award the relevant prize to another entrant and to require the return of any prize already awarded.


When entering into this Prize Draw, you will be requested to accept fully and unconditionally these Terms and Conditions and to agree to be bound by them. You also agree to abide by the terms and conditions of any third party website or service where the Prize Draw is hosted, if any.

Although this Prize Draw may be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok or Twitter, it is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Facebook , Instagram, Tik Tok or Twitter. Facebook , Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter disclaims all liability in relation to this Prize Draw. You understand that you are providing your information to the Promoter and not to the social media provider.


By entering into this Prize Draw, you are stating that you are of the Required Age to participate in the Prize Draw.


This Prize Draw runs from 10:00 (UTC), 10th June 2024 and closes 10:00 UTC, 17th June 2024 inclusive (the “Entry Period”). Entries received outside of the Entry Periods will not be considered.



To enter into this Prize Draw, you must;

  • Have a valid Xbox Live or Playstation Network account, as applicable with a valid Sea of Thieves entitlement tied to such account and be a player of good standing (i.e they cannot be subject to a temporary or permanent ban, either within the Sea of Thieves game, or across  Xbox Live or Playstation Network).

  • Have signed up to receive emails from Sea of Thieves, so we can contact them if they happen to be the fortunate winners. Players can opt in, check or amend their opt-in status here: Sea of Thieves - Email Newsletter.  This email address is the “Supplied Email”

  • Enter the Pirate Emporium within the Sea of Thieves video game and claim the “Self High Five” emote offered for free (the ‘free emote’)

No purchase necessary. Entrants that satisfy the entry requirements above will be eligible to enter into this Prize Draw. Entries submitted by any other means will not be accepted. The use of script, macro or any automated devices to enter this Prize Draw is prohibited. The Promoter is not responsible for lost, corrupted, illegible or delayed entries or for network, computer, hardware or software failures of any kind over which it has no control which may restrict or delay the sending or receipt of your entry.


Entrants may make a single entry into the Prize Draw and may only win a maximum of one prize.


We will automatically disqualify any incomplete or illegible entry, any entries that we receive from you that are in excess of any entry limit described above, any entrant whose entry in the reasonable belief of the Promoter is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or any entrant who in the reasonable belief of the Promoter tampers with the entry process or is otherwise involved in any way in manipulating, interfering or tampering with this promotion or engages in any un-sportsman-like or dishonest conduct of any kind. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter's absolute discretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.


Other than what is set forth below, we are not claiming any ownership rights to your entry. However, by submitting your entry, you:

  • are granting us an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual right and license for the duration of the applicable rights to: (i) reproduce, copy, adapt your entry with all known or later developed means in connection with the promotion of this Contest in all media (now known or later developed) as defined below; (ii) use, review, assess, test and otherwise analyse your entry and all its content in connection with this Contest; and (iii) feature your entry and all its content in connection with the promotion of this Contest in all media (now known or later developed) such as including but not limited to Internet (in particular on social networks pages or online community platforms or  Xbox Live or Playstation Network dashboards), display, POS as well as on any kind of materials such as printed materials, posters (made commercially available or otherwise), press advertisements, online materials as for instance web-banners and emailings, audiovisual commercials;

  • except in France and where prohibited by applicable law, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive in perpetuity any and all so-called “moral rights” or any similar right that you may have or hereinafter acquire in the entry and all its content, and to the extent that you cannot, you hereby consent to us doing or omitting to do any act that would otherwise infringe such “moral rights” or any such similar rights;

  • agree to sign any necessary documentation that may be required for us and our designees to make use of the rights you granted above;

  • understand and acknowledge that Microsoft and other entrants may have developed or commissioned materials similar or identical to your submission and you waive any claims you may have resulting from any similarities to your entry;

  • understand that we cannot control the incoming information you will disclose to our representatives in the course of entering, or what our representatives will remember about your entry. You also understand that we will not restrict work assignments of representatives who have had access to your entry. By entering this Contest, you agree that use of information in our representatives’ unaided memories in the development or deployment of our products or services does not create liability for us under this agreement or copyright or trade secret law;

  • understand that you will not receive any compensation or credit for use of your entry, other than what is described in these Terms and Conditions.

For Entrants from Germany: The rights you may have according to Sections 11 (2), 32, 32a and 36 of the German Copyright Law remain unaffected.

Please note that following the end of this Contest your entry may be posted on a website selected by us for viewing by visitors to that website. We are not responsible for any unauthorized use of your entry by visitors to this website. While we reserve these rights, we are not obligated to use your entry for any purpose, even if it has been selected as a winning entry.

