Rainbow Flag

  • @longingfern4785 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @ox62656e sagte in Rainbow Flag:

    @longingfern4785 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @ox62656e sagte in Rainbow Flag:

    @symbiosis519 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    @symbiosis519 said in Rainbow Flag:

    @nwo-azcrack So much for tolerant, Right? We have to be tolerant of their beliefs, but they can s**t all over ours. Funny how that works. And hence why the flag and what it stands for is a joke! They can ban me for speaking my mind and about my beliefs, I just don't give a damn anymore.

    You have no idea what you're talking about!

    No one should have to TOLERATE homophobia, xenophobia, racism and sexism.

    Your stance is utter nonsense and is frankly not needed in these forums or this game.

    See! Yes they should! Its someone's beliefs!

    log off and take your bad takes with you

    Nice example of "tolerance". Someone is not agreeing with you? This is were your tolerance ends.

    Damn right I have no tolerance for homophobia, xenophobia, racism and sexism. Bigots walk the plank.

    I have some xenophobia. The other points are not fitting to me.
    My xenophobia are because of a single traumatic event in my childhood. I did not chose this event. I wish you could accept my fears and not threaten to kill me for it.

    Only you can overcome your personal failures. Stop expecting others to accept them. There's still time before the mutiny comes.

  • @gloog said in Rainbow Flag:

    @genuine-heather said in Rainbow Flag:

    @endosku11 said in Rainbow Flag:

    What they are saying and many of you don't seem to grasp.

    Is it's a pirate game where we go to play pirates.

    RARE put a statement out that made the flag have official meaning in the forums - a beautiful flag that could have just been added without commentary.

    Instead RARE did what they did in a pirate fantasy game - where half the player base is immature and now it gives those idiots the green light to say c**p on these forums (yeah yeah ban them lock them as you will - but it's still going to keep going).

    And in the game, you're going to have slurs and idiots being worse than the legendary pirates jumping around with no shirt on.

    AND RARE with their great implementation of missing features does not even have a report player button within the game.

    That's what we're saying - RARE brought the prejudice out into the forums and game. It's not about tolerance or accepting xyz - it's that some people are idiots and we all play together - now the idiots can be more of themselves in the game with no policing (as they do here on the forums)

    Didn't need this added to the game with a statement - could have just added some freaking flags and called it a day - instead, official statement brought out the ignorance.

    @mmountain said in Rainbow Flag:

    @longingfern4785 said in Rainbow Flag:

    Why are certain minorities so self-centered? I mean, almost all arguments against those flag where "Don't put RL stuff in games", but certain minorites just read "We want no certain minority in our game!".


    So if instead, when I created a pirate - I could chose Weight, Height, Skin Colour, Gender and Sexuality - that you'd be fine with...

    It's only the flag you object to?

    So, it’s not the flag you object to, it’s Rare’s statement of support for diversity, inclusiveness, and tolerance?

    @genuine-heather Simply put, its drawing lines in the sand where lines don't belong. Will we get a religious tolerance flag? No. Why? Will we get a flag to shun systemic racism? No. Why?

    P.S. the rainbow flag does not represent a totality of, "diversity, inclusiveness, and tolerance." Its specifically a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements.

    Actually you are so blatantly wrong.
    The rainbow flag exactly represents a totality of diversity, inclusiveness and tolerance.

    Because of what it symbolises it is used by the LGBTQ community.

  • @evasive-envy In 1974, Baker met Harvey Milk, an influential gay leader, who three years later challenged Baker to come up with a symbol of pride for the gay community.

  • @gloog said in Rainbow Flag:

    @evasive-envy In 1974, Baker met Harvey Milk, an influential gay leader, who three years later challenged Baker to come up with a symbol of pride for the gay community.

    Correct. And that flag represents a totality of diversity, inclusiveness and tolerance. That's something the community takes pride in. The LGBTQ community use it because of what it represents. Heterosexual people use it because of what it stands for. Just because it is used by the LGBTQ community does not grant exclusive ownership to that community or it's movements.

  • @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    My my, are we still complaining about this flag? This is ludicrous!

    The flag doesn't add any more politics to the game than using guns, killing people and getting drunk does. Can we please move on from the null and void argument that it adds politics to the game. If you look hard enough you can find politics embedded in everything.

    RARE are not required to stay neutral on anything whether you like it or not. They can choose to make a statement or they can choose not to. If you don't accept it don't fly the flag or stop playing.

    Wrap it in white light and move on please.

    Rare doesn't have to, no.

    These boards though, have rules. Rules that apply to ALL.

    While there are tidbits of discussion going on between both sides, the more vocal of both sides are using sweeping derogatory language towards each other. A lot of the moderation though coming out is more towards one side than another. I imagine that's because one side is reporting more than the other but who knows.

    Look at the comic posted just earlier. Is that strip forum accepted in its content? relevant to the "discussion" yes, but is that what should be allowed on these boards if the Moderators are doing their jobs (that they volunteer to do) and enforcing the rules?

    If the Moderators are busy (look at these forums since yesterday, we know they are!) should BOTH sides be policing up their people and saying "knock this kind of stuff off, and bring this topic back under control and not stoop to that low level?"

    Let's be truthful here. This forum is NOT going to bring an end to the world-wide debate of inclusion and diversity. Not even close. People will always have opinions and beliefs that vary. This will never change.

    There are people here that are excited they are represented and supported by a game they love, as they should be. There are people here that aren't and feel slighted over this, and not knowing if they will get the same treatment at some point. None of this matters really as what's done is done.

