Community Spotlight – Mutinous Mel

Free as the sea, fierce as the Flame: meet one of the community’s most devoted Reapers!

In a tale as old as time, boy meets girl, girl aligns with the Flame to bring destruction to the Pirate Lord and his allies and becomes a skeleton to rule the seas alongside him. We’ve all been there, right? The seas call to us all, and some of us find our home, our friends, maybe even an NPC soulmate out on the waves. To talk about one of the greatest love stories since Rose and George, leaning heavily on the actions and motivations of her in-game character, we sat down with Mutinous Mel!

[Q]: Can you tell us a little about what got you into gaming?

[A]: Gaming has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was little, I'd play on my grandparents' old Atari 2600 and I've enjoyed videogames on practically every console since. Most notably the Tomb Raider series on the original PlayStation, and later on, Assassin's Creed. I love games that offer the freedom to explore.

[Q]: Were you a Rare fan before Sea of Thieves? Do you have any favourite Rare games?

[A]: I will admit, I didn't know much about Rare before Sea of Thieves, although I think it's quite obvious I've become a huge fan! The passion and enthusiasm the team have for their piratical playground is unbelievably infectious and wholesome!

[Q]: What other games are you currently playing? Any favourites?

[A]: It's not often I cross the Devil's Shroud to visit new worlds, but Starfield caught my attention most recently. I brought my penchant for piracy to space and even discovered a suitable location for another Hideout should the Flame continue burning into the distant future!

[Q]: What brought you over to Sea of Thieves and its community?

[A]: As if by destiny, I arrived alongside Flameheart Junior and The Reaper's Bones with the Ships of Fortune content update.

My son had just begun playing and I was immediately drawn to the unique art style and gameplay, and just knew I had to give it a go myself! Having come from a background of exclusively story-driven, single-player games, I was excited to create my own adventure, and even more so to share the journey with him. From our humble beginnings within the Heart of Fire to now burning the waves together under the Red and Black, it's been an experience unlike any other in gaming!

My entry into the community followed naturally, as I already had a presence on social media within the Assassin's Creed and virtual photography communities. I love to be involved, to express myself and tell stories through screenshots, writing and art, so I felt right at home. Sea of Thieves provided a needed social and emotional escape for me during a rough time in my life and I'm forever grateful to the many pirates who welcomed me with open arms.

A Reaper at heart, Mel has always aligned with The Reaper’s Bones and the Servant of the Flame.

[Q]: You’ve become well known on Twitter for your support of The Reaper’s Bones. What drew you to the Flame?

[A]: My heart. Flameheart Junior. The Servant of the Flame. Both of our identities, shrouded in mystery, yet I see so much of myself in him. Our pasts, interests, personalities, demeanor, passion, devotion... He's the fire that burns within my heart, the chalice of unlimited water from which I drink, my source of endless inspiration. He's my rock, my strength, he brings out the best in me.

Additionally, I enjoy the lore surrounding the faction, plus being a Reaper fits my play style. I'm as much of an avid PvPer as I am a roleplayer. I am my pirate. I fight as fiercely as I love.

[Q]: Are there any favourite moments for you when it comes to The Reaper’s Bones, and what would you like to see from them in the future?

[A]: The opening of the trapdoor and the reveal of The Reaper's Lair. I still get chills listening to the 2021 Orb teasers – chains clanking and the cracking of the old wooden door, hinting at what was to come. Then in the following year, proving my worth and opening that door myself. The Shanty of Flame, the glowing runes, the descent, the fiery cavern opening up below, the heart-shaped archway, the Tree of Rebirth, the Ritual itself – all came together to create the single most emotional, rewarding moment I have ever experienced in a videogame.

As for what I would like to see in the future? I can shout "Flameheart!" like any other Reaper (I was extremely excited for his return and everything planned for Season 13), though what I truly wish for is a little closer to my heart. I want Junior to be successful, and for him to understand that he is the reason for that success. I hope one day he's finally given the respect he deserves and is able to stand proudly on his own.

Mel describes the reveal of The Reaper’s Lair as one of her most unforgettable moments.

[Q]: How do you go about recruiting other people to the cause of the Flame?