If you do not want to grant us these rights to your entry, please do not enter this Contest.


There will be one hundred and one (101) prizes in total. The prizes will be as follows:

  • A single main prize, being an entitlement to all in game Sea of Thieves digital cosmetics made available for purchase in the Sea of Thieves Pirate Emporium throughout the month of June 2024.

  • One hundred (100) runners up prizes being an entitlement to the Sea of Thieves Season 13 Plunder Pass.

All prizes are as stated and are non-exchangeable. You may not exchange your prize, neither in full or in part, for cash or any other merchandise or services. Only in game digital cosmetics made available for sale during the Entry Period form the prize.  For clarity, any Sea of Thieves cosmetic item previously offered for sale through the Pirate Emporium in the past but not made available during the Entry Period are excluded.  However, if for any force majeure reason an advertised prize is unavailable or if it is unlawful to supply the prize to you in terms of the laws of your country of residence, we reserve the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value.

You may not designate someone else as the winner. If you are unable or unwilling to accept your prize, we will award it to an alternate winner amongst the runners up referred to above.

If you accept a prize, you will be solely responsible for all applicable taxes related to accepting the prize, if any.

Unless otherwise noted, all prizes are subject to their supplier’s warranty and / or terms and conditions.

Prizes will be delivered within 30 working days from the day that an email response to confirm delivery details is received by the winner(s), in accordance with the above. The Promoter is not responsible for any delays in the postal service.


There will be one winner of the main prize and one hundred (100) winners of the runners up prize chosen at random on or before 24th June 2024


Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. If there is a dispute regarding a potential winner, we will consider the potential winner to be the authorized account holder of the email address used to enter the Prize Draw.


Attempts to contact the initial winner[s] will begin once winners are chosen  using the Supplied Email  at time of entry. If a message is returned as undeliverable, the initial winning entrant will forfeit their prize and the Promoter will conduct a further random draw to pick an alternative winner. Winners who are successfully contacted will be asked to respond to an email sent to them from This email will include a time to respond by. If the email is not responded to within the period listed on the winner notification messages, the winner will forfeit their prize and the Promoter will conduct a further random draw to pick an alternative winner. It is your responsibility to respond, as a winner. We will not enter into discussion beyond this point. Prizes will be fulfilled on or before 1st July 2024.


You hereby grant Microsoft Corporation and its affiliates the right to publish your supplied Xbox LIVE Gamertag or Playstation Online ID in online and offline worldwide media for this Prize Draw if you are a winner for a duration of one year from the end of the Entry Period. You may be also asked (and may decline) to participate in further publicity or advertising relating to the Prize Draw without remuneration, which may include the use of your supplied Xbox LIVE Gamertag or Playstation Online ID for advertising and publicity purposes. Prize winners’ names will be available for a three months period from the day of winner selection by emailing the following address:


To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, modify, cancel or withdraw this Prize Draw and to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. If cheating, a virus, bug, catastrophic event, or any other unforeseen or unexpected event that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled, (also referred to as force majeure) affects the fairness and /or integrity of this Prize Draw, we reserve the right to cancel, change or suspend this Prize Draw. This right is reserved whether the event is due to human or technical error. If a solution cannot be found to restore the integrity of the Prize Draw, we reserve the right to select winners from among all eligible entries received before we had to cancel, change or suspend the Prize Draw. If you attempt to compromise the integrity or the legitimate operation of this Prize Draw by hacking or by cheating or committing fraud in ANY way, we may seek compensation from you for any losses that we incur as a result of your actions to the fullest extent permitted by law. Further, we may ban you from participating in any of our future Prize Draws, so please play fairly.

If you are resident of Germany or France, this paragraph shall apply to the exclusion of the above paragraph: If cheating, a virus, bug, catastrophic event, or any other unforeseen or unexpected event that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled - provided that these events are considered as force majeure events as defined by German or French Courts - affects the fairness and /or integrity of this Prize Draw, we reserve the right to cancel, change or suspend this Prize Draw. This right is reserved whether this force majeure event is due to human or technical error. If a solution cannot be found to restore the integrity of the Prize Draw, we reserve the right to select winners from among all eligible entries received before we had to cancel, change or suspend the Prize Draw. If you attempt to compromise the integrity or the legitimate operation of this Prize Draw by hacking or by cheating or committing fraud in ANY way, we may seek compensation from you for any losses that we incur as a result of your actions to the fullest extent permitted by law. Further, we may ban you from participating in any of our future Prize Draws, so please play fairly.


