General Praise

  • I know it can be hard not to get stuck making comments on things that need fixing, but I just wanted a post that was all about the good of this game.

    This is by far my favorite game EVER! There are so many options to do for a solo player, and even more for a PvPer. I just wanted to say thank you RARE. It's seeming a thankless job nowadays - making a top-tier game, with almost instant feedback from the players, but just know and trust there are folks out here who REALLY appreciate the hard work you all do for this game.....and for us. We understand how many man-hours it really takes to make this game.

    So from this Pirate, thank you.

    I look forward to years more.

    PS: If anyone else has PRAISE for this game. This is the spot.

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  • @rikjaxx

    I adore the game. I started around March 2023 during season 9, and I’ve obsessed over it pretty hard since then. I bought the game for a friend and recommend it constantly to my gamer groups. I’m not someone who easily decides to invest in a game, but when I do it means that I really like it.

    It’s difficult to find a game that requires some level of effort for survival and success. Most online games these days are just theme parks where everyone wins, nobody loses anything ever, and basically the end game is collecting swords. Those games do not work for me. The first time I played SoT was with some old Ultima Online friends and I quickly realized that this isn’t the type of game that one can login to with an expectation of winning everything right off the bat without any trial and tribulation.

  • When I think back to Donkey Kong and I think back to GoldenEye I'm remembering gaming but what I'm really attached to is the experiences with others. People that made a significant and positive impact on my life, people that inspired me, people I miss. Shared experiences through the highs and lows of the time.

    That's what SoT is and will later be. It's my first time getting into a game like this, online gaming wasn't really my thing. It's still not really my thing, this game just was right time, right place, and right experience. That's how good the sandbox is, it brings in people that aren't even into gaming much.

    It's a great game, a lot of wonderful people play it. Getting to tag along for the ride has been a privilege.

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