The Sea Has Secrets…
The pirates of the Sea of Thieves are no strangers to strangeness, but even they must admit that something has been amiss for a while. The latest rumours speak of Sir Arthur Pendragon returning to the world, a man with his own supernatural history. Meanwhile, the skeletons act to preserve mystical secrets from the past in their Ashen Chests. Even Duke is no longer content to just sit by! What will you do, and how far will you go?
Tall Tale, Familiar Face
Many pirates have come across the wreck of the Blackwyche, ship of the legendary Sir Arthur Pendragon, out on Shipwreck Bay. However, now pirates are reporting sightings of the man himself, returned from beyond the veil for some perilous purpose!
Pendragon was an aristocratic adventurer who both dispatched and saved many lost souls, using his enchanted blade to send them onto their final rest. What mission could he have on the Sea of Thieves during such a turbulent time? Pirates who wish to pursue this Tall Tale simply need to find the quest book on his old ship to find out!
Starting the Tall Tale
All Tall Tales begin with a quest book. ‘The Seabound Soul’ is no different – you’ll find it on the wreck of the ill-fated Blackwyche at Shipwreck Bay. Find the book to get started on Sea of Thieves’ latest story-driven adventure, a permanent addition to the game!
Once you’ve voted on the quest book, you’ll begin the Tall Tale. Prepare to meet the spectre of Sir Arthur Pendragon and embark upon the first chapter in a story of fire and woe. Be sure to lend the expired explorer a helping hand, but keep your wits about you…

Tall Tale Rewards
Secrets of Ash
Skeletons have recently been sighted securing Ashen Tomes in special chests. These contain the secrets of the Ashen Lords, ancient and powerful skeleton leaders. Alarmed, Duke heads off to find help, leaving Stitcher Jim in charge of the Bilge Rats.
It’s possible to find Ashen Chests aboard Skeleton Ships, but most remain under the protection of Ashen Guardians. Only Pirate Legends can claim a dangerous Ashen Chest Voyage from Jim, so those who haven’t yet attained such rank must work alongside a Legend… or steal from one! Ashen Keys to open these chests can be found on separate Voyages available to anyone, but beware the Key Masters who guard them with deadly fervour. Unlock an Ashen Chest to claim the Ashen Tome of Curses inside. There are five Tomes to seek out and sell to Jim!
Start Collecting Ashen Tomes
Stitcher Jim in the tavern is your first port of call. He offers Voyages that lead to Ashen Keys and Chests, including a helpful Ashen Chest Stash for pirates who’d rather not tangle with an Ashen Guardian. Otherwise, watch out for Ashen Guardians appearing emergently on islands and in sea battles marked by ominous Ship Clouds.
Ashen Chests and Keys can both be sold to Jim for Doubloons, but using a Key on a Chest allows you to retrieve an Ashen Tome of Curses. Selling this also unlocks a Commendation allowing you to purchase a certain Ashen cosmetic item. Turn in all five of these Tomes to unlock a bonus Commendation, allowing you to purchase a special Ashen weapon!

Ashen Tome Rewards

Light a Fire
There’s no ash without fire! This Monthly Content Update unleashes fire upon the Sea of Thieves, opening up a whole new world of sea combat tactics and yet more ways to upset other pirates. Fire will catch and spread on ships, so if your vessel is set alight, you’d better be on hand with a bucket of water! Failing that, use the new water barrel on ships or just hope for a timely rainstorm…
But there’s no reason why a poor, innocent ship should suddenly catch fire, right? Wrong! Some devious pirates have mastered the art of making firebombs, which you’ll find in barrels around the Sea of Thieves. Throw these and they burst into flames – a surefire way to ruin another crew’s day! Gunpowder explosions, volcanic rocks, lightning and even cooking mishaps can also start fires, so pirates are urged to keep their buckets close.