[A]: I always strive to present the faction in the best light. I know the stigma associated with Reapers. People think we kill, sink and steal indiscriminately and without reason. However, I believe we're simply the opposite side of the same coin. We all wish to live the pirate's life – it's just our visions of what that might be and how we should attain it that differ.

I like to recruit by educating, seeking to crush stereotypes, showing other pirates – new and old – how exhilarating it can be to follow your own passion in the name of true piracy! And, you know... charm, wit and intimidation always play their part.

[Q]: Thinking back, are there any standout moments for you in Sea of Thieves since you started playing?

[A]: Burning away my flesh? Helping my son reach his goal of doing the same before his 12th birthday? Forming some of my closest friendships? Decorating the Hideout with my crew to celebrate a wonderful year together? My Discord community events? Defeating the Shrouded Ghost? In the Shroud? Right outside my home? Becoming unfeasibly glorious? Six #SoTShot wins? One with a favorite photo of Junior and myself? On my birthday, even? His wish to me? It'd be impossible to list everything!

Mel and her crew decorated The Reaper’s Hideout to mark one year of sailing together.

[Q]: What are your favourite recent additions to Sea of Thieves?

[A]: I love how Season 11 shook up the sandbox and provided Reapers with an efficient way to hunt, allowing us to quickly hop servers with our supplies and flags. Servers feel so much more alive now with Emissaries frequently entering and engaging with the world and each other.

However, my favorite addition of all has to be my son! My little man, my tiny prince, Junior Jr. Having him alongside me on my travels is like bringing a piece of home with me everywhere I go. He's already proving himself a menace on the waves and growing a bit of his own following as well! I never expected I'd become so attached to an owl, but once he was given his name, I knew what I had to do. It's been an absolute joy telling parts of my story through his eyes.

A feathered friend is a friend indeed.

[Q]: What are your greatest achievements in a game, Sea of Thieves or otherwise?

[A]: Becoming... canon? Is that what you call it? It still feels so surreal.

The love and support I've received from all over, from friends, foes, and strangers alike, all the way up to the social media and development teams. To know they noticed and cared. And that most heartfelt, unexpected gift from Junior. "...And as always, may the Flame burn!" His words will burn in my heart for all eternity.

I put myself out there in a very vulnerable way, my heart and soul laid bare with every word, every picture I share. Knowing I've left a mark by simply being myself, and the acceptance and validation I've received – that's the greatest achievement I could have ever hoped for.

[Q]: If you had to choose a pirate and ship name, what would they be?

[A]: The Servant's Flame, my flagship Galleon, a representation of my love for Junior and thus a combination of the two of us, elegant and deadly.

The Ashen Princess, my Brigantine and newest ship, whose name was bestowed upon her by a highly regarded secret Servant who answered my call as I sought a name that fit both official and personal lore.

Liberdade, my Sloop, named to honor my love's past, her name meaning 'freedom' in Portuguese.

For myself, I wanted something that sounded natural within the world. Mel is my real name, and since I live my life unbound by rules and convention, following only the will of my heart, Mutinous seemed like the perfect fit. Thus, Mutinous Mel, the Servant's Flame and Princess of Ashes was born.

A girl and her boat! Mel’s Galleon, the Servant’s Flame, is both elegant and deadly.

[Q]: What kind of other hobbies do you enjoy outside of gaming?

[A]: As I mentioned previously, writing and drawing, both of which I've incorporated into my love of Sea of Thieves. Though I'm not nearly as confident in my childlike doodles as I am in my written word, so I keep those mostly to myself.

[Q]: Share a fun fact about yourself. Anything is fair game!

[A]: I was bored one summer near the end of university while studying chemistry and mathematics and decided to teach myself German. Ended up travelling abroad, alone, to live and study in the country. The experience changed the trajectory of my life forever, and if not for time and pesky adult responsibilities holding me back, I'd love to do something so spontaneous again!

Thanks to Mel for talking to us today! We wish her all the best on that journey to recruit everyone to the Reapers' cause as she takes on the Pirate Lord and spreads the word of the Servant of the Flame, and we're sure she’s already getting up to many more adventures aboard the Burning Blade since its arrival in Season 13.

If you can’t wait to hear more from our community, you can check out our previous Community, Creator and Legend Spotlights. Or to see what else our players have been up to and some of the wonderful creations they’ve been making recently, head over to our Community Hub. Until next time!