Saying Goodbye to The Arena

  • Not quite fair to cutoff that lvl 50 cosmetic. I put in 100s of hours into arena and have been lv 48 for the longest time. Had I had a heads-up I would've just purchased my way to lv 50 like I'm assuming so many did but I was hoping to one day finish my climb naturally. This is very disappointing as I have put 1000s of hours into SoT as a whole and have collected virtually all limited time cosmetics since day 1 and now for the first time you guys put me in the situation where I'm going to miss out. Please reconsider doing that last set cutoff on the last day of arena, the lvl 5 stuff I totally understand.

  • Already posted here a couple times but it's important to keep the conversation going regarding these cosmetics. This situation wasn't handled well and I think Rare should know that some of us aren't happy about it.

    These ship sets were never available anywhere and there was never any indication that they would be available. Nobody (outside of Rare) knew that these sets would ever make their way into our customization chests until you either qualified for the items or didn't. While I get wanting to reward the dedicated playerbase of Arena, how was this the appropriate way to do it? Rare essentially ran an Arena event with exclusive items tied to it and didn't tell anybody.

    I can almost understand the decision behind a hard cutoff on the Rank 50 The Good Boy set, but why have the same cutoff for the Rank 5 rewards? Why tie so many ship sets to an arbitrary deadline that nobody was even aware of, especially when the requirement is so low? Arena will likely see a boost in player numbers over the next month as people try to get the other items before they're gone, so why not make the base ship sets available until March 10th as well?

    The decision is just confusing and I sincerely hope Rare reconsiders in some capacity. While they may not have intended to exclude anyone, the lack of communication here did exactly that, to a pretty staggering degree.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    AFAIK it is based on Rank and not commendations/upgrades bought....don't quote me....I'll check!

    Thank you for checking!! I don't mind the cutoff, I just didn't want to be left out cause I oopsed and forgot to buy the actual upgrade haha
    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Mark my words... Those 2% try-hards will end up poisoning adventure mode, eventually making every casual player focusing on adventure mode, quit the game entirely. Everyone would have been better off keeping the arena mode in the game. This is going to cause issues with ''toxicity'' increasing overall. Personally this decision makes me both sad and angry... Sad because a game I really love playing, might be killing it self off with a decision like this... And angry because yet another game decides to remove in-game stuff I want. The removal of exclusive vanity items is one of the main reasons I left world of warcraft. Another huge thing that made me leave WoW was there was too many micro transactions. I never understood why us players can't just earn our way in the games. My point is : I left WoW for this game here, and it seems Rare is making the same mistakes towards their player base as Blizzard did, and probably still does. I miss the ''good old days'' where games came out complete with vanity items to earn both hard n easy, never changed and never removed anything. All in all I support, not because I like the arena, but because removing it makes the competition between players and the pvp experience in adventure worse. Even pvp hungry players will get annoyed once they have driven away casuals. There has to be balance !!

  • @glowskull84 said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    Mark my words... Those 2% try-hards will end up poisoning adventure mode, eventually making every casual player focusing on adventure mode, quit the game entirely.

    It's 2%.. no they won't.

    They literally will have no effect and that 2% will be felt absolutely nowhere.

    You can get demolished in adventure in the future and blame it on arena sweats all you want, but that's just gunna be a hard cope tbh.

    That 2% already also engages in adventure alongside arena, 100% guaranteed. Arena wasn't protecting you from the big bad meanie PvP gang

  • I understand you guys aren’t going to change your decision. But I am honestly surprised at the change of tone and consideration that the team has been showing over recent months. I’ve already stated this before but sea of thieves was built on the developers and the community working together. That has gradually gotten lost.

    The decision you guys have made has merit, but how it has been executed and delivered is clearly the wrong decision.

    I obviously frustratingly bought my level 50 today. Very rewarding and valuable experience to cheapen out and just get it out of the way. Such a dismissive and borderline disrespectful end but like you guys have said, won’t be changing your decision.

    So what I will ask and to take this as feedback. Strongly consider how you deliver and implement these sort of decisions going forward. Remember even though this is your game it’s also a game for the players. The removal of arena is fair and just. But the fashion in how it was done was poorly thought out. This is also legitimate feedback that I hope is taken seriously and doesn’t warrant a ban or warning, especially since this feedback is definitely something you guys need to hear and listen to it properly.

  • @demon6880 said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @krayzmallory they don’t care. Your 49 and you’re not a dedicated arena players so no go for you or anyone else :/

    Dudes, I think anyone over Sea Dog 30 is a dedicated player.

  • @stayin-alive341 I see the toxicity already from watching casual pirates' in adventure on their twitch streams. it was awful to see, they obliterated him and said " so i heard they are shutting down arena huh? this is whats gonna happen. " Not good. on either sides.

  • Discontinue the Achievements. If players chose not to achieve something, why would they be rewarded with an alternative. I personally didn't enjoy Arena but still wanted to get the achievements, so I played it. I won't get Legendary Sea Dog because I don't have enough wins and still don't plan on playing it for the remaining time. There were literal years to get them, no reason to complain about them being removed. If you really wanted them, you'd have achieved them.

