Curse ideas (plant, deep sea(kraken), frozen, castaway/barnacle/?, mermaid)

  • Sorry if this is already suggested.

    Plant curse - replaces hair with plants, could add some extra bits on the body, like golden eyes or a pigs snout or feather sticking out :D to make it seem like its a merchant curse

    Curse of the deep - One hand a kraken tentacle, snake like yellow eyes (kraken set eye patch for inspiration)

    Curse of the frozen horizon/terror - Kind of an obvious one, some body parts appear as frozen or similar to golden curse (patches on your body)

    Curse of castaway - Not sure how to pull it off in sea of thieves friendly style exactly (im not an artist) but something very similar to Bootstrap Bill Turner from POTC (Barnacles, moss etc)

    Curse of the mermaid - Eyes and middle of the chest have a gem in them, maybe it could be first curse that has variables which you can choose/unlock (gree,blue,red)

    Do you guys have cool ideas for curses? Apart from Skeleton which everyone who liked POTC has already suggested ^^

    edit - corrected the nonsense i wrote while at work.

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  • I really like all of your ideas. I came across some cool concept art the other day for the barnacle curse. alt text

  • @jester1027 said in Curse ideas (plant, deep sea(kraken), frozen, castaway/barnacle/?, mermaid):

    I really like all of your ideas. I came across some cool concept art the other day for the barnacle curse.

    That looks really dope, the first one is almost the same how I would imagine the Bootstrap Bill, maybe minues the zombie look.

    Also another one could be a zombie curse literally straight out of this picture, but we would probably need some sort of zombie plague story in SOT before it and Im not sure if Rare would venture that route. We probably have another 2-5years before they are popular again :D (imo its like a cycle with people liking zombies and stuff about them)

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    The reapers mark curse:
    A huge reapers mark on the chest, red light slowly filters through the hourglass, and when you die the sand is all at the bottom (this is kinda dark but like ur time is up)

    Some of your teeth and small patches of skin and maybe pupils of eyes would have red ghost curse on it, reminiscent of flameharts skull in the sky.

    I love all the other curses u came up with! This game def. needs more curses cuz they're so cool!

  • @honeycrisp1 said in Curse ideas (plant, deep sea(kraken), frozen, castaway/barnacle/?, mermaid):


    The reapers mark curse:
    A huge reapers mark on the chest, red light slowly filters through the hourglass, and when you die the sand is all at the bottom (this is kinda dark but like ur time is up)

    Some of your teeth and small patches of skin and maybe pupils of eyes would have red ghost curse on it, reminiscent of flameharts skull in the sky.

    I love all the other curses u came up with! This game def. needs more curses cuz they're so cool!

    I thought about the reapers one as well, and I like your idea.

    However, decided not to suggest it as when checking SOT art work the Servant of the flame is wearing the Ashen one in some pictures, so I added two together.

    But I think yours needs glowing red eyes to make it like the Athena one and these factions are kind of a rivalry.

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    Yeah I feel like it'd be too much like the ashen one. Maybe it could be silver or something? R there any other reaper colors?

  • @honeycrisp1 said in Curse ideas (plant, deep sea(kraken), frozen, castaway/barnacle/?, mermaid):


    Yeah I feel like it'd be too much like the ashen one. Maybe it could be silver or something? R there any other reaper colors?

    Well the two most dominant colours in their costume are Black and Gold, red seams to be an addition to put the icing on the cake and make them look fearsome. So maybe they could figure out some sort of meaningful and cool looking way to implement it. imagination part of the brain activated

  • I would also like to see some sort of curse that incorporates fish scales. It could also give you webbed feet, hands and maybe even gills. I know this is starting to sound a lot like the splashtail costume, but that doesn't really count in my opinion. I would love to be able to use the curse with my existing clothing, tattoos, and scars.

  • Yes to all of this

  • Curse of the Ancients - makes the tatoos glow. The colour would depend on the tatoo itself - ashen-themed ones would be red, some nautical ones (with fish n ships) would be blue, etc.

  • @jester1027 said in Curse ideas (plant, deep sea(kraken), frozen, castaway/barnacle/?, mermaid):

    I really like all of your ideas. I came across some cool concept art the other day for the barnacle curse. alt text

    I want it, NOW! 11/10

  • a moving living beard

    curse of lechuck

  • Before they introducing any new curses, I would love to see them reintroduce the Legendary Curse first, as they have been talking about ^^ but I am always down for more cool curses.

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