Erfahre in unseren Versionshinweisen mehr über alle Neuerungen und Verbesserungen für Sea of Thieves.
Niemand hat geantwortet
It doesn’t make sense that you can’t dive with spears when t...
I respect taking on a challenge in SoT and it happens less i...
I hope Rare listens to you guys, Merchants haven't been gett...
@captain-knyt spawning and despawning of seagulls still impa...
@reds-herring said in Server Performance Suggestion: @wolfm...
@nudatati Ahoy matey! The team are aware that while the Jagg...
Going to disagree - I've seen quite a few flocks of seagulls...
@r3vanns somehow for the last 7 years there have been plenty...
Bonecrusher Pistol fan here... If a skin is funky practice w...
@fysics3037 said: ...or becoming buyable in outposts making...
@djs8-corp4078 It's per Pirate so if you are keeping the sam...
The Legendary Hunt for Black Powder was a great voyage. Not ...
@captdirtyoar a dit dans Open crew matchmaking feedback ...
I had published a post a few months ago on this subject, but...
@immaket I mean, I don’t know. There’s one on the title scre...
I think they will improve it over a patch or two but it's no...
Hey, it seems to be a thing i lost 2 times rituals and if we...
@burnbacon do you wear your headset under or over the fedora...
Seconding this. Frame drops and stutter are abysmal right no...
A large scale multiple ship raid like the original Hungering...
Could be server delay or lag. Havnt had an issue other than,...
I would like a blue colour for my ghost curse
@captain-knyt it’s a typical bacon response
No, I didn't. Didn't ever think to, honestly. But I'm glad s...
The game design and intent for Sea of Thieves is a shared wo...
@metal-ravage I am willing to pvp, the problem is exploiters...