    What really matters in this topic and other topics that keep being brought up is that BOTH sides reign in the derogatory comments towards each side. If one side continues, just let them continue and flag their posts. They will get their bans. If the side your a supporter of continues, stand up and flag that as well and call them out.

    Let's try to clean up the gutter these boards have fallen into over something so small as a flag and get them back on the other, game-related topics, that drive the games direction for Rare, from its fans.

  • @confessedyeti14 I can agree with most of what you said, especially towards the end.

    However, the moderation these threads have been receiving has been completely appropriate and we need to look at why people on 'one side' are being moderated more often.

    RARE and the moderators are sending a clear message out to the community and, I would argue, that they are wanting or even encouraging healthy discussions around this. Hence, why not all posts have been locked (at least up until this point).

  • @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    @gloog said in Rainbow Flag:

    @evasive-envy In 1974, Baker met Harvey Milk, an influential gay leader, who three years later challenged Baker to come up with a symbol of pride for the gay community.

    Just because it is used by the LGBTQ community does not grant exclusive ownership to that community or it's movements.

    I never said it does...

    I'm glad we came to the agreement that the rainbow flag represents the gay community though as it operates specifically as a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements.

  • @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    The rainbow flag exactly represents a totality of diversity, inclusiveness and tolerance.

    Because of what it symbolises it is used by the LGBTQ community.

    Can you show me an example, please, of what other (for want of a better word) groups - use the rainbow flag OTHER than the LGBTQ group?

    Perhaps it is not only used by LGBTQ, but that is the most well known group who do use it. Because of media coverage of LGBTQ causes, the Rainbow flag is mostly associated with them, and there is no denying that.

  • @myrm No cause hes just causing fuss for the sake of it.

  • @gloog @Myrm Yes I can agree with that. I'm just pointing out that objectively a rainbow flag has been used throughout history for various humanitarian movements.

    Rainbows and rainbow flags carry significance outside the LGBT community. The rainbow is an important symbol in the Bible, representing a promise of peace from God to Noah, and some Christian groups have used that symbol in their iconography. Hippies sometimes used a rainbow flag when marching for peace in the 1960s and 1970s, which may have helped inspire Baker’s design as you mentioned.

    The rainbow flag used by the LGBTQ community has colours that each represent an aspect such as sex, nature (I can't remember them all).

    The overall themes here being 'peace' and in a sense then tolerance and inclusivity.

    The reason I say all this is because RARE made two statements. One about the LGBTQ movement and one about overall acceptance, tolerance, diversity and inclusivity.

    Both statements apply and both hold true regarding the rainbow flag. People are seeming to focus on just the former statement and not also the latter to formulate their arguments.

  • @gloog said in Rainbow Flag:

    @myrm No cause hes just causing fuss for the sake of it.

    If that's what you believe then there's no need to continue this conversation. It's a shame because I often agree with you and thought you could see when healthy discussion was occurring.

  • @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    @gloog said in Rainbow Flag:

    @myrm No cause hes just causing fuss for the sake of it.

    If that's what you believe then there's no need to continue this conversation. It's a shame because I often agree with you and thought you could see when healthy discussion was occurring.

    It is occurring.

    On another note, the flag was inspired by the five-striped “Flag of the Races” (red, black, brown, yellow and white). The colors representing aspects has also been done away with.

    Back to my main point, its amazing to be able to support a group and thats what flying the rainbow flag does. It is equally(?) amazing to play a pirate game, where everyone is just.. well, pirates.

    The problem of having a cosmetic that has deep rooted meaning, mind you a game specifically about representing yourself with cosmetics, is that it, as I said before, draws lines in the sand that do not need to be drawn.

    The point I was making when I say, "the rainbow flag does not represent a totality of equality," is that RARE paired the flag with Article I of the Pirate Code. This means that RARE either:
    A. Supports all non-controversial causes that further equality.
    B. I$ not being $uper genuine with it$ di$play of $upport.

    This leads me to believe that all people deserve to represent themselves in the Sea of Thieves. Sadly, I doubt they ever will because RARE was not being genuine.

    Edit: I've seen the rebuttal 'well RARE doesn't need to support all groups if it only supported just one'. I would tend to agree, if the entire game was not backed by representing yourself with cosmetics.

  • @gloog Thanks for your reply. I believe those lines do need to be drawn and drawn as often as possible. I'm proud of RARE for sending a positive message and hope other game developers do the same. We see this differently unfortunately.

    I see the flag as applying to all since it represents equality, inclusivity tolerance etc. That's the point I tried to make in my previous post. Yes, it is also a LGBTQ flag but not exclusively and especially with regards to what it stands for. Hence, why RARE released two different statements.

    The origins of the flag are actually arguable and there is contention between groups so I won't say anymore on that. Personally, I hope to see more of this in all games and that's where we can agree to disagree.

    Cheers and happy sailing!

    And remember, even though we disagree I respect you!

  • @evasive-envy said in Rainbow Flag:

    @gloog Thanks for your reply. I believe those lines do need to be drawn and drawn as often as possible. I'm proud of RARE for sending a positive message and hope other game developers do the same. We see this differently unfortunately.

    I don't know how you see this move as genuine. They will not back any other topics. I will swear on that and if they do, which I believe they must do, then I will eat my hat.

    I'm fine with lines so long as you plan on continuing to draw them, but RARE will most definitely stop at the safest line and that is gay pride.

  • @apocacide said in Rainbow Flag:

    @kufliclicks gonna have to report that one for vulgarity, it's equality, i'm sure you understand right? yeah right

    "die mad about it"

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