  • @kakashi-lord here here! From “we won’t be updating it anymore” to …. “ITS GONE..” was shocking! The fact I work evenings and sleep during the day and have kids meant that a lot of grinds have taken me a long time and reaching Arena 30 was challenging but fun. I was looking forward to the grind as were my crew. Just another bunch of cosmetics that are exclusively Rare that I don’t/Won’t have. People payed money for a game and to effectively have half of that game just removed, literally without warning in a YouTube video and told the only opportunity to earn the rare ship to remember Arena has passed….. unbelievable.

  • @mcdoosh2011 said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    People payed money for a game and to effectively have half of that game just removed,

    I would not consider Arena to be half of what Sea of Thieves is.

  • I don't think I can keep quiet about this. I need to put this out here.

    So here is my hot take;

    I do not like how the actual shut down is being handled and I do not like how rewards are being done.

    I want to open this by disclosing that I am halfway to level 39 in Sea Dogs.

    Essentially I'm being told that I am not good enough for the Good Boy but players who barely invested any time into Arena, aka level 5, are good enough to get FIVE other ship sets?

    Yes, I get those ship sets too but I've gone far beyond 5 and I think basically any player that has hit AT LEAST level 30 in Sea Dogs, put in a lot of time, effort, and energy into Arena.

    I think all players at least level 30 or 35 should get the Good Boy ship.

    It is a reward for dedicated pirates and for supporting the mode. IMO these levels take dedication and quite a bit of time to get and that by only rewarding level 50 it is basically telling anyone below 50 but above 5, that their dedication and time is not valuable enough or appreciated enough and I don't think this is OK or right. I think this is a major, major slap into the face of regular players of Arena.

    I think level 30 is a good cut off point to separate the newbs from the sweats and you get into regular player territory.

    Those are my thoughts and thank you for reading.

    Edit: I would also like to point out that even if I were level 50, my feelings here would not change. Level 30 or 35 should qualify for the Good Boy ship set. It takes quite a bit of time and dedication to get into the rank 30 of Arena. It is quite the grind, especially if you do not use double reputation days.

  • Sad for arena's end.

  • @personalc0ffee I'm 41 and not good enought for Good Boy. So sad.

  • @foxito59 said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    I don't like this decision... Because the arena is the Best gameplay for the competion scene of Sea Of Thieves !

    The NAL is fisnish ? The Pvp is dead ?

    Sea Of Thieves is not a exclusive PVE game ! I love this mod arena and i love the PVP !

    PLZ DON'T close se arena =)

    Don't be silly. Now both SoT/Rare and NAL can keep asking for money when private servers come out.

    Other than more people begging for your money, nothing will change.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    I think this is a major, major slap into the face of regular players of Arena.

    Regular players of Arena have had almost 3 years to hit level 50. If they couldn't to that, can you really consider them regular players?

  • @musicmee Feels pretty unfair for fairly new players who were trying to get to pirate legend and then grind out the best weapons in the game. I just can't help but feel slapped in the face.

  • I think that not giving the opportunity to buy the current legendary weapons to those who come after the Arena closes is in contrast to what is done with those who still unlock the Mercenary or Devils cosmetics. Making legendary weapons still purchasable in Adventure does not exclude the possibility of new sets. Please make them purchasable in the legend shop at a high cost, but purchasable!

  • @mferr11 listen to this man!!!

  • @tre-oni already had it happen twice in my 4 hour session. Toxic dudes in full arena gear harassing me verbally.

  • The new events sound amazing but i dont think the devs realize how bad of idea it is to remove the pvp outlets. All the ogs and highly skilled tdm players are going to make it very miserable to survive in adventure mode without some sort of system in place to punish toxic crews or toxic players. I get that it isnt sea of friends but the skill gap will increase exponentially in adventure in order to compensate for the changes which will be incredibly daunting for casual players and newcomers to sot. Without an outlet a lot of these pvp players will take their anger out on the adventure mode and its pve crews. I suggest a renown system that will not only negatively impact the players individually but also negatively impact the entire crew by punishing their reward pools for turning in treasure from suken crews but in turn positively impact crews who alliance together and perform pve based tasks together. Or maybe even make red players aka players who are negatively impacting pve and put them in their own lobbies together. 2% may not seem like a lot now but when they finally get flooded with complaints from the other 98% of the player base they will be neck deep in balance changes to the game which will put a hault to producing more content for pve. Maybe even consider making a pvp protection system like gta where you can log in to a pvpve server and choose to opt out of potential pvp. Idk this seems like a good and bad idea at the same time but i mean they basically purposely killed arenas by never fixing it or making changes in the past or future. This is going to be a very bumpy ride for all of us

  • @mferr11 considering I started regularly playing this game a month ago? and have been playing SoT in all of my free time outside of work and home life? and I grinded to pirate legend SPECIFICALLY to try and get the legendary weapons? Slap in the face.