Microsoft cannot guarantee the performance of any third party and shall not be liable for any act or default by a third party. Entrants in this Prize Draw agree that Microsoft will have no liability whatsoever for (a) any injuries, losses, costs, damage or disappointment of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from acceptance, misuse or use of a prize, or from participation in this Prize Draw or (b) technical, hardware or software failures, lost, faulty or unavailable network connections or difficulties of any kind that may limit or prohibit the entrant's ability to participate in the Prize Draw. The foregoing shall apply in the event your data or your entry is not received or lost by the Promoter. Nothing in this clause shall limit the Promoter’s liability in respect of death or personal injury arising out of its own negligence or arising out of fraud. The provisions of this section shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

If you are resident of France, this paragraph shall apply to the exclusion of the above paragraph. Microsoft cannot guarantee the performance of any third party over which it has no control. Entrants in this Prize Draw agree that Microsoft will have no liability whatsoever for any losses, costs, damage or disappointment of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from acceptance, misuse or use of a prize, or from participation in this Prize Draw as long as these losses, costs, damage or disappointment are not caused by a breach by Microsoft of its statutory or contractual obligations towards the entrant.

If you are resident of Germany, this paragraph shall apply to the exclusion of the above paragraph[s]. Microsoft cannot guarantee the performance of any third party and shall not be liable for any act or default by a third party. Entrants in this Prize Draw agree that Microsoft will have no liability whatsoever for (a) any injuries, losses, costs, damage or disappointment of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from acceptance, misuse or use of a prize, or from participation in this Prize Draw or (b) technical, hardware or software failures, lost, faulty or unavailable network connections or difficulties of any kind that may limit or prohibit the entrant's ability to participate in the Prize Draw, unless such injuries, losses, costs, damage or disappointment is caused by gross negligence or wilful intent of the Promoter.

  1. DATA

Any personal data relating to entrants will be used solely in accordance with current data protection legislation applicable in your country of residence and in the country where the data controller is located. Microsoft’s Privacy Statement located at will apply to this Prize Draw and to all information that we receive from your entry.

Certain data relating to entrants must be provided in order to enter this Prize Draw. Refusal by entrants to provide such data shall mean that they cannot enter this Prize Draw. The data will be temporary used by Microsoft Corporation and its affiliates and by any of its representatives or employees for the purposes of conducting this Prize Draw, as set out in these Terms and Conditions. Entrants have the right to exercise their rights of access to, amendment to or deletion of their data and to oppose the processing of their data for marketing purposes by emailing

  1. OTHER

No correspondence will be entered into regarding either this Prize Draw or these Terms and Conditions. In the event of a dispute, the Promoter’s decision shall be final in all respects on all entrants.

If you are a resident of UK, the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this agreement.


These Terms and Conditions, the conduct of this Prize Draw and the interpretation and enforcement of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of the entrant’s country of residence. Nothing herein shall deprive you of any more favourable terms that could apply to you under the laws of your country of residence.


Inquiries and/or complaints related to the Prize Draw can be made via the Sea of Thieves customer service team using this link; These Terms and Conditions can be obtained at:

2024 Ancient Coin Trinket Promotion (Promotion)

  • This promotion runs from 10th June 2024 10:00:00 UTC to 17th June 2024 10:00:00 UTC (promotional period).

  • If within the video game, Sea of Thieves, players spend 2000 Ancient Coins (AC) or more in the in-game Pirate Emporium (qualifying players), then qualifying players will be granted an in-game entitlement to the Sea of Thieves Ancient Coin Trinket. The grant of the cosmetic will occur within 5 working days of the end of the promotional period.

  • Have a valid Xbox Live or Playstation Network account, as applicable with a valid Sea of Thieves entitlement tied to such account and be a player of good standing (i.e they cannot be subject to a temporary or permanent ban, either within the Sea of Thieves game, or across  Xbox Live or Playstation Network).

  • In order to be a qualifying player, 2000 AC must be spent within the Sea of Thieves Pirate Emporium by a single Sea of Thieves Pirate Account linked to a valid Xbox Live Account. Only one entitlement will be awarded per Pirate Account. The entitlement is as stated and cannot be exchanged. No alternative will be offered. Microsoft’s determination of the award of the entitlement will be final.

  • Inquiries and/or complaints related to the Prize Draw can be made via the Sea of Thieves customer service team using this link; Any inquiries made after 17 July 2024 will not be entered into.

  • These Terms and Conditions can be obtained at:

  • Any personal data relating to entrants will be used solely in accordance with current data protection legislation applicable in Your Country of residence and in the country where the data controller is located. Microsoft’s Privacy Statement located at