阅读我们定期发布的发行说明,了解 Sea of Thieves 的最近新增内容和调整。
The point of the fauna is to add some ambient life to the ga...
@musicmee Is that per session or in a Career? Cause it's eve...
@guildar9194 This is a cool idea and all, but you have to re...
The Legendary Hunt for Black Powder was a great voyage. Not ...
@captdirtyoar a dit dans Open crew matchmaking feedback ...
Remove the rowboats, the cursed cannonballs, the incendiary ...
I had published a post a few months ago on this subject, but...
@immaket I mean, I don’t know. There’s one on the title scre...
I think they will improve it over a patch or two but it's no...
Hey, it seems to be a thing i lost 2 times rituals and if we...
@burnbacon do you wear your headset under or over the fedora...
Seconding this. Frame drops and stutter are abysmal right no...
I came here to say pretty much exactly the same thing you di...
A large scale multiple ship raid like the original Hungering...
This is very annoying and should definitely have been accoun...
Could be server delay or lag. Havnt had an issue other than,...
I would like a blue colour for my ghost curse
@captain-knyt it’s a typical bacon response
No, I didn't. Didn't ever think to, honestly. But I'm glad s...
The game design and intent for Sea of Thieves is a shared wo...
@metal-ravage I am willing to pvp, the problem is exploiters...
The ability to modify FoV beyond the in-game limits was neve...
@curmbarell yeah they only sell if I'm in pubs, if I join a ...
@rafaxf7429 Otherwise, the mode (and possibly the game) wil...
On console while in a fight it is an inconvenience to scroll...
@wolfmanbush I don’t disagree with anything you said
@scarryosity Ahoy matey! Since you've already passed this on...
@cheekythingy said in Galleons: It really seems that some o...