  • Closing the arena is heartbreaking for me ...
    Sadly, as a solo player, I spent a lot of time enjoying massive battles, despite the fact that the developers stopped improving its' experience. I learned to master real PvP which saved me from toxic crews in Adventure many times.
    I'm worried about the PvP aspect of this game in the future because Arena was perfect for understanding the mechanisms to help you avoid frustration. Although many say that PvP in Adventure persists, that's not same... It never will be, especially when there is a shortage of crews and ships on the server.
    Frankly, I feel bad for new players who will never have a chance to hone their skills in the Arena just to get trashed in Adventure.
    Also, as an adult with a full-time job, I can't spend hours and hours grinding Adventure for loot. The Arena gave me chill time and battles I will no longer see.

    Even though I ended up one level behind to get a Good Boy (which honestly infuriated me for the first time), it's not necessarily bad, because all TSD players put in a lot more effort and basically played the entire Sea Dog reputation to the point where lvl 75 would now be. I'm glad they're rewarded with the treasure that Good Boy really is.
    I don't know ... I'm sad, I was probably the 2% of the playerbase who enjoyed the Arena the way it was.
    I'm going to jump in and pay respect to Arena one last time until it's gone.
    Then I will probably also anchor in the bay of the uncharted Sea Dog Island and watch the sunset with one grand closing of the chapter.

  • @glowskull84 said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    Mark my words... Those 2% try-hards will end up poisoning adventure mode, eventually making every casual player focusing on adventure mode, quit the game entirely. Everyone would have been better off keeping the arena mode in the game. This is going to cause issues with ''toxicity'' increasing overall. Personally this decision makes me both sad and angry... Sad because a game I really love playing, might be killing it self off with a decision like this... And angry because yet another game decides to remove in-game stuff I want. The removal of exclusive vanity items is one of the main reasons I left world of warcraft. Another huge thing that made me leave WoW was there was too many micro transactions. I never understood why us players can't just earn our way in the games. My point is : I left WoW for this game here, and it seems Rare is making the same mistakes towards their player base as Blizzard did, and probably still does. I miss the ''good old days'' where games came out complete with vanity items to earn both hard n easy, never changed and never removed anything. All in all I support #Savearena, not because I like the arena, but because removing it makes the competition between players and the pvp experience in adventure worse. Even pvp hungry players will get annoyed once they have driven away casuals. There has to be balance !!

    The 2% population of arena are by no means all tryhards, a large portion of that 2% are simply better than average. Even if all 2% happened to be the most top tier, toxic players, that's still working under the assumption that they don't already engage with adventure, which we can visibly see happens just by a look at how many LSD/TSD only crews are advertised every day. Statistically speaking, on an absolutely full, 6 galleon, 24 player server, you're still more likely to not see a single arena player. Toxicity may see some rise, but I'm sure Rare is aware of this and perhaps they'll be more reactive to these cases going forward.

  • @ham9312 Anyone who plays arena and is planning on going into adventure to act in a toxic way are just using arena as an excuse. The low player count in arena is proof enough that most arena crews already spend a large amount of time in adventure over arena so the chance of bumping into arena sweats will hardly change. This is just an excuse to go out and flex on newer crews in adventure to ruin someone else's fun. Its quite frankly pathetic and childish. If they really want to show there frustrations towards rare STOP PLAYING! Player count is what's important, while ever they play, the game receives support and investments.

  • @mferr11 that’s why I said effectively half.. there are 2 game types. Adventure mode and arena. So I was splitting the two.

  • @blankie-deer exactly, you had to grind to PL before you could even start the Grind for LSD!

  • @a10dr750 Let's also not forget that maybe only 2% of that 2% is actually great at pvp.

    I also think they underestimate the skill of the adventure players when it comes to pvp and they'll definitely be able to defend themselves from toxic or tryhard Arena players coming to 'ruin' their fun!

  • @tommy assuming everyone that ever wanted to achieve anything in Arena was a day one player? Some of us haven’t long discovered this game. We haven’t had the years a lot of others have!

  • @cepheus-dt said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    What if instead of flooding us with new tall tales and rotating events faster than we can play them, you just chilled for a bit and focused on making Arena actually fun or hitreg actually work?

    Ive been scrambling to deal with and prioritize your revolving door of events like Grogmanay and Reapers versus the world cause those were published as being time sensitive. Stuff like arena has taken a back seat since there wasnt a deadline so you can imagine how bad it feels for the deadline to be announced at its set time.

    You are making content, especially time limited content, far too fast and I have quit more than one other game that was my "main" game for that exact reason. Please slow down so we can actually enjoy things.

    This! This, exactly!

  • @brunokuz absolutely! Any crew in adventure that knows what they are doing can compete and put up a fight. Its the newer players who don't understand the meta's that will suffer. Arena isn't even that good of a place to learn naval anyway. It's good for cannon aim and boarding practice but that's it. Arena doesn't teach strategy and doesn't teach conservation of supplies. It's quite easy to prevent the arena meta's in adventure mode and it's even funnier to see people who only use these meta's get frustrated when they don't work.

  • whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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