Je suis clairement dans le même état d'esprit et ai beaucoup...
im interested my gamer tag is rapt0r717
Cool just accept my friend request on xbox
I’d love to join a guild named after a dark souls protagonis...
Hey there! We at the cursed rats would love to have you we a...
Sent you a discord friend request :D our guild is perfect fo...
New to the game. Id like to sail for a guild and help anywa...
hi I am interested to joining the guild
Do you still have room? My GT is TheDTRAIN2013
@boxymacaroon247 Just DM me or add me on Discord and I will ...
@glitch00x hey glitch! You sound like the perfect fit - will...
Interested in joining! My discord is: Salahuddin#4244 Xbox G...
@kyhloix Would love to join if possible. Discord: BrainRain ...
@mrriceandbeans sure thing, send me friend request on xbox a...
Yo im down to join, im double gold in hg and i got like 